The perception that communism is taking over the US
Strikes- violent (nationwide)
Bombings- important people
“There is never a good time to strike against the public good.”-Gov. Calvin Coolidge
Discrimination vs. Southern/Eastern Europeans
Immigration Act of 1924
(National Origins Act)
2% of census from 1890
(based on nationality)
No Japanese
Bible Belt
Christian Fundamentalists
Outlaw evolution in public school
John T. Scopes- arrested for teaching evolution
Religion vs. Science
“Can evolution be taught in public schools?”
Clarence Darrow- defense
William J. Bryan- prosecuting
Darrow made Bryan look old and illogical
Scopes found guilty but receives just a fine
1st ever to fly solo over the Atlantic Ocean
Spirit of St. Louis
33 1/2 hours
Lucky Lindy’s/Lone Eagle
Makes the aviation industry more popular
Hope in American ingenuity
Challenge the manner/morals of the 20s
Short hair
From Jamaica
United Negro Improvement Assoc.
Back to Africa movement
Ethnic Pride
Mass migration
People felt alienated
They were restless
There was a feeling the war had wasted lives
H.L. Mencken- “The Bad Boy of Baltimore”
F. Scott Fitzgerald- “The Great Gatsby”
Ernest Hemmingway- “The Old Man and the Sea”, “The Sun also Rises”, “A Farewell to Arms”
Sinclair Lewis- “Babbit”
Robert Frost- “The Road not Taken”
Sec. of Treasury
Tax cuts for the rich
The worst scandal of the Harding Administration
Secretary of the Interior, Albert Fall, maneuvered to have two oil deposits put under the jurisdiction of the Dep. of the Interior
One of these was a reverse in Wyoming called Teapot Dome
Fall then leased these reserves to private companies and got large sums of money from them for doing it
Fall was convicted and finally sent to prison in 1929
Support modified laissez-faire
Using courts and gov. agencies to aid big business
Ohio Gang (Harding gives political jobs to his corrupt friends)
Washington Naval Conference
Kellogg-Briand Act
Fordney-McCumber Tariff
Fewer reforms
Countries agree to outlaw war
Shows the fear of post-WW1 era
Symbolizes the 20s
Herbert Hoover
Self-made man
Al Smith
Prohibition was still a hot issue
Still major divisions between urban and rural America
Over speculation (buying on credit or margin)
Over production
Imbalance of trade (Hawley-Smoot Tariff)
Farm problems
Problems in banking (Federal Reserve)
WW1 vets want their “bonus”
PR disaster for Hoover
Believed it would reduce crime and corruption, solve social problems, reduce the tax burden, and improve health and hygiene
Temperance Movement
Prohibition failed
Crime increased
Not enough agents
Very difficult to enforce
The Harding administration may have been the most scandal-ridden administration in American political history
American business leaders could have had no better friend in the White House than Calvin Coolidge
No world-wide crusades
Concentrate on U.S. domestic issues (not reform)
Post-war peacetime economy
“The business of America is business”
Government spending low
No help for farmers (overproduction)
Socialist that opposed the war
Schenck passed out flyers using individuals to resist the draft
Violation of the Espionage Act
Schenck argued the Act violated the 1st amendment
Schenck appealed to the Supreme Court
Schenck’s right to free speech is limited because his actions pose a “clear and present danger” to the US