__Hadith 5:__

*Every person’s every joint must perform a charity every day the sun comes up: to act justly between two people is a charity; to help a man with his mount, lifting him onto it or hoisting up his belongings onto it is a charity; a good word is a charity; every step you take to prayers is a charity; and removing a harmful thing from the road is a charity.*


This Hadith emphasizes on the importance of charity in the Islamic society. Charity is basically any act of kindness towards fellow humans for the sake earning Allah’s pleasure.  Here Muslims are being taught to perform charity whenever possible. And not just does this Hadith order Muslims to perform charity, but it also goes on to elaborate on particular types of charity so as to place a greater emphasis on it. Through this Hadith, the Prophet wants Muslims to realize the importance of charity.

The Holy Prophet was a very charitable person and always tried to help others. Once and old lady was moving away from Makkah with her belongings because she had heard rumors that an evil magician was tricking people into leaving their faiths. Seeing her in distress, Prophet carried her belongings for her. Later, when he told her that he was the so-called magician, the lady was so impressed that she accepted Islam. We should learn from this example and try to help our fellows as much as possible as even this is considered as charity. Each action of ours should be an effort to help others and we shouldn’t restrict it to Muslims only but be kind towards non Muslims too.

__Hadith 6:__

*Whosoever of you sees an evil action, let him change it with his hand, and if he is not able to do so then with his tongue, and if he is not able to do so then with his heart, and that is the weakest of faith.*


This Hadith throws light on how society is to be kept safe and secure from evil and corrupt practices. It has been made an obligatory act for every Muslim to ensure that the moral health of the society does not deteriorate and any sign of decadence is countered. In fact the degree of a Muslim’s opposition to evil is an expression of his faith, so if Muslims let evil thrive and prosper amongst them, then their faith is incomplete.

The Holy Prophet was extremely determined in eradicating evil from the society. He fought against the pagans more than once in the Ghazwat in pursuit of this desire. As Muslims we should also emulate the Prophet and act against all evil, either physically or verbally. The Modern Muslims must oppose evil at every possible level such as militarily in Kashmir, Palestine and Afghanistan and intellectually against the propagandas of west.

__Hadith 7:__

*It was said: O Messenger of Allah, who is the most excellent of men? The Messenger of Allah (may Allah bless him and give him peace) said: ‘The believer who strives hard in the way of Allah with his person and his property.’*


This Hadith sheds light on the importance of Jihad. Fighting in the way of Allah and His religion, according to the principles laid down for such a war with the objective of bringing an end to aggression against Islam is a way of earning the highest rank in heavens. Therefore, whenever circumstances require, Muslims might fight against evil utilizing themselves and their material wealth.

This Hadith describes that the most excellent of all men are the Mujahideen. Therefore, we must be ready to sacrifice our time, money and even life in the path of Allah. The companions of the Prophet exhibited unpatrolled spirit of Jihad in the battle fields of Badr, Uhad, and Trench etcetera. Following the example set by them, we must also never hesitate in sacrificing our lives and money for the sake of Islam since doing so will earn us honor in both worlds.

__Hadith 8:__

*The Messenger of Allah (may Allah bless him and give him peace) said: ‘Whom do you count to be a martyr among you?’ They said: O Messenger of Allah, whoever is killed in the way of Allah is a martyr. He said: ‘In that case the martyrs of my community will be very few! He who is killed in the way of Allah is a martyr, he*

*who dies a natural death in the way of Allah is a martyr, he who dies in the plague in the way of Allah is a martyr, he who dies of cholera in the way of Allah is a martyr.’*


This Hadith teaches us that contrary to common belief, a martyr is actually a much broader term. Not only is a combatant killed in battle field a martyr but anyone who is striving in Allah’s path, one way or the other, just to earn his pleasure is a martyr. In other words, every true Muslim is a martyr since he is leading his life according to the way Allah has told him to.

The status of a Shaheed can be earned simply doing all things with the intention of pleasing Allah. If one’s life is spent in this manner then no matter how he dies, he’ll be given the status of a martyr. This serves as a great encouragement for those who do not have the opportunity to actively participate in jihad. The Holy Prophet always used to say Bismillah before every task. This automatically dedicated whatever he was doing to Allah. If we also inculcate this spirit into ourselves we will please Allah in every deed that we do and eventually gain the status of a martyr.
