Ancient China

Xia dynasty

  • first major Chinese family, unorganized

Shang dynasty

  • the invention of writing; the development of a stratified government; the advancement of bronze technology; and the use of the chariot and bronze weapons in warfare. Considered the real first dynasty.

Zhou dynasty

  • Chinese philosophies, Confucianism, Taoism, Feudalism, vassals, mandate of heaven, Western and Eastern Zhou, Warring States Period, book- Sun Tzu-The art of war, weapons- crossbow.

Qin dynasty

  • first emperor of China, legalism,civil service exams, very strict banned Confucianism and other Chinese philosophies, Emperor Qin Shi Huangdi built the Great Wall of China, considered one of the seven Great Wonders of the World, Terracotta Soldiers- to protect Emperor Qin in the afterlife

Han dynasty

  • overthrew the Qin dynasty, eliminated legalism, brought back Confucianism, the family became the focus of Chinese society, bureaucracy system, meritocracy system based on qualifications, civil service exams, trading route to other places in Asia, Africa and Europe, traded products such as silk, tea, jade, improvements to iron weapons, paper, acupuncture and other medicines, Chinese calligraphy

A dynasty is a line of hereditary rulers. Some of the most significant Chinese philosophies such as Confucianism and Taoism. Feudalism was developed under the Zhou dynasty. Feudalism is a system of landlords and tenants. The vassals (land owners) charged the peasants for money for them to use the land.

The mandate in heaven is a claim where rulers justify their power by saying they were chosen by the Gods to rule. But then, they would be kicked from power because of the Gods with natural disasters or wars.

Qin dynasty emperor believed in legalism , the belief that people are evil and needs laws to follow and harsh punishments in order to force them to be good.

In 551 BCE a man by the name of Kongzi was born to a poor family in the province of Shandong. Kongzi is known in the Western world as ConfuciusLaozi taught that a force known as the Dao permeated all living things. Over 300,000 peasants were forced to help build the Great Wall of China.

Emperor Wudi is Liu bang great grandson. Liu bang was considered the worst fighting harcore during the Han Dynasty.

Han Dynasty

A Dynasty that ruled China for more than 400 years, is divided into two periods

Centralized government

A government where the central authority controls the running of the state.

Civil service

Government jobs that civilians obtained by taking examinations, mostly on Confucian principles and teachings.


Occurs when one group has exclusive control over the production and distribution of certain goods.


the process of making foreign peoples part of your/their culture
