Unit 6: Consequences of Industrialization

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Social Darwinism

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Social Darwinism

The application of ideas about evolution and "survival of the fittest" to human societies - particularly as a justification for their imperialist expansion.

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Taiping Uprising

massive Chinese rebellion that devastated much of the country from 1850-1864, leaders rejected Confucianism, Daoism, and Buddhism, were based on Christian millenian teachings of Hong Xiquan, who claimed to be younger brother of Jesus, called for abolition of private property, equality of men/women, end of foot binding, opium smoking etc., Civil war led to 20 million lives lost, provided favorable setting for Europeans experiencing industrial revolution.

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Opium Wars

series of wars in China over opium trade and whether or not to legalize the trade

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unequal treaties

treaties ending the Opium Wars that gave more power to the Western powers than to China, west got trade benefits

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self-strengthening movement

China's attempt to modernize their army and encourage Western investment in factories and railways

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China, 1911

Qing dynasty, collapse of China's imperial order, officially at the hands of organized revolutionaries, but for the most part under the weight of the troubles that had overwhelmed the government for the previous half-century

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"the sick man of Europe"

(Ottoman) region by region, Islamic world fell under Christian rule, Ottomans lost territory to Russia, Britain, Austria, and France, Napoleon's 1798 invasion of Egypt extremely devastating, janissaries became militarily ineffective

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(OTTOMAN) restructuring reforms by the 19th century Ottoman rulers, intended to move civil law away from the control of religious elites, and make the military and the bureaucracy more efficient

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Young Turks

A coalition starting in the late 1870s of various groups favoring modernist liberal reform of the Ottoman Empire. It was against monarchy of Ottoman Sultan and instead favored a constitution. In 1908 they succeed in establishing a new constitutional era.

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Tokugawa Japan

(isolation of Japan) like a dynasty reimposed centralized feudalism, closed Japan to foreigners, forbade Japanese people to travel overseas, lasted for about 200 years, time of economic prosperity but also some political strife

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Meiji restoration

Revolution, reform, or renewal, restored practical imperial rule to Japan

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John Locke

17th century English philosopher who opposed the Divine Right of Kings and who asserted that people have a natural right to life, liberty, and property.

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Comodor Mathew Perry

Went to Japan and was like "Knock Knock"

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New Imperialism

Imperialized further for more than just ports for raw materials

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Adam Smith

FATHER OF CAPITALISM, Wrote The Wealth Of Nations, economic liberalism, natural order properly

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Karl Marx


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Napolean Bonaparte

French head, after French Revolution, preserved much of the French Revolution spread of revolutionary ideas through conquest of Europe

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Open Door Policy

A policy proposed by the US in 1899, under which ALL nations would have equal opportunities to trade in China.

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Tokugawa Shogunate

was the last feudal Japanese military government

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Sepoy Rebellion

Rebellion of E. India Companies soldiers (MANGAL PANDAY!!!)

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James Watt

Improved steam engine

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Simone Bilovare

from Venezuela, known as 'The Liberator' of Latin America.

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Industrialization and Global Integration

  1. IR changed how goods were produced

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A policy in which a strong nation seeks to dominate other countries politically, socially, and economically.

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Global Migration

Industrial transportation technologies as well as growing population and changes to the labor market caused an increase in ____ ____, especially toward industrial cities.

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Laissez Faire

The belief that the government shouldn't intervene much in the economy and should instead let the people do what they want with their property. (Like Capitalism but not too much)

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people who generally favor government action and view change as progress

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Working Class

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A movement in the 18th century that advocated the use of reason in the reappraisal of accepted ideas and social institutions.

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Social Contract

Society agreeing to governed to maintain natural rights

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The main complaint of creoles in Latin America was

not having the same oppurtunities as Peninsulares

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the main complaint of mulattos and mestizos in Latin America was

No ability to move up in society

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man of mixed race

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The industrial revolution FIRST began with the production of

Textiles and Iron

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Enclosure Acts

a series of United Kingdom Acts of Parliament which enclosed open fields and common land in the country, creating legal property rights to land that was previously considered common.

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Spinning Jenny

A machine that could spin several threads at once by James Hargreaves.

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Flying Shuttle

Invented by John Kay, this sped up the weaving process in 1733.

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Cotton Gin

A machine for cleaning the seeds from cotton fibers, invented by Eli Whitney in 1793

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A device for rapid, long-distance transmission of information over an electric wire. It was introduced in England and North America in the 1830s and 1840s.

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Alexander Graham Bell in 1876

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internal combustion engine

an engine that burns fuel inside cylinders within the engine

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Factory working conditions

dangerous, long hours, little pay, women and children work 16 hour days

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middle class

The _____ ______ also called the bourgeoisie, became the most powerful social class within industrialized societies. They were the wealthy but non-aristocratic class of property owners and the biggest beneficiaries of industrial prosperity. Meanwhile the Marxists saw them as exploiters of the working class.

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The Wealth of Nations (1776)

Adam Smith , capitalism, lazziex faire, "invisible hand"

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Communist Manifesto (1848)

A book written by Karl Marx. It suggested that there would be a social revolution in which the proletariat (working class) would overthrow the bourgeoisie (middle class factory owners) and then set up a classless, socialist community. This book was the blueprint for communist governments around the world.

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Effects of Industrialization

Increase in urbanization, rise of power of industrial countries, pollution, overcrowded cities, but new products!

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Gender continuities

patriarchal society where women's responsibilities lay with the family

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Changing roles of women

Poor- worked at menial, tedious jobs for very low wages.

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Women's Suffrage

Begins during this period with fighting for abolition of slavery, child labor, working conditions, eventually leads to earning the right to vote for women

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British East India Company

A joint stock company that controlled most of India during the period of imperialism. This company controlled the political, social, and economic life in India for more than 200 years.

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Motives of Imperialism

Economic, Political, Religious, Ideological, and Exploratory.

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Toussaint L'Ouverture

Leader of the Haitian Revolution. He freed the slaves and gained effective independence for Haiti despite military interventions by the British and French.

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Post-Independence Issues in Latin America

lack of industrialization and wealth inequalities will make these nations struggle for stability and will cause them to be vulnerable to foreign domination of industries (railroads, factories)

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Western Hegemony

western dominance over others, especially Britain, France, Holland, and the U.S. gain strength (Germany later)

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powerful nations conquer and settle in less-powerful nations

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A group of people in one place who are ruled by a parent country elsewhere.

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Protectorate Imperialism

A country or territory with its own internal government but under the control of an outside power (Britian & Egypt)

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Suez Canal

A ship canal in northeastern Egypt linking the Red Sea with the Mediterranean Sea

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Sphere of Influence

A foreign region in which a nation has control over trade and other economic activities. (As in china)

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Boxer Rebellion

A 1900 Uprising in China aimed at ending foreign influence in the country.

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Berlin Conference

A meeting from 1884-1885 at which representatives of European nations agreed on rules colonization of Africa

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Collapse of Qing Dynasty

refused to acknowledge western threats and paid dearly for not innovating to meet the challenge (Opium Wars, Treaty of Nanking, and Spheres of Influence followed by collapse in 1911

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Effects of Industrialization on Japan

scared straight in 1854 by Admiral Perry's black ships, and the Meiji Restoration brought centralized government and industrialization to Japan, making it a new world power by the 20th century

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Effects of Industrialization on Ottomans

Ottomans waited too long to reform, but did try to westernize/modernize with the Tanzimat Reforms and the Young Turk Movement; in the end it was too little too late. Loose in World War I and get divided up among European powers Britain and France

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Menelik II of Ethiopia

Successfully resisted European colonization. Built up stockpile of modern weapons, played Italy, France and England against each other.

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Laws (no longer in effect) in South Africa that physically separated different races into different geographic areas.

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