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DBQ: Causation - The Spread and Impact of Major Religions
Evaluate the extent to which the spread of major religions led to changes in social structures and c
LEQ: Causation - Decline of Islamic Caliphates
Evaluate the extent to which internal rivalries and Mongol invasions affected the stability of Islam
LEQ: Causation - Spread of Major Religions
Evaluate the extent to which the spread of major religions affected social structures in the period
LEQ: Changes in History - Buddhism's Influence
Evaluate the extent to which Buddhism changed social structures and cultural practices in East Asia
LEQ: Changes in History - European Feudalism
Evaluate the extent to which the Black Death changed European feudalism in the period 1347-1600 CE.
LEQ: Changes in History - Islamic Golden Age
Evaluate the extent to which the Islamic Golden Age influenced scientific and cultural developments
LEQ: Changes in History - Spread of Religions
Evaluate the extent to which the spread of Islam changed religious practices and political systems i
LEQ: Relative Causes - Development of Trade Networks
Evaluate the relative importance of causes of the development and expansion of major trade networks
LEQ: Relative Causes - Rise of Feudalism in Europe
Evaluate the relative importance of causes of the rise of feudalism in Europe in the period 800 CE t
SAQ: Cause and Effect - Decline of the Islamic Caliphates
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
SAQ: Cause and Effect - Song Dynasty Innovations
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
SAQ: Continuity and Change - Technological Innovations of the Song Dynasty
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
SAQ: Continuity and Change - The Abbasid Caliphate's Golden Age
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
SAQ: Continuity and Change - The Delhi Sultanate's Impact
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
SAQ: Continuity and Change - The Inca Empire's Achievements
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
SAQ: Continuity and Change (No Stimulus) - Chinese Dynasties
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
SAQ: Continuity and Change (No Stimulus) - Feudalism in Europe
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
SAQ: Continuity and Change (No Stimulus) - Islamic Caliphates
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
SAQ: Continuity and Change (No Stimulus) - Religious Developments
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
SAQ: Historians Disagree - Abbasid Dynasty's Golden Age
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
SAQ: Primary Source - Foot Binding in the Song Dynasty
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
SAQ: Primary Source - Tenochtitlan Described
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
SAQ: Primary Source - The Opening of the Qur'an
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
SAQ: Similarity and Difference - Buddhism and Christianity
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
SAQ: Similarity and Difference - Feudalism in Europe and Japan
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
SAQ: Similarity and Difference - Islam and Christianity Expansion
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
SAQ: Similarity and Difference - Ming and Aztec Societies
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
DBQ: Relative Causes - The Height of the Middle Ages
Evaluate the relative importance of trade alliances, architectural developments, the Crusades, schol
LEQ: Causation - The Role of the Hanseatic League
Evaluate the extent to which the Hanseatic League contributed to the economic development of Norther
LEQ: Causation - The Spread of the Bubonic Plague
Evaluate the extent to which trade networks contributed to the spread of the Bubonic Plague in the 1
LEQ: Changes in History - The Effects of the Crusades on European Urbanization and Trade
Evaluate the extent to which European urbanization and trade changed in response to the Crusades in
LEQ: Changes in History - The Influence of Mansa Musa's Pilgrimage on Mali
Evaluate the extent to which the kingdom of Mali changed in response to Mansa Musa's pilgrimage to M
LEQ: Changes in History - The Transformation of European Society due to the Bubonic Plague
Evaluate the extent to which European society transformed in response to the Bubonic Plague in the 1
LEQ: Relative Causes - Rise of the Mongol Empire
Evaluate the relative importance of military strategy and political leadership in the rise of the Mo
LEQ: Relative Causes - The Spread of the Bubonic Plague
Evaluate the relative importance of trade networks and urbanization in the spread of the Bubonic Pla
SAQ: Cause and Effect - Hanseatic League
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
SAQ: Cause and Effect - Mansa Musa's Pilgrimage
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
SAQ: Cause and Effect - Mongol Expansion
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
SAQ: Cause and Effect - The Crusades
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
SAQ: Continuity and Change - Hanseatic League
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
SAQ: Continuity and Change - Mansa Musa's Pilgrimage
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
SAQ: Continuity and Change - Mongol Governance
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
SAQ: Continuity and Change - Silk Road
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
SAQ: Continuity and Change - Song Dynasty Innovations
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
SAQ: Continuity and Change (No Stimulus) - Chinese Technology
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
SAQ: Continuity and Change (No Stimulus) - Indian Ocean Trade
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
SAQ: Historians Disagree - The Impact of the Hanseatic League
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
SAQ: Primary Source - The Crusades
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
SAQ: Primary Source - The Hanseatic League
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
SAQ: Primary Source - The Silk Road
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
SAQ: Similarity and Difference - Hanseatic League and Silk Road
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
SAQ: Similarity and Difference - Mali and Songhai Empires
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
SAQ: Similarity and Difference - Urbanization in Europe and China
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
DBQ: Changes in History - The Renaissance and its Impact on European Society
Evaluate the extent to which the Renaissance affected the development of the Protestant Reformation
DBQ: Relative Causes - The Protestant Reformation
Evaluate the relative importance of causes of the Protestant Reformation in the period 1517-1555.
LEQ: Causation - The Protestant Reformation
Evaluate the extent to which the Protestant Reformation affected European political power structures
LEQ: Causation - The Renaissance
Evaluate the extent to which the Renaissance influenced the development of the modern state in Europ
LEQ: Changes in History - The Development of Russian Autocracy
Evaluate the extent to which Russian governance changed in response to the reigns of Ivan IV, Peter
LEQ: Changes in History - The Impact of the Renaissance on European Society
Evaluate the extent to which European society changed in response to the Renaissance in the period 1
LEQ: Changes in History - The Protestant Reformation's Effect on European Politics
Evaluate the extent to which European political structures changed in response to the Protestant Ref
LEQ: Relative Causes - The Decline of the Mughal Empire
Evaluate the relative importance of causes of the decline of the Mughal Empire in the period 1700-18
LEQ: Relative Causes - The Glorious Revolution
Evaluate the relative importance of causes of the Glorious Revolution in England in the period 1685-
LEQ: Relative Causes - The Rise of European Empires
Evaluate the relative importance of causes of the rise of European empires in the period 1450-1650.
LEQ: Relative Causes - The Scientific Revolution
Evaluate the relative importance of causes of the Scientific Revolution in the period 1500-1700.
SAQ: Cause and Effect - European Colonization of the Americas
Answer the following AP World History Short Answer Question
SAQ: Cause and Effect - The Glorious Revolution
Answer the following AP World History Short Answer Question
SAQ: Cause and Effect - The Protestant Reformation
Answer the following AP World History Short Answer Question
SAQ: Cause and Effect - The Scientific Revolution
Answer the following AP World History Short Answer Question
SAQ: Continuity and Change - The Glorious Revolution
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
SAQ: Continuity and Change - The Protestant Reformation
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
SAQ: Continuity and Change - The Qing Dynasty
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
SAQ: Continuity and Change - The Scientific Revolution
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
SAQ: Continuity and Change (No Stimulus) - Ottoman Empire
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
SAQ: Continuity and Change (No Stimulus) - Scientific Revolution
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
SAQ: Continuity and Change (No Stimulus) - The Protestant Reformation
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
SAQ: Continuity and Change (No Stimulus) - The Renaissance
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
SAQ: Historians Disagree - Joint-Stock Companies
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
SAQ: Primary Source - Martin Luther and the Reformation
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
SAQ: Primary Source - The Printing Press
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
SAQ: Primary Source - The Scientific Revolution
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
SAQ: Similarity and Difference - Ming and Qing Dynasties
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
SAQ: Similarity and Difference - Ottoman and Mughal Empires
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
SAQ: Similarity and Difference - Protestant Reformation and Catholic Reformation
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
SAQ: Similarity and Difference - Scientific Revolution and Enlightenment
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
DBQ: Changes in History - The Impact of European Colonization
Evaluate the extent to which the discovery and colonization of the New World affected European socie
DBQ: Relative Causes - Age of Exploration and Its Impacts
Evaluate the relative importance of causes of the Age of Exploration and its impacts in the period 1
LEQ: Causation - The Effects of European Exploration
Evaluate the extent to which European exploration from 1450 to 1650 affected indigenous societies in
LEQ: Causation - The Effects of Mercantilism
Evaluate the extent to which mercantilism affected colonial economies in the period 1450-1750.
LEQ: Causation - The Impact of the African Slave Trade
Evaluate the extent to which the African slave trade affected African societies in the period 1450-1
LEQ: Changes in History - African Slave Trade
Evaluate the extent to which the African slave trade changed African societies in the period 1450-16
LEQ: Changes in History - The Commercial Revolution
Evaluate the extent to which the Commercial Revolution changed European economic practices from 1450
LEQ: Changes in History - The Encomienda System
Evaluate the extent to which the encomienda system changed indigenous societies in the Americas from
LEQ: Relative Causes - African Slave Trade
Evaluate the relative importance of economic demand for labor and racial ideologies as causes of the
LEQ: Relative Causes - Age of Exploration
Evaluate the relative importance of technological innovations and economic motivations as causes of
LEQ: Relative Causes - The Columbian Exchange
Evaluate the relative importance of the Columbian Exchange's consequences on Europe and the Americas
LEQ: Relative Causes - The Commercial Revolution
Evaluate the relative importance of technological advancements in navigation and the rise of mercant
SAQ: Cause and Effect - African Slave Trade
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
SAQ: Cause and Effect - Treaty of Tordesillas
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
SAQ: Continuity and Change - Maritime Technologies
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
SAQ: Continuity and Change - Treaty of Tordesillas
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
SAQ: Continuity and Change (No Stimulus) - European Exploration
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
SAQ: Continuity and Change (No Stimulus) - The African Slave Trade
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
SAQ: Continuity and Change (No Stimulus) - The Commercial Revolution
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
SAQ: Continuity and Change (No Stimulus) - The Encomienda System
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
SAQ: Historians Disagree - Motivations Behind Portuguese Exploration
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
SAQ: Primary Source - Columbus' First Voyage
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
SAQ: Primary Source - The Beginnings of the Transatlantic Slave Trade
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
SAQ: Primary Source - The Encomienda System
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
SAQ: Primary Source - The Impact of New World Silver
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
SAQ: Primary Source - Treaty of Tordesillas
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
SAQ: Similarity and Difference - Commercial Revolution
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
SAQ: Similarity and Difference - Encomienda System and African Slave Trade
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
SAQ: Similarity and Difference - Exploration and Expansion
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
DBQ: Causation - The French Revolution
Evaluate the extent to which Enlightenment ideas led to the developments of the French Revolution in
DBQ: Changes in History - Enlightenment and Revolutions
Evaluate the extent to which the Enlightenment influenced revolutionary movements in the period 1750
DBQ: Relative Causes - Revolutions in the Americas and Europe
Evaluate the relative importance of Enlightenment ideals and economic grievances in the revolutions
LEQ: Causation - American and French Revolutions
Evaluate the extent to which the American Revolution influenced the French Revolution in the period
LEQ: Causation - Nationalism and Unification Movements
Evaluate the extent to which nationalist movements contributed to the unification of Italy and Germa
LEQ: Changes in History - Enlightenment Influence on Revolutions
Evaluate the extent to which the Enlightenment changed political thought and practice in the period
LEQ: Changes in History - Industrial Revolution's Global Impact
Evaluate the extent to which the Industrial Revolution changed economic practices and social structu
LEQ: Changes in History - Nationalism's Role in State Formation
Evaluate the extent to which nationalism influenced the formation of nation-states in the 19th centu
LEQ: Changes in History - Revolutions' Impact on Global Politics
Evaluate the extent to which revolutions in the late 18th and early 19th centuries changed global po
LEQ: Relative Causes - American Revolution
Evaluate the relative importance of economic policies and Enlightenment ideas as causes of the Ameri
LEQ: Relative Causes - Enlightenment Influences on Revolutions
Evaluate the relative importance of Enlightenment ideas in influencing the revolutions in the Americ
LEQ: Relative Causes - Industrial Revolution and Imperialism
Evaluate the relative importance of the Industrial Revolution as a cause of European imperialism in
LEQ: Relative Causes - Latin American Independence Movements
Evaluate the relative importance of social inequalities and Enlightenment ideas as causes of indepen
SAQ: Cause and Effect - Declaration of Independence
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
SAQ: Cause and Effect - Federal Government Necessity
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
SAQ: Cause and Effect - French Revolution's Third Estate
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
SAQ: Cause and Effect - Marx's Critique of Capitalism
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
SAQ: Continuity and Change - American Revolution
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
SAQ: Continuity and Change - Congress of Vienna
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
SAQ: Continuity and Change - Nationalism
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
SAQ: Continuity and Change (No Stimulus) - Industrial Revolution
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
SAQ: Continuity and Change (No Stimulus) - The Enlightenment
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
SAQ: Continuity and Change (No Stimulus) - The French Revolution
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
SAQ: Historians Disagree - Formation of British National Identity
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
SAQ: Primary Source - Declaration of Independence
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
SAQ: Primary Source - Mexican Declaration of Independence
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
SAQ: Primary Source - Storming of the Bastille
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
SAQ: Primary Source - The Communist Manifesto
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
SAQ: Similarity and Difference - Latin American Independence Movements
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
SAQ: Similarity and Difference - Nationalism in Italy and Germany
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
DBQ: Causation - The Impact of European Imperialism
Evaluate the extent to which European imperialism in the 19th century led to the transformation of A
LEQ: Causation - Abolition of Slave Trade and African Societies
Evaluate the extent to which the abolition of the slave trade affected African societies during the
LEQ: Causation - European Colonization and Resource Depletion
Evaluate the extent to which European colonization affected natural resource depletion and environme
LEQ: Causation - Meiji Restoration and Japanese Imperialism
Evaluate the extent to which the Meiji Restoration affected Japan's imperial ambitions and military
LEQ: Causation - Opium Wars and Chinese Society
Evaluate the extent to which the Opium Wars affected Chinese society and governance during the perio
LEQ: Changes in History - European Colonization and Resource Extraction
Evaluate the extent to which the search for natural resources changed European colonization strategi
LEQ: Changes in History - European Imperialism in Africa
Evaluate the extent to which the Berlin Conference changed the landscape of African colonization in
LEQ: Changes in History - Japanese Imperialism
Evaluate the extent to which the Meiji Restoration changed Japan’s role in the world in the period 1
LEQ: Relative Causes - Japanese Imperialism
Evaluate the relative importance of internal reform and external pressures in the modernization and
LEQ: Relative Causes - Opium Wars and Chinese Imperialism
Evaluate the relative importance of economic interests and military power in the European imperialis
SAQ: Cause and Effect - The Berlin Conference and Africa's Partition
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
SAQ: Cause and Effect - The Meiji Restoration
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
SAQ: Cause and Effect - The Opium Wars and China
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
SAQ: Continuity and Change - The Berlin Conference and Africa
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
SAQ: Continuity and Change (No Stimulus) - European Colonization and Resource Extraction
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
SAQ: Primary Source - British Imperialism in India
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
SAQ: Primary Source - The Berlin Conference and African Colonization
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
SAQ: Primary Source - The Drive for Colonization
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
SAQ: Similarity and Difference - European Imperialism in India and China
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
SAQ: Similarity and Difference - Imperialism's Impact on Local Economies
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
SAQ: Similarity and Difference - Resistance Movements
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
DBQ: Causation - The Catalysts of World War I
Evaluate the extent to which the alliance system contributed to the outbreak of World War I in the p
DBQ: Relative Causes - The Outbreak of World War I
Evaluate the relative importance of causes of World War I in the period 1900-1914.
LEQ: Causation - Impact of WWI on European Political Landscapes
Evaluate the extent to which World War I affected the political landscapes of European countries in
LEQ: Causation - Impact of WWII on Colonial Empires
Evaluate the extent to which World War II affected the decline of European colonial empires in the p
LEQ: Causation - The Role of Fascism in WWII
Evaluate the extent to which the rise of fascism contributed to the start of World War II in the per
LEQ: Changes in History - The Impact of the Great Depression on Global Politics
Evaluate the extent to which the Great Depression changed global politics in the period 1929-1945.
LEQ: Changes in History - The Transformation of Warfare from WWI to WWII
Evaluate the extent to which the nature of warfare changed in response to technological and strategi
LEQ: Relative Causes - Decline of Colonialism
Evaluate the relative importance of causes of the decline of colonialism and the rise of independenc
LEQ: Relative Causes - Origins of World War I
Evaluate the relative importance of causes of the outbreak of World War I in the period 1878-1914.
LEQ: Relative Causes - The Great Depression and Global Shifts
Evaluate the relative importance of causes of the Great Depression and its impact on global shifts i
LEQ: Relative Causes - The Rise of Fascism
Evaluate the relative importance of causes of the rise of fascism in Europe in the period 1919-1939.
SAQ: Cause and Effect - The Founding of the United Nations
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
SAQ: Cause and Effect - The Great Depression and the Rise of Fascism
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
SAQ: Cause and Effect - The Nazi-Soviet Pact
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
SAQ: Cause and Effect - The Outbreak of World War I
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
SAQ: Continuity and Change - Racial Ideologies in Conflict
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
SAQ: Continuity and Change - The Atomic Age
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
SAQ: Continuity and Change - The Rise of Fascism
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
SAQ: Continuity and Change - The Treaty of Versailles
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
SAQ: Continuity and Change (No Stimulus) - Economic Policies in the Soviet Union
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
SAQ: Continuity and Change (No Stimulus) - The Cold War's Global Influence
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
SAQ: Historians Disagree - The Catalyst of WWI
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
SAQ: Primary Source - Formation of the United Nations
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
SAQ: Primary Source - Reflections on the Atomic Bomb
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
SAQ: Primary Source - World War I Soldier's Perspective
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
SAQ: Similarity and Difference - Economic Policies of Stalin and Mussolini
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
SAQ: Similarity and Difference - Isolationism in WWI and WWII
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
SAQ: Similarity and Difference - Role of Women in WWI and WWII
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
SAQ: Similarity and Difference - Treaty of Versailles and Potsdam Conference
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
DBQ: Causation - The Cold War's Global Impact
Evaluate the extent to which the Cold War led to changes in political alignments and social structur
DBQ: Changes in History - Cold War Ideologies and Global Influence
Evaluate the extent to which the Cold War affected global alignments and ideologies in the period 19
DBQ: Relative Causes - The Cold War
Evaluate the relative importance of causes of the Cold War in the period 1945-1991.
LEQ: Causation - The Collapse of the Soviet Union and Its Global Implications
Evaluate the extent to which the collapse of the Soviet Union affected global political structures i
LEQ: Causation - The Cuban Missile Crisis' Impact on Cold War Tensions
Evaluate the extent to which the Cuban Missile Crisis affected Cold War tensions between the United
LEQ: Causation - The Effects of Mao Zedong's Policies on China
Evaluate the extent to which Mao Zedong's policies affected China's social and economic development
LEQ: Causation - The Impact of the Truman Doctrine and NATO on the Cold War Dynamics
Evaluate the extent to which the Truman Doctrine and the formation of NATO affected the dynamics of
LEQ: Changes in History - The Cuban Revolution
Evaluate the extent to which the Cuban Revolution changed Cuba's relationship with the United States
LEQ: Changes in History - The Impact of the Cold War on Global Alliances
Evaluate the extent to which the formation of global alliances changed in response to the Cold War i
LEQ: Relative Causes - Cold War Alliances
Evaluate the relative importance of ideological differences versus security concerns in the formatio
LEQ: Relative Causes - Decolonization in Africa
Evaluate the relative importance of causes of decolonization in Africa in the period 1945-1965.
LEQ: Relative Causes - Decolonization in Asia
Evaluate the relative importance of nationalist movements versus external pressures in the decoloniz
SAQ: Cause and Effect - Decolonization Challenges
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
SAQ: Cause and Effect - International Reaction to U.S. Civil Rights
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
SAQ: Continuity and Change - Bandung Conference
Analyze the significance of the Bandung Conference in the context of decolonization and the Cold War
SAQ: Continuity and Change - Truman Doctrine
Analyze the Truman Doctrine's role in shaping U.S. foreign policy during the Cold War.
SAQ: Continuity and Change (No Stimulus) - China's Political Evolution
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
SAQ: Continuity and Change (No Stimulus) - Cold War Alliances
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
SAQ: Continuity and Change (No Stimulus) - The Cuban Revolution
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
SAQ: Continuity and Change (No Stimulus) - The Soviet Union's Collapse
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
SAQ: Historians Disagree - Decolonization
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
SAQ: Historians Disagree - The Nature of the Cold War
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
SAQ: Primary Source - Kwame Nkrumah on African Independence
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
SAQ: Primary Source - The Berlin Wall
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
SAQ: Similarity and Difference - African Independence Movements
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
SAQ: Similarity and Difference - Cold War Superpowers
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
SAQ: Similarity and Difference - Korean and Vietnam Wars
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
SAQ: Similarity and Difference - Middle East Conflicts
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
LEQ: Causation - Environmental Change
Evaluate the extent to which global integration in the late 20th and early 21st centuries affected e
LEQ: Causation - Global Health Crises
Evaluate the extent to which global health crises in the late 20th and early 21st centuries affected
LEQ: Causation - Global Terrorism
Evaluate the extent to which the rise of international terrorism affected global security policies i
LEQ: Causation - NAFTA and EU
Evaluate the extent to which the establishment of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) an
LEQ: Causation - Rise of China and India
Evaluate the extent to which the economic rise of China and India in the late 20th and early 21st ce
LEQ: Changes in History - Environmental Concerns and Globalization
Evaluate the extent to which environmental concerns have changed in response to globalization in the
LEQ: Changes in History - The Rise of China and India
Evaluate the extent to which the global economic landscape changed in response to the rise of China
LEQ: Changes in History - The Role of Social Media
Evaluate the extent to which the role of social media in society changed in response to technologica
LEQ: Relative Causes - Global Health Crises
Evaluate the relative importance of causes of global health crises in the period 1980-2000.
LEQ: Relative Causes - Rise of Global Terrorism
Evaluate the relative importance of causes of the rise of global terrorism in the period 1980-2001.
LEQ: Relative Causes - The Age of the Computer
Evaluate the relative importance of causes of the rapid development and spread of computer technolog
SAQ: Cause and Effect - Rise of the Taliban and Al Qaeda
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
SAQ: Continuity and Change - Economic Growth in China
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
SAQ: Continuity and Change - Formation of the European Union
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
SAQ: Continuity and Change - Post-9/11 US Foreign Policy
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
SAQ: Continuity and Change - The Impact of the Internet
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
SAQ: Continuity and Change (No Stimulus) - Age of the Computer
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
SAQ: Continuity and Change (No Stimulus) - Global Health Crises
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
SAQ: Continuity and Change (No Stimulus) - Global Trade
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
SAQ: Continuity and Change (No Stimulus) - International Terrorism
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
SAQ: Historians Disagree - Global Environmental Policies
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
SAQ: Historians Disagree - The Effects of Globalization on the Economy
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
SAQ: Historians Disagree - The Impact of the Internet on Democracy
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
SAQ: Primary Source - Global Warming and Environmental Damage
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
SAQ: Primary Source - NAFTA and the European Union
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
SAQ: Primary Source - The Digital Revolution
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
SAQ: Similarity and Difference - Age of the Computer
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
SAQ: Similarity and Difference - Environmental Concerns
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
SAQ: Similarity and Difference - Global Health Crises
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
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