Upload any PPT & Kai will make notes & flashcards instantly. In < 30 seconds Kai will study your slides and tell you all the important stuff in it.
Drag & drop a PowerPoint or Google Slides file to upload
Tap to upload a PowerPoint or Google Slides file
Select file
Join our thriving community of teachers & students that trust Knowt.
Simplify your powerpoints by creating instant notes from them & quizzing yourself using practice tests and flashcards.
It’s as simple as sending a text to Kai, and he’ll explain anything in your PPT to you like a tutor would.
Kai will quiz you! Studies show that’s a lot more effective than reading.
Use our chrome extension to upload from the most popular sites.
Kai will read through your PPT, find the key details, and make flashcards for you to practice.
Go from ppt to notes ai anywhere you are with the mobile app.
Pay less & get more useful insights with a video summarizer built specifically for studemts.
We have over 3 million resources across various exams, and subjects to refer to at any point.
Make teaching 50% faster by using our thoughtfully crafted teacher tools.