Epistasis - one gene modifies the expression of another gene (usually one gene blocking another)
This will usually show up in questions involving pigmentation - one gene codes for the production of a pigment, another may block the laying down of this pigment (recall albino cat question - this affects phenotypic ratio!! don’t just accept 9:3:3:1 for these)
ex) some chicken coloring is influenced by 2 genes, C and I
C codes for a dark pigment production, c codes for no pigment production
I inhibits pigment production, i does not
A dihybrid cross will result in 13 white chickens and 3 dark chickens - only those with CCii or Ccii genotypes will lay down pigment
If we had assumed independent assortment for this cross, a X^2 test would require rejecting of the null hypothesis - genes C and I do NOT assort independently of each other
Epistasis can also include more subtle alterations rather than complete blockage, such as with horse coat color (chestnut, palomino, cremello)
sex genotypes showing up frequently: XX(F) and XY(M) in most mammals, ZW(F) and ZZ(M or F) common in birds and reptiles
X and Y chromosomes don’t share many common genes, so don’t typically cross over (recall that crossing over only involves swapping of different versions of the same gene)
Crossing over on sex chromosomes usually leads to defects
Law of segregation applies to whole chromosomes as well -- eggs will have 50/50 maternal or paternal X, sperm will have 50/50 maternal X and paternal Y → zygotes will be 50/50 XX and XY
Male offspring always inherit their X chromosome from their mother and Y from their father
Males only have one X chromosome - they only need to inherit one recessive allele to express the recessive phenotype - this is why you’ll see disproportionate numbers of male offspring with recessive X-linked conditions
Fathers pass down Y chromosomes to their sons - the son of a colorblind man will not be colorblind unless his mother also passes down a recessive allele
Daughters with an X-linked recessive condition (i.e. RG colorblindness) must inherit a recessive X-chromosome from both parents (a colorblind girl has to have a colorblind father)
This won’t show up often b/c there aren’t many genes on the Y chromosome
Most genes on the Y affect male fertility or sex traits - mutations on the Y can cause infertility/low sperm ct
Fathers transmit mutant alleles to sons only - all sons of affected fathers are also affected
Daughters of affected fathers cannot inherit or transmit Y-linked genes, and affected females are impossible
Genes located on the same chromosome do not assort independently of one another - typical ratios assuming this do not work
This is why we often see combos like blue eyes/blond hai
Genes become unlinked when recombination happens in between two genes
Vast majority of progeny will have parental genotypes b/c there is a relatively low probability of recombination always
Percent of progeny with recombined chromosomes depends on how close together the genes are on the chromosome - higher percent = farther apart, greater probability that chromosome will split/recombine somewhere between the two
We can determine how close together genes are by tracking frequency of recombination - 1% corresponds to 1 map unit of distance between
One entire chromosome is 50 map units → If frequency of recombination is greater than 50%, the genes are on separate chromosomes and independent assortment likely applies
DNA from mitochondria and chloroplasts is maternally inherited
Recall differences in male/female meiosis - mature sperm only have enough mitochondria to power its movement into the egg, and these disintegrate when fertilization happens - the mitochondria that are in the zygote and then in the organism are from the egg, which contains all the vital organelles
exception: giant redwoods have paternal inheritance, some fern species have biparental inheritance - these patterns are very rare compared to maternal inheritance
Mitochondrial diseases are also maternally inherited - all children of women affected by a mitochondrial disease will also be affected, even males
But males cannot pass on mitochondrial diseases