AP United States History FRQ Room

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AP United States History Free Response Questions

The best way to get better at FRQs is practice. Browse through dozens of practice AP $AP United States History FRQs to get ready for the big day.

  • View all (250)
  • Unit 1: Period 1: 1491–1607 (29)
  • Unit 2: Period 2: 1607–1754 (27)
  • Unit 3: Period 3: 1754–1800 (31)
  • Unit 4: Period 4: 1800–1848 (28)
  • Unit 5: Period 5: 1844–1877 (27)
  • Unit 6: Period 6: 1865–1898 (26)
  • Unit 7: Period 7: 1890–1945 (30)
  • Unit 8: Period 8: 1945–1980 (26)
  • Unit 9: Period 9: 1980–Present (26)
Unit 1: Period 1: 1491–1607

DBQ: Causation - The Impact of European Exploration and Colonization

Evaluate the extent to which European exploration and colonization of the Americas in the period 149


LEQ: Causation - The Columbian Exchange

Evaluate the extent to which the Columbian Exchange affected Native American societies in the period


LEQ: Causation - The Impact of Slavery in the Americas

Evaluate the extent to which the introduction of African slavery affected the societies and economie


LEQ: Causation - The Impact of the Encomienda System

Evaluate the extent to which the encomienda system affected the social and economic structures of in


LEQ: Changes in History - European Religious Influence

Evaluate the extent to which European religious practices and beliefs changed in response to interac


LEQ: Changes in History - The Role of Technology in Exploration

Evaluate the extent to which advancements in navigation and shipbuilding technology changed European


LEQ: Changes in History - The Transformation of Labor Systems

Evaluate the extent to which labor systems in the American colonies changed in response to the intro


LEQ: Relative Causes - European Exploration

Evaluate the relative importance of technological advancements and religious motivations in the Euro


LEQ: Relative Causes - Native American and European Interactions

Evaluate the relative importance of disease, military conquest, and religious conversion in the Euro


LEQ: Relative Causes - The Impact of the Columbian Exchange

Evaluate the relative importance of the introduction of new crops and livestock, the exchange of dis


LEQ: Relative Causes - The Spread of Slavery in the Americas

Evaluate the relative importance of economic demand for labor, European racial attitudes, and indige


SAQ: Cause and Effect - European Competition

Answer the following AP US History Short Answer Question


SAQ: Continuity and Change - Columbus's Arrival

Analyze the impacts of Columbus's arrival in the Americas in 1492.


SAQ: Continuity and Change - Jamestown and Tobacco

Analyze the significance of tobacco cultivation in the survival and expansion of Jamestown.


SAQ: Continuity and Change - The Columbian Exchange

Analyze the impacts of the Columbian Exchange on global societies and economies.


SAQ: Continuity and Change (No Stimulus) - Cultural Interactions

Answer the following AP US History Short Answer Question about Cultural Interactions between Europea


SAQ: Continuity and Change (No Stimulus) - European Encounters

Answer the following AP US History Short Answer Question about European Encounters in the Americas d


SAQ: Continuity and Change (No Stimulus) - Labor, Slavery, and Caste

Answer the following AP US History Short Answer Question about Labor, Slavery, and Caste in the Span


SAQ: Continuity and Change (No Stimulus) - Native American Societies

Answer the following AP US History Short Answer Question about Native American Societies before Euro


SAQ: Continuity and Change (No Stimulus) - The Columbian Exchange

Answer the following AP US History Short Answer Question about the Columbian Exchange during the per


SAQ: Historians Disagree - Pre-Columbian Societal Complexity

Answer the following AP US History Short Answer Question


SAQ: Primary Source - Account by Bartolomé de las Casas

Answer the following AP US History Short Answer Question


SAQ: Primary Source - Columbus' First Impressions

Answer the following AP US History Short Answer Question


SAQ: Primary Source - Hernando de Soto's Exploration

Answer the following AP US History Short Answer Question


SAQ: Primary Source - John Smith's Exploration

Answer the following AP US History Short Answer Question


SAQ: Primary Source - The Mayflower Compact

Answer the following AP US History Short Answer Question


SAQ: Similarity and Difference - European Encounters

Answer the following AP US History Short Answer Question


SAQ: Similarity and Difference - Labor Systems in the New World

Answer the following AP US History Short Answer Question


SAQ: Similarity and Difference - Native American and European Views of Land

Answer the following AP US History Short Answer Question

Unit 2: Period 2: 1607–1754

DBQ: Causation - Economic Policies and Colonial Resistance

Evaluate the extent to which British economic policies in the period 1651–1754 led to resistance in


DBQ: Changes in History - Colonial Resistance and British Trade Policies

Evaluate the extent to which British trade policies affected colonial resistance in the period 1650–


LEQ: Causation - Impact of Salutary Neglect

Evaluate the extent to which the policy of salutary neglect affected colonial autonomy in the period


LEQ: Causation - Navigation Acts

Evaluate the extent to which the Navigation Acts affected the economic development of the British No


LEQ: Causation - Salem Witch Trials

Evaluate the extent to which the Salem Witch Trials affected the social and religious landscape of N


LEQ: Causation - The Great Awakening

Evaluate the extent to which the First Great Awakening affected the colonial identity in the period


LEQ: Changes in History - Colonial Autonomy and British Control

Evaluate the extent to which colonial autonomy in the British American colonies changed in response


LEQ: Changes in History - Slavery in the Colonies

Evaluate the extent to which the institution of slavery changed in the British American colonies in


LEQ: Relative Causes - The Development of Autonomy in the American Colonies

Evaluate the relative importance of causes of the development of autonomy in the American colonies i


LEQ: Relative Causes - The First Great Awakening

Evaluate the relative importance of causes of the First Great Awakening in the American colonies in


LEQ: Relative Causes - The Growth of Slavery in the American Colonies

Evaluate the relative importance of causes of the growth of slavery in the American colonies in the


LEQ: Relative Causes - The Salem Witch Trials

Evaluate the relative importance of causes of the Salem Witch Trials in the period 1692.


SAQ: Cause and Effect - Halfway Covenant

Answer the following AP US History Short Answer Question


SAQ: Cause and Effect - Navigation Acts

Answer the following AP US History Short Answer Question


SAQ: Continuity and Change - Colonial Population Growth

Answer the following AP US History Short Answer Question


SAQ: Continuity and Change - Mercantilism and Colonial Trade

Answer the following AP US History Short Answer Question


SAQ: Continuity and Change - The Stono Uprising

Answer the following AP US History Short Answer Question


SAQ: Continuity and Change (No Stimulus) - British Economic Policies and Colonial Response

Answer the following AP US History Short Answer Question


SAQ: Continuity and Change (No Stimulus) - Colonial Government Structures

Answer the following AP US History Short Answer Question


SAQ: Continuity and Change (No Stimulus) - Colonial Rebellions

Answer the following AP US History Short Answer Question


SAQ: Historians Disagree - Puritan Motivations

Answer the following AP US History Short Answer Question


SAQ: Historians Disagree - The Navigation Acts

Answer the following AP US History Short Answer Question


SAQ: Primary Source - John Adams on Independence

Answer the following AP US History Short Answer Question


SAQ: Similarity and Difference - Colonial Autonomy and British Control

Answer the following AP US History Short Answer Question


SAQ: Similarity and Difference - Colonial Education and Enlightenment Influence

Answer the following AP US History Short Answer Question


SAQ: Similarity and Difference - Colonial Rebellions

Answer the following AP US History Short Answer Question


SAQ: Similarity and Difference - Puritan Immigration and Regional Development

Answer the following AP US History Short Answer Question

Unit 3: Period 3: 1754–1800

DBQ: Causation - Colonial Resistance and the Path to Independence

Evaluate the extent to which British economic policies following the Seven Years' War led to the Ame


DBQ: Changes in History - The Path to American Independence

Evaluate the extent to which the Seven Years' War (French and Indian War) affected the relationship


DBQ: Relative Causes - Road to the American Revolution

Evaluate the relative importance of causes of the American Revolution in the period 1763–1776.


LEQ: Causation - The Effect of the Articles of Confederation on the Development of the U.S. Constitution

Evaluate the extent to which the Articles of Confederation affected the development and ratification


LEQ: Causation - The Impact of Republican Motherhood

Evaluate the extent to which the concept of Republican Motherhood affected the role of women in Amer


LEQ: Causation - The Impact of the Seven Years' War on Colonial-British Relations

Evaluate the extent to which the Seven Years' War (1754-1763) affected colonial-British relations in


LEQ: Causation - The Influence of the French Revolution on American Politics

Evaluate the extent to which the French Revolution influenced the political division in the United S


LEQ: Changes in History - The Articles of Confederation to the Constitution

Evaluate the extent to which the United States Constitution represented a change from the Articles o


LEQ: Changes in History - The Impact of the Seven Years' War on Colonial Relations

Evaluate the extent to which colonial relations with the British government changed in response to t


LEQ: Relative Causes - The Development of a New Government

Evaluate the relative importance of causes of the development of the United States Constitution in t


LEQ: Relative Causes - The Failure of the Articles of Confederation

Evaluate the relative importance of causes of the failure of the Articles of Confederation in the pe


LEQ: Relative Causes - The Formation of Political Parties

Evaluate the relative importance of causes of the formation of the first political parties in the Un


LEQ: Relative Causes - The Shift in Colonial Attitudes

Evaluate the relative importance of causes of the shift in colonial attitudes towards Britain betwee


SAQ: Cause and Effect - Lexington and Concord

Answer the following AP US History Short Answer Question


SAQ: Cause and Effect - The Articles of Confederation

Answer the following AP US History Short Answer Question


SAQ: Cause and Effect - The Stamp Act

Answer the following AP US History Short Answer Question


SAQ: Continuity and Change - Taxation and Colonial Resistance

Answer the following AP US History Short Answer Question


SAQ: Continuity and Change - The Constitutional Convention

Answer the following AP US History Short Answer Question


SAQ: Continuity and Change - The Stamp Act

Answer the following AP US History Short Answer Question


SAQ: Continuity and Change (No Stimulus) - Taxation without Representation

Answer the following AP US History Short Answer Question


SAQ: Continuity and Change (No Stimulus) - The Declaration of Independence

Answer the following AP US History Short Answer Question


SAQ: Historians Disagree - The Seven Years' War

Answer the following AP US History Short Answer Question


SAQ: Historians Disagree - The Stamp Act

Answer the following AP US History Short Answer Question


SAQ: Primary Source - The Articles of Confederation

Answer the following AP US History Short Answer Question


SAQ: Primary Source - The Constitution of the United States

Answer the following AP US History Short Answer Question


SAQ: Primary Source - The Stamp Act

Answer the following AP US History Short Answer Question


SAQ: Similarity and Difference - Alien and Sedition Acts and the Patriot Act

Answer the following AP US History Short Answer Question


SAQ: Similarity and Difference - Articles of Confederation and the Constitution

Answer the following AP US History Short Answer Question


SAQ: Similarity and Difference - Federalists and Democratic-Republicans

Answer the following AP US History Short Answer Question


SAQ: Similarity and Difference - Stamp Act and Townshend Acts

Answer the following AP US History Short Answer Question


SAQ: Similarity and Difference - The Seven Years' War and the French Revolution

Answer the following AP US History Short Answer Question

Unit 4: Period 4: 1800–1848

DBQ: Relative Causes - The Louisiana Purchase

Evaluate the relative importance of causes of the Louisiana Purchase in the period 1800–1804.


LEQ: Causation - Jacksonian Democracy

Evaluate the extent to which Jacksonian Democracy affected social and political reforms in the Unite


LEQ: Causation - The Louisiana Purchase

Evaluate the extent to which the Louisiana Purchase affected territorial expansion and national poli


LEQ: Causation - The Missouri Compromise

Evaluate the extent to which the Missouri Compromise affected the sectional tensions between the Nor


LEQ: Causation - The Revolution of 1800

Evaluate the extent to which the 'Revolution of 1800' affected political party dynamics in the Unite


LEQ: Changes in History - Jacksonian Democracy

Evaluate the extent to which Jacksonian democracy changed the political landscape of the United Stat


LEQ: Changes in History - The Missouri Compromise

Evaluate the extent to which the Missouri Compromise changed the debate over slavery in the United S


LEQ: Relative Causes - Jacksonian Democracy

Evaluate the relative importance of causes of the rise of Jacksonian Democracy in the period 1800–18


LEQ: Relative Causes - Louisiana Purchase

Evaluate the relative importance of causes of the Louisiana Purchase in the period 1800–1848.


LEQ: Relative Causes - War of 1812

Evaluate the relative importance of causes of the War of 1812 in the period 1800–1848.


SAQ: Cause and Effect - The Indian Removal Act

Answer the following AP US History Short Answer Question


SAQ: Cause and Effect - The Monroe Doctrine

Answer the following AP US History Short Answer Question


SAQ: Cause and Effect - The War of 1812

Answer the following AP US History Short Answer Question


SAQ: Continuity and Change - The Louisiana Purchase

Answer the following AP US History Short Answer Question


SAQ: Continuity and Change - The Missouri Compromise

Answer the following AP US History Short Answer Question


SAQ: Continuity and Change - The Monroe Doctrine

Answer the following AP US History Short Answer Question


SAQ: Continuity and Change - The War of 1812

Answer the following AP US History Short Answer Question


SAQ: Continuity and Change (No Stimulus) - Economic Developments

Answer the following AP US History Short Answer Question


SAQ: Continuity and Change (No Stimulus) - Jacksonian Democracy

Answer the following AP US History Short Answer Question


SAQ: Continuity and Change (No Stimulus) - Jefferson's Policies

Answer the following AP US History Short Answer Question


SAQ: Continuity and Change (No Stimulus) - Slavery and Abolition

Answer the following AP US History Short Answer Question


SAQ: Continuity and Change (No Stimulus) - War of 1812

Answer the following AP US History Short Answer Question


SAQ: Historians Disagree - Jefferson and the Louisiana Purchase

Answer the following AP US History Short Answer Question


SAQ: Historians Disagree - The Missouri Compromise

Answer the following AP US History Short Answer Question


SAQ: Historians Disagree - The War of 1812

Answer the following AP US History Short Answer Question


SAQ: Similarity and Difference - Federalists and Whigs

Answer the following AP US History Short Answer Question


SAQ: Similarity and Difference - Jeffersonian Republicans and Jacksonian Democrats

Answer the following AP US History Short Answer Question


SAQ: Similarity and Difference - War of 1812 and Mexican-American War

Answer the following AP US History Short Answer Question

Unit 5: Period 5: 1844–1877

DBQ: Causation - The Road to Civil War

Evaluate the extent to which the debate over the expansion of slavery contributed to the onset of th


DBQ: Changes in History - The Path to the Civil War

Evaluate the extent to which the annexation of Texas and the Oregon Treaty affected the sectional te


LEQ: Causation - The Civil War's Impact on Federal Power

Evaluate the extent to which the Civil War affected the balance of power between the federal governm


LEQ: Causation - The Emancipation Proclamation

Evaluate the extent to which the Emancipation Proclamation affected the course of the Civil War and


LEQ: Causation - The Kansas-Nebraska Act

Evaluate the extent to which the Kansas-Nebraska Act affected the political realignment in the Unite


LEQ: Changes in History - Reconstruction's Impact on African American Rights

Evaluate the extent to which the rights of African Americans changed as a result of Reconstruction i


LEQ: Changes in History - The Impact of the Mexican-American War on Slavery Debates

Evaluate the extent to which the debates over slavery changed in response to the Mexican-American Wa


LEQ: Changes in History - The Role of Women during the Civil War and Reconstruction

Evaluate the extent to which the role of women in society changed as a result of the Civil War and R


LEQ: Changes in History - The Transformation of the American Economy Post-Civil War

Evaluate the extent to which the American economy transformed in response to the Civil War and Recon


LEQ: Relative Causes - Reconstruction

Evaluate the relative importance of political, economic, and social factors in shaping the outcomes


LEQ: Relative Causes - The Civil War

Evaluate the relative importance of political, economic, and social causes of the Civil War in the p


LEQ: Relative Causes - The Compromise of 1850

Evaluate the relative importance of political compromises, economic changes, and social movements in


SAQ: Cause and Effect - End of the Civil War

Answer the following AP US History Short Answer Question


SAQ: Cause and Effect - Lincoln's House Divided Speech

Answer the following AP US History Short Answer Question


SAQ: Cause and Effect - Lincoln's Letter to Greeley

Answer the following AP US History Short Answer Question


SAQ: Continuity and Change - American Principles

Answer the following AP US History Short Answer Question


SAQ: Continuity and Change - Kansas-Nebraska Act

Answer the following AP US History Short Answer Question


SAQ: Continuity and Change - Reconstruction Era

Answer the following AP US History Short Answer Question


SAQ: Continuity and Change (No Stimulus) - Civil War Battles

Answer the following AP US History Short Answer Question


SAQ: Continuity and Change (No Stimulus) - Political Parties and Ideologies

Answer the following AP US History Short Answer Question


SAQ: Primary Source - Calhoun's Exposition and Protest

Answer the following AP US History Short Answer Question


SAQ: Primary Source - Grant's Veto of the Civil Rights Bill

Answer the following AP US History Short Answer Question


SAQ: Primary Source - Lincoln's 'House Divided' Speech

Answer the following AP US History Short Answer Question


SAQ: Primary Source - Morse's Anti-Catholic Sentiment

Answer the following AP US History Short Answer Question


SAQ: Primary Source - The Gettysburg Address

Answer the following AP US History Short Answer Question


SAQ: Similarity and Difference - Economic Changes North and South

Answer the following AP US History Short Answer Question


SAQ: Similarity and Difference - The Compromise of 1850 and Kansas-Nebraska Act

Answer the following AP US History Short Answer Question

Unit 6: Period 6: 1865–1898

DBQ: Causation - The Age of Invention and Labor Movements

Evaluate the extent to which technological advancements and industrialization led to the development


DBQ: Relative Causes - The Age of Invention and Economic Growth

Evaluate the relative importance of technological innovation and labor movements in shaping the econ


LEQ: Causation - The Effects of Imperialism

Evaluate the extent to which American imperialism in the late 19th century affected international re


LEQ: Causation - The Effects of Jim Crow Laws

Evaluate the extent to which Jim Crow laws affected African American communities in the South during


LEQ: Causation - The Impact of the Populist Movement

Evaluate the extent to which the Populist movement of the late 19th century affected American politi


LEQ: Causation - The Role of Labor Unions

Evaluate the extent to which labor unions in the late 19th century affected workers' rights and labo


LEQ: Changes in History - Populist Movement

Evaluate the extent to which the Populist movement changed American politics and society in the peri


LEQ: Relative Causes - Industrialization and Urbanization

Evaluate the relative importance of technological innovation versus social and economic factors in t


LEQ: Relative Causes - Jim Crow Laws

Evaluate the relative importance of Supreme Court decisions versus local and state political actions


LEQ: Relative Causes - Labor Movements

Evaluate the relative importance of economic conditions versus labor union strategies in shaping the


SAQ: Cause and Effect - Populist Movement

Answer the following AP US History Short Answer Question


SAQ: Continuity and Change - California Gold Rush

Answer the following AP US History Short Answer Question


SAQ: Continuity and Change - Industrialization

Answer the following AP US History Short Answer Question


SAQ: Continuity and Change - Reconstruction Era

Answer the following AP US History Short Answer Question


SAQ: Continuity and Change - Sherman Antitrust Act

Answer the following AP US History Short Answer Question


SAQ: Continuity and Change - The Gettysburg Address

Answer the following AP US History Short Answer Question


SAQ: Continuity and Change (No Stimulus) - American Imperialism

Answer the following AP US History Short Answer Question


SAQ: Continuity and Change (No Stimulus) - Jim Crow Laws

Answer the following AP US History Short Answer Question


SAQ: Historians Disagree - Industrialization's Impact

Answer the following AP US History Short Answer Question


SAQ: Primary Source - Declaration of Independence

Answer the following AP US History Short Answer Question


SAQ: Primary Source - Edison and the Age of Invention

Answer the following AP US History Short Answer Question


SAQ: Similarity and Difference - Booker T. Washington vs. W.E.B. Du Bois

Answer the following AP US History Short Answer Question


SAQ: Similarity and Difference - Industrialization and Labor Unions

Answer the following AP US History Short Answer Question


SAQ: Similarity and Difference - Industrialization's Impact on Urban and Rural Life

Answer the following AP US History Short Answer Question


SAQ: Similarity and Difference - Populist Movement and Grange Movement

Answer the following AP US History Short Answer Question


SAQ: Similarity and Difference - Tariffs

Answer the following AP US History Short Answer Question

Unit 7: Period 7: 1890–1945

DBQ: Causation - The Progressive Era's Impact

Evaluate the extent to which the Progressive Era (1900-1920) led to significant social and political


DBQ: Relative Causes - The Transformation of American Society and Government (1900-1938)

Evaluate the relative importance of causes of the transformation of American society and government


LEQ: Causation - The Effects of World War II on American Society

Evaluate the extent to which World War II affected American society in the period 1941–1945.


LEQ: Causation - The Great Depression's Impact on American Society

Evaluate the extent to which the Great Depression affected American society in the period 1929–1941.


LEQ: Causation - The Impact of Progressive Era Reforms

Evaluate the extent to which the Progressive Era reforms affected American society in the period 190


LEQ: Causation - The Role of US Foreign Policy in WWI

Evaluate the extent to which United States foreign policy contributed to the nation's entry into Wor


LEQ: Changes in History - American Isolationism

Evaluate the extent to which American foreign policy maintained its isolationist stance from the end


LEQ: Changes in History - Progressive Era Reforms

Evaluate the extent to which the role of the federal government in regulating economic activity chan


LEQ: Relative Causes - The Great Depression

Evaluate the relative importance of causes of the Great Depression in the period 1929–1933.


LEQ: Relative Causes - The New Deal

Evaluate the relative importance of causes of the implementation of the New Deal in the period 1933–


LEQ: Relative Causes - U.S. Entry into World War I

Evaluate the relative importance of causes of the United States' entry into World War I in the perio


LEQ: Relative Causes - U.S. Foreign Policy Shifts Pre-WWII

Evaluate the relative importance of causes of shifts in United States foreign policy in the period 1


SAQ: Cause and Effect - Coolidge's Business Philosophy

Answer the following AP US History Short Answer Question


SAQ: Cause and Effect - FDR's Good Neighbor Policy

Answer the following AP US History Short Answer Question


SAQ: Cause and Effect - Wilson's Call for WWI

Answer the following AP US History Short Answer Question


SAQ: Continuity and Change - 1920s Business Culture

Answer the following AP US History Short Answer Question


SAQ: Continuity and Change - The New Deal

Answer the following AP US History Short Answer Question


SAQ: Continuity and Change - U.S. Entry into WWI

Answer the following AP US History Short Answer Question


SAQ: Continuity and Change - US Entry into WWII

Answer the following AP US History Short Answer Question


SAQ: Continuity and Change (No Stimulus) - Civil Rights Movements

Answer the following AP US History Short Answer Question


SAQ: Continuity and Change (No Stimulus) - Progressive Era Reforms

Answer the following AP US History Short Answer Question


SAQ: Historians Disagree - The Impact of the New Deal

Answer the following AP US History Short Answer Question


SAQ: Historians Disagree - The Nature of Progressivism

Answer the following AP US History Short Answer Question


SAQ: Historians Disagree - The Open Door Policy

Answer the following AP US History Short Answer Question


SAQ: Historians Disagree - The Use of Atomic Bombs

Answer the following AP US History Short Answer Question


SAQ: Primary Source - FDR's Speech to Congress

Answer the following AP US History Short Answer Question


SAQ: Primary Source - The Declaration of Independence

Answer the following AP US History Short Answer Question


SAQ: Similarity and Difference - Espionage and Sedition Acts

Answer the following AP US History Short Answer Question


SAQ: Similarity and Difference - Progressive and Populist Movements

Answer the following AP US History Short Answer Question


SAQ: Similarity and Difference - Roosevelt, Taft, and Wilson's Presidencies

Answer the following AP US History Short Answer Question

Unit 8: Period 8: 1945–1980

DBQ: Changes in History - The Effectiveness of Civil Rights Legislation

Evaluate the extent to which civil rights legislation in the mid-1960s affected the progress of the


DBQ: Changes in History - The Impact of the Vietnam War on American Society

Evaluate the extent to which the Vietnam War affected American society and domestic policy in the pe


DBQ: Changes in History - The Impact of Truman's Policies on Cold War Dynamics

Evaluate the extent to which the Truman Doctrine and Marshall Plan affected the dynamics of the Cold


LEQ: Causation - Civil Rights Movements' Impact on Legislation

Evaluate the extent to which the Civil Rights Movement of the 1950s and 1960s affected civil rights


LEQ: Causation - The Effects of the Eisenhower Interstate System

Evaluate the extent to which the development of the Interstate Highway System under President Eisenh


LEQ: Causation - The Impact of the Marshall Plan on European Recovery

Evaluate the extent to which the Marshall Plan affected European economic recovery in the period 194


LEQ: Causation - Vietnam War's Impact on American Politics

Evaluate the extent to which the Vietnam War affected American politics in the period 1964–1975.


LEQ: Changes in History - The Impact of the Cold War on American Domestic Policy

Evaluate the extent to which American domestic policy changed in response to the Cold War in the per


LEQ: Changes in History - The Vietnam War's Impact on American Society

Evaluate the extent to which the Vietnam War changed American society in the period 1964–1980.


LEQ: Relative Causes - The Civil Rights Movement's Shift in Strategy

Evaluate the relative importance of causes of the shift in strategy within the Civil Rights Movement


SAQ: Cause and Effect - Eisenhower's Farewell Address

Answer the following AP US History Short Answer Question


SAQ: Cause and Effect - Opposition to the Vietnam War

Answer the following AP US History Short Answer Question


SAQ: Cause and Effect - The Civil Rights Act of 1964

Answer the following AP US History Short Answer Question


SAQ: Cause and Effect - The Truman Doctrine

Answer the following AP US History Short Answer Question


SAQ: Continuity and Change - Eisenhower's Farewell Address

Answer the following AP US History Short Answer Question


SAQ: Continuity and Change - JFK's Inaugural Address

Answer the following AP US History Short Answer Question


SAQ: Continuity and Change (No Stimulus) - McCarthyism

Answer the following AP US History Short Answer Question


SAQ: Continuity and Change (No Stimulus) - The Civil Rights Movement

Answer the following AP US History Short Answer Question


SAQ: Continuity and Change (No Stimulus) - Vietnam War

Answer the following AP US History Short Answer Question


SAQ: Historians Disagree - The 1950s

Answer the following AP US History Short Answer Question


SAQ: Historians Disagree - The Marshall Plan

Answer the following AP US History Short Answer Question


SAQ: Historians Disagree - The Rise of Conservatism

Answer the following AP US History Short Answer Question


SAQ: Primary Source - Eisenhower on the Armaments Industry

Answer the following AP US History Short Answer Question


SAQ: Similarity and Difference - Korean War and Vietnam War

Answer the following AP US History Short Answer Question


SAQ: Similarity and Difference - McCarthyism and Red Scare

Answer the following AP US History Short Answer Question


SAQ: Similarity and Difference - Truman Doctrine and Marshall Plan

Answer the following AP US History Short Answer Question

Unit 9: Period 9: 1980–Present

DBQ: Relative Causes - Reaganomics and its Impact

Evaluate the relative importance of causes of the economic changes in the United States in the perio


LEQ: Causation - The Rise of Conservatism

Evaluate the extent to which the rise of conservatism affected American politics and society in the


LEQ: Causation - The War on Terror

Evaluate the extent to which the War on Terror reshaped U.S. foreign policy and American society in


LEQ: Changes in History - Immigration and American Society

Evaluate the extent to which American society changed in response to the increase in immigration fro


LEQ: Changes in History - Reaganomics and Economic Inequality

Evaluate the extent to which economic inequality in the United States changed in response to Reagan'


LEQ: Relative Causes - Immigration and Demographic Changes

Evaluate the relative importance of causes of immigration and demographic changes in the United Stat


LEQ: Relative Causes - The 2008 Financial Crisis

Evaluate the relative importance of causes of the 2008 financial crisis in the period 1990–2008.


LEQ: Relative Causes - The Digital Revolution

Evaluate the relative importance of causes of the digital revolution and its impact on American soci


LEQ: Relative Causes - The End of the Cold War

Evaluate the relative importance of causes of the end of the Cold War in the period 1980–1991.


LEQ: Relative Causes - The Rise of Conservatism

Evaluate the relative importance of causes of the rise of conservatism in the period 1960–1980.


SAQ: Cause and Effect - Immigration Act of 1965

Answer the following AP US History Short Answer Question


SAQ: Cause and Effect - Reagan's Policies

Answer the following AP US History Short Answer Question


SAQ: Cause and Effect - Repeal of Glass-Steagall

Answer the following AP US History Short Answer Question


SAQ: Continuity and Change - Digital Revolution

Answer the following AP US History Short Answer Question


SAQ: Continuity and Change - Immigration Trends

Answer the following AP US History Short Answer Question


SAQ: Continuity and Change - Reagan's Vision of Government

Answer the following AP US History Short Answer Question


SAQ: Continuity and Change (No Stimulus) - Immigration Trends

Answer the following AP US History Short Answer Question


SAQ: Continuity and Change (No Stimulus) - U.S. Foreign Policy Post-Cold War

Answer the following AP US History Short Answer Question


SAQ: Historians Disagree - 2000 Presidential Election

Answer the following AP US History Short Answer Question


SAQ: Historians Disagree - Reaganomics

Answer the following AP US History Short Answer Question


SAQ: Primary Source - NAFTA

Answer the following AP US History Short Answer Question


SAQ: Primary Source - Reaganomics

Answer the following AP US History Short Answer Question


SAQ: Primary Source - War on Terror

Answer the following AP US History Short Answer Question


SAQ: Similarity and Difference - Digital Revolution under Clinton and Bush

Answer the following AP US History Short Answer Question


SAQ: Similarity and Difference - Immigration Policies from 1980 to 2000

Answer the following AP US History Short Answer Question


SAQ: Similarity and Difference - Urban Trends and Policies in the Late 20th Century

Answer the following AP US History Short Answer Question


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I used Knowt to study for my APUSH midterm and it saved my butt! The import from Quizlet feature helped a ton too. Slayed that test with an A!! 😻😻😻

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Where can I find practice free response questions for the AP United States History exam?
The free response section of each AP exam varies slightly, so you’ll definitely want to practice that before stepping into that exam room. Here are some free places to find practice FRQs :
  • Of course, make sure to run through College Board's past FRQ questions!
  • Once you’re done with those go through all the questions in the AP United States HistoryFree Response Room. You can answer the question and have it grade you against the rubric so you know exactly where to improve.
  • Reddit it also a great place to find AP free response questions that other students may have access to.
How do I practice for AP AP United States History Exam FRQs?
Once you’re done reviewing your study guides, find and bookmark all the free response questions you can find. The question above has some good places to look! while you’re going through them, simulate exam conditions by setting a timer that matches the time allowed on the actual exam. Time management is going to help you answer the FRQs on the real exam concisely when you’re in that time crunch.
What are some tips for AP United States History free response questions?
Before you start writing out your response, take a few minutes to outline the key points you want to make sure to touch on. This may seem like a waste of time, but it’s very helpful in making sure your response effectively addresses all the parts of the question. Once you do your practice free response questions, compare them to scoring guidelines and sample responses to identify areas for improvement. When you do the free response practice on the AP United States History Free Response Room, there’s an option to let it grade your response against the rubric and tell you exactly what you need to study more.
How do I answer AP United States History free-response questions?
Answering AP United States History free response questions the right way is all about practice! As you go through the AP AP United States History Free Response Room, treat it like a real exam and approach it this way so you stay calm during the actual exam. When you first see the question, take some time to process exactly what it’s asking. Make sure to also read through all the sub-parts in the question and re-read the main prompt, making sure to circle and underline any key information. This will help you allocate your time properly and also make sure you are hitting all the parts of the question. Before you answer each question, note down the key points you want to hit and evidence you want to use (where applicable). Once you have the skeleton of your response, writing it out will be quick, plus you won’t make any silly mistake in a rush and forget something important.