Upload any PPT & Kai will make notes & flashcards instantly.
In < 30 seconds Kai will study your slides and tell you all the important stuff in it.
Drag & drop a PowerPoint or Google Slides file to upload
Tap to upload a PowerPoint or Google Slides file
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2,000,000 +
students & teachers
1,400,000 +
notes created
235,000,000 +
flashcards created
It’s as simple as sending a text to Kai, and he’ll explain anything in your PPT to you like a tutor would.
Take practice tests generated from your PPT
Kai will read through your PPT and create a test that highlights the key concepts.
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Upload PPTs from any site in seconds
Use our Chrome extension to upload a PPT from any webpage to Knowt in seconds.
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We're all about helping you learn better, but quicker.
I loved knowt for vocab flashcards! Especially to import from quizlet with a link literally chefs kisss.
I used knowt to study for my apush midterm and it saved my butt! The import from quizlet feature helped a ton too. Slayed that test with an A!! 😻😻😻
Not a PowerPoint person? No problem -- you can do so much more.
We have over 2 million resources across various exams, and subjects to refer to at any point.