A group of specialized cells build tissue
A group of tissues build an organ
A group of organs build an organ system
A group of organ systems build an organism
*Least Complex → Most Complex
*Cells → Tissues → Organs → Organ System → Organism
Tissue - group of similar cells that perform the same function
*example: nervous, epithelial, muscle, connective
Organ - structure that is made up of different kinds of tissue.
Examples: heart, brain, lungs, and skin
Organ Systems - a group of organs that work together, carrying out major functions.
Example: Muscular System, Nervous Systems
Organism - a living thing
In multicellular organisms; all the organ systems working together.
*The nervous system tells your muscles when and how to act.
*When muscles are told to move they pull on the bones of the skeletal system to allow for the movement.
*Circulatory system brings materials such as oxygen to all cells and takes away waste from those cells such as carbon dioxide.
(circulatory system - circulates materials)
*Respiratory system moves oxygen into the body and carbon dioxide out of the body.
(When thinking about the respiratory system think about when we breathe in and out)
*When oxygen moves into the bloodstream the circulatory system delivers it to all cells and carries back carbon dioxide to be expelled.
*The oxygen brought in by the respiratory and circulatory systems is used to release energy from sugar in your food.
*Digestive System breaks down food into nutrients.
Absorption - process by which nutrients move from the digestive system into the bloodstream, to be delivered to all cells by the circulatory system.
*Excretory system eliminates wastes from your body.
Your nervous system reacts to what is going on in your environment through your senses and tells your body how to react.
Stimulus - a signal in the environment that makes you react.
Response - what your body does in reaction to a stimulus.
Central Nervous System
Brain and spinal cord
Messages are received, processed, and a response is sent out
Peripheral Nervous System
voluntary actions:
involuntary actions
Chemical Input - a chemical that enters the body
Ex: smelling or tasting something
Mechanical Input - signals that enter the body through physical touch or vibration
Ex: touching or hearing something
Electromagnetic Input - signals that enter the body in the form of electromagnetic stimuli
Ex: seeing something
Nerve Cell - a specialized cell for transmitting fast electro-chemical signals. Also called a neuron.
Sensory Receptors - a nerve ending that sends signals to the central nervous system when it is stimulated.
Brain - organ that serves as the primary control center of the nervous system
Stimulus - an action or condition that provokes a response
Behavior - what a plant or animal does