Roman word for Carthage’s ancestors, the Phoenicians
The Punic Wars
3 major periods of war, not constant fighting
Carthage fears Rome will take Sicily, Rome fears Carthage will dominate the Mediterranean
Cause of 1st Punic War
Carthaginian ship with 4 rowers perside
Hamilcar Barca
general of the first Punic War
Rome finds an abandoned Carthaginian ship and recreates it
turning point of the first punic war
a device that interlocks two battling ships
Carthage asks for peace, Rome receives Carthage’s treasury along with Sicily and other areas
Results of the first Punic war
Carthage invades Italy
cause of 2nd Punic war
Hannibal Barca
Carthaginian general in 2nd Punic war, never loses a battle in Italy
Battle of Cannae
Rome suffering the worst defeat in history
attack Carthage while Hannibal is away
Roman response to defeat at Battle of Cannae
Roman general who led them into North Africa
Scipio Africanus
Near Carthage, Scipio defeats hannibal
Battle of Zama
Carthage asks for peace, Rome receives territory, Carthage not allowed to use military without Rome approval
Results of 2nd Punic war
Spain and Greece
major territories Rome recieves in the 2nd Punic War
Carthage must be destroyed
Cato the Elder’s quote
Carthage breaks amendment by using Military without Rome’s approval
Cause of 3rd Punic war
growing empire, attacks Carthage
Destroying Carthage
What Rome does in response to amendment break
The Assassination of the Gracchi brothers
The political turning point of Rome
Rome’s Italian allies rebelling against Rome for political rights
The Social war
Rome wins, however still grants the allies rights
Results of Social War
Julius Caesar
Famous Roman dictator; transition between Republic and Empire
Aedile, praetor, military general, governor of Spain
Jobs held by Julius Caesar
Julius Caesar had many opponents in the ___
Julius Caesar, Pompey, Crassus
The First Triumvirate
Julian Calendar
Calendar made by Julius Caesar that we use today
Gallic Wars
Wars led by Julius Caesar
In battle
How does Crassus die?
Pompey becoming the sole consul
Pompey forming an alliance with the Senate leads to..
Call Caesar back to Rome
Pompey’s plan to kill Caesar
Rubicon River
River described as the boundary between safety and danger from Rome; crossed by Julius Caesar in 49 BC
Returns to Rome with army, Pursues Pompey to Greece, kills him in 48 BC
What Caesar does when he returns to Rome
Grants citizenship to people in other provinces, reforms tax system, adjusts calendar
accomplishments made during Caesar’s dictatorship
Name Caesar was called, “Father of the Country”
Pater Patriae
advisory council
Caesar makes the senate his _____
In 44 BC, Julius Caesar appoints himself as
Ides of March
Middle of March
Attacked on floor of Senate by 60 senators
How Caesar dies
Caesar’s ally that betrayed and killed him
Sic Semper Tyrannis
Death to all Tyrants
Et tu, Brute?
And you, Brutus?
Names heir, end of republic, reduce’s senate’s power, rules like a king
Reasons why Caesar is considered the transition from Republic to Empire
Octavian, Marc Antony, Lepidus
the Second triumvirate
Octavian forces him into retirement
How Lepidus leaves the Triumvirate
Octavian divides remaining Roman land with Marc Antony, declares war on Antony and defeats him
How Marc Antony leaves the Triumvirate
Augustus Caesar
Octavian new’s name
Caligula and Nero
“Bad” emperors of Rome
good emperor, greatest size of Roman empire
good emperor, wall built around land
Marcus Aurelius
Philosopher/Writer; Stoicism
Pax Romana
“Roman peace”; Time of order and stability in Roman history, strong economy; Lasts from Augustus to Marcus Aurelius
in 50 years, Rome had __ emperors
The Colosseum
Flavian Amphitheatre; 50,000 capacity; Gladiator events
Circus Maximus
Chariot racing; high speed and violent
high chance of being assassinated
risk of being an emperor
violence issue
assassinations, gladiator events, and chariot racing showed that Rome had a
Longevity, Size, Army, Engineering, Culture
Achievements of Rome
Emperor who divides empire into eastern and western hemisphere, each has co-emperor, gives himself “better half”
moves capital, decriminalized Christianity
new Roman capital
Several Germanic tribes conquer Rome and Western empire
Fall of Rome
new religion that Roman emperors begin converting to
area near Carthage; where the 2nd punic war took place
land famously conquered by Caesar
animal famously used by Hannibal
island thats the focus of the first Punic war
general who defeated hannibal(spell first name only)
roman diplomacy is symbolized by a ___
476 AD
what year was the fall of Rome