AP Environmental Science FRQ Room

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AP Environmental Science Free Response Questions

The best way to get better at FRQs is practice. Browse through dozens of practice AP $AP Environmental Science FRQs to get ready for the big day.

  • View all (250)
  • Unit 1: The Living World: Ecosystems (23)
  • Unit 2: The Living World: Biodiversity (23)
  • Unit 3: Populations (34)
  • Unit 4: Earth Systems and Resources (29)
  • Unit 5: Land and Water Use (26)
  • Unit 6: Energy Resources and Consumption (21)
  • Unit 7: Atmospheric Pollution (47)
  • Unit 8: Aquatic and Terrestrial Pollution (23)
  • Unit 9: Global Change (24)
Unit 1: The Living World: Ecosystems

Analyzing Carbon Cycle Dynamics

Propose an experimental study to simulate and analyze the dynamics of the carbon cycle, specifically


Analyzing Invasive Species Effects on Community Structure

Design an experiment to assess how an introduced invasive species affects native plant community div


Assessing the Impact of Climate Change on the Arctic Tundra

Climate change is causing rising temperatures that affect the Arctic tundra. The table below present


Carbon Cycling and Net Primary Production in a Forest

In a forest ecosystem, the Gross Primary Production (GPP) is measured at 2000 g C/m²/year and ecosys


Carbon Dioxide Absorption in Aquatic Systems

A researcher designs an experiment to measure the absorption rate of carbon dioxide in seawater. In


Comparing Terrestrial and Aquatic Biomass Pyramids

Design an analytical study to compare biomass distribution between a terrestrial forest ecosystem an


Coral Reef Health and Ocean Acidification

A marine biologist studied the effects of changing ocean pH on coral reef health. The table below sh


Effect of pH on Aquatic Invertebrate Behavior

A scientist designs an experiment to observe the behavioral responses of freshwater invertebrates to


Energy Flow and the 10% Rule

Discuss the 10% rule in the context of energy transfer within an ecosystem and perform a simple calc


Energy Flow in Trophic Levels: Evaluating the 10% Rule

Design an experiment to measure the energy transfer efficiency across trophic levels in a controlled


Eutrophication and Algal Bloom Simulation

A researcher simulates eutrophication by adding controlled amounts of fertilizer to a series of fres


Food Web and Energy Flow Dynamics in Coral Reef Ecosystems

A study claims that coral reef ecosystems exhibit an inverted biomass pyramid due to the prolonged l


Impact of Invasive Species on Native Plant Biomass

In a grassland ecosystem, an invasive plant species grows at a continuous rate of 15% per year while


Investigating Aquifer Depletion

With increasing groundwater pumping, concerns over aquifer depletion are mounting. A researcher aims


Measuring Ecosystem Respiration Using an Automated Chamber

A researcher uses an automated chamber system placed over an open-field plot to continuously measure


Nitrogen Cycle Alterations

Analyze the natural nitrogen cycle and the effects of anthropogenic activities on its processes.


Nutrient Runoff and Eutrophication in Lakes

A claim has been made that agricultural runoff significantly increases nutrient loads in lakes, lead


Phosphorus Cycle: Weathering and Soil Availability

Phosphorus availability in ecosystems largely depends on geologic and chemical processes such as wea


Role of Detritivores in Nutrient Recycling

This question addresses the ecological role of detritivores in nutrient recycling within an ecosyste


Seasonal Turnover in Lakes and Its Impact on Temperature Distribution

A limnologist studied the temperature profiles of a lake during summer and fall. The graph provided


Simulated Aquifer Recharge Measurement

A researcher simulates aquifer recharge by constructing a soil column in a laboratory container with


Urban Runoff and River Sedimentation

A researcher constructs a scale model of a river system to study the effects of urban runoff on sedi


Vegetation Succession Following Disturbance

A study was carried out in a forest area that experienced a severe wildfire. Researchers monitored s

Unit 2: The Living World: Biodiversity

Adaptation Mechanisms in Response to Environmental Changes

This question explores various adaptation mechanisms in organisms in response to changes in environm


Adaptations: Behavioral, Physiological, and Structural

Adaptations enable organisms to survive in challenging environments. Answer the following:


Adaptations: Behavioral, Physiological, and Structural

Organisms exhibit various types of adaptations to survive in their environments. Analyze these adapt


Climate Change Effects on Adaptations and Biodiversity

Global warming is impacting adaptation strategies and biodiversity in coastal ecosystems. Using conc


Designing an Experiment to Test the Impact of Flooding on Soil Nutrient Cycling

Flooding events can dramatically influence soil nutrient dynamics. Design a laboratory or field expe


Ecosystem Services Analysis

This question focuses on understanding ecosystem services and how disruptions in one service may cas


Ecosystem Services Evaluation

Ecosystems provide a variety of services that benefit human societies. Consider cultural, provisioni


Ecosystem Services in Agricultural vs. Urban Systems

Land-use changes, such as converting agricultural lands to urban areas, affect ecosystem services. C


Evaluating the Role of a Keystone Species in Ecosystem Function

Keystone species play a critical role in maintaining ecosystem structure. Design an experiment to as


Food Web Complexity in Biodiverse Ecosystems

This question explores the relationship between complex food webs and ecosystem resilience.


FRQ 9: Wildlife Migrations and Environmental Stressors

A researcher studies the migration patterns of amphibian species in response to environmental stress


FRQ 13: Nutrient Cycling and Ecosystem Productivity

Researchers study nutrient cycling processes in a grassland ecosystem at two different successional


FRQ 15: Indicator Species and Environmental Health Monitoring

A researcher uses indicator species to monitor water quality in several river systems. Changes in th


FRQ 18: Evaluating the Effectiveness of Conservation Strategies

Researchers assess the outcomes of conservation strategies implemented in a fragmented forest landsc


Indicator Species as Environmental Monitors

Indicator species provide early signs of environmental changes. Discuss their role and give examples


Island Biogeography

A group of islands at varying distances from a mainland were surveyed for species diversity. The res


Law of Tolerance and Environmental Limits - Visual Analysis

This question examines the Law of Tolerance by requiring you to define the concept and critically an


Monoculture vs. Polyculture: Impact on Soil Fertility and Ecosystem Health

An agricultural study compares the effects of monoculture and polyculture systems on soil fertility


Population Bottlenecks and Genetic Diversity

In this question, you will explore the concept of population bottlenecks, how they reduce genetic di


Soil Nutrient Cycling under Different Fertilizer Treatments

Researchers established experimental plots to study the impact of organic versus synthetic fertilize


Species Richness Dynamics in Successional Communities

Examine the dynamics of species richness during ecological succession.


Trophic Interactions and Energy Flow

Energy flows through ecosystems in a pyramidal fashion, and trophic interactions determine the struc


Wildlife Migration Patterns and Resource Availability

Researchers recorded the Food Resource Availability Index and the count of migratory birds over four

Unit 3: Populations

Analysis of Population Dispersal Patterns

Discuss the different patterns of population dispersal and their ecological implications, particular


Analyzing Total Fertility Rates Across Countries

Using the provided table of Total Fertility Rates (TFR) for various countries, analyze how TFR refle


Assessing the Impact of Pollution on Aquatic Population Growth

Design an experiment to evaluate the effect of varying pollutant concentrations on the population gr


Comparing r-selected and K-selected Reproductive Strategies

Discuss the differences between r-strategists and K-strategists in terms of their reproductive strat


Density-Dependent vs Density-Independent Limiting Factors

Differentiate between density-dependent and density-independent factors and apply this understanding


Evaluating Population Dispersal Patterns

A researcher collected data on the dispersal patterns of various animal species. Refer to the provid


Evaluating Survivorship Patterns in Species

Design an experiment to determine the survivorship curve of a species under varying environmental co


Feedback Loops in Ecological Systems

Examine the role of feedback loops in ecosystem dynamics and provide specific examples to illustrate


Feedback Loops in Ecosystems

Feedback loops are critical in maintaining ecosystem stability. Answer the following questions: 1.


FRQ 1: Effects of Environmental Change on Generalist and Specialist Species

Researchers examined two populations – one consisting of a generalist species and the other of a spe


FRQ 2: Investigating Survivorship Curves in a Laboratory Insect Population

An experiment was conducted to study the survivorship curve of a laboratory insect population. Two h


FRQ 2: K-Selected and r-Selected Reproductive Strategies in Variable Environments

An ecologist compared two species: one known to be an r-strategist and the other a K-strategist. The


FRQ 6: Analyzing Age-Structure Diagrams and Their Implications for Population Growth

A demographer provided data for three countries showing the distribution of age groups in their popu


FRQ 9: Application of Liebig's Law of the Minimum

This question invites you to explain Liebig's Law of the Minimum and translate a quantitative scenar


FRQ 13: Evaluating Deforestation Effects on Soil Nutrient Profiles

An experiment was set up to evaluate the impact of deforestation on soil nutrient levels. Researcher


FRQ 19: Comparative Analysis of Population Regulation Mechanisms in Two Ecosystems

A researcher compared population regulation in two ecosystems: a forest and a desert. The table belo


FRQ 20: Projecting Future Population Trends Based on Total Fertility Rates

A study was designed to project future population growth over the next 100 years using historical to


Impacts of High Population Density on Ecosystem Health

Examine how high human population density can affect ecosystem health and propose sustainable strate


Impacts of Population Dynamics on Biodiversity

Rapid population growth and high density can have major impacts on biodiversity. Answer the followin


Impacts of Population Growth on Natural Resources

Assess the relationship between human population growth and the depletion of natural resources, and


Interpreting Age-Structure Diagrams

You are provided with age-structure diagrams representing pyramid-shaped, bell-shaped, and urn-shape


Interpreting Total Fertility Rate (TFR) Data

Total Fertility Rate (TFR) is an important demographic indicator. Use the table provided below to an


Invasive Species and Ecosystem Stability

Invasive species, which are often generalists, can disrupt native ecosystems by outcompeting special


Investigating Carrying Capacity in a Forest Ecosystem

A team of ecologists is studying the carrying capacity (K) of a forest ecosystem for a small mammal


Investigating Limiting Factors in Crop Yield

An agronomist is studying how different limiting factors affect the yield of a particular crop. Focu


K-Selected and R-Selected Species Analysis

This question examines the contrasting life-history strategies of r-selected and K-selected species


Liebig’s Law of the Minimum and Limiting Factors

Using the provided nutrient data, explain how Liebig's Law of the Minimum determines plant growth.


Limiting Factors and Population Regulation

Populations are regulated by a variety of limiting factors. Answer the following questions:


Modeling Exponential vs. Logistic Population Growth

Design an experiment to compare exponential (J-curve) and logistic (S-curve) population growth model


Population Dispersal Patterns

Explore the types of population dispersal patterns and interpret observational data to determine the


Population Growth Models: J-Curve vs. S-Curve

Examine the growth patterns of populations as represented by J-curves and S-curves, and determine th


Population Growth Rate Calculations and Analysis

Using the provided data, perform calculations to determine the Crude Birth Rate, Crude Death Rate, a


Population Growth Rate: Application of Formulas

Apply the formulas of population growth rate to analyze given demographic data. Discuss how immigrat


Urbanization Effects on r- and K-Strategists

Examine how urbanization influences species exhibiting r-selected versus K-selected strategies using

Unit 4: Earth Systems and Resources

Analyzing Seasonal Wind Patterns in Monsoon Climates

Monsoon systems are characterized by dramatic seasonal changes in wind patterns and rainfall. Analyz


Analyzing the Role of Vegetation in Carbon Sequestration

The table below compares soil organic carbon levels across different land use types with varying deg


Assessing Nutrient Runoff in a Watershed

Watershed management is critical for controlling nutrient runoff into water bodies. Analyze nitrate


Atmospheric Layer Analysis

Based on the following descriptions: The troposphere contains 75% of the atmosphere's mass and almos


Convergent Boundaries and Mountain Building

An earth scientist is studying the dynamics of convergent plate boundaries and their role in forming


Evapotranspiration and Local Climate: A Simplified Estimate

Evapotranspiration (ET) is a key factor influencing local climate and water availability. A simplifi


FRQ 20: Monsoon Dynamics and Land-Sea Temperature Gradient Experiment

To study monsoon dynamics, researchers develop a computational simulation experiment that models the


Global Wind Patterns and Atmospheric Circulation Analysis

Study the provided diagram of Earth's atmospheric circulation cells (Hadley, Ferrel, and Polar) and


Global Wind Patterns Smoke Tracer Experiment

A team of researchers designed an outdoor experiment using smoke tracers to model global wind patter


Hadley, Ferrel, and Polar Cells

A meteorologist is examining the structure of atmospheric circulation cells and their effects on cli


Hadley, Ferrel, and Polar Cells Circulation Analysis

A diagram (described below) illustrates global atmospheric circulation: "A diagram shows rising air


Heat Index and Relative Humidity

The claim under analysis is that relative humidity is the predominant factor in determining the heat


Impact of El Niño on Regional Climate and Ecology

This question explores the climatic and ecological effects of the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO


Impact of Organic Matter on Soil Nutrient-Holding Capacity

Design an experimental study to test the effect of organic matter (humus) on the nutrient-holding ca


Impacts of Atmospheric Composition Changes on Climate

Changes in Earth's atmospheric composition have profound impacts on climate. Analyze the historical


Land and Sea Breezes Dynamics

This question investigates the mechanisms behind land and sea breezes and their environmental implic


Plate Tectonics and Continental Drift Evidence

Analyze the key evidence supporting plate tectonic theory and continental drift. In your answer, dis


Plate Tectonics and Seismic Hazard Assessment

This question relates plate tectonic theory to seismic hazard assessment in urban areas.


Relationship Between Plate Boundaries and Seismic Activity

Design an experimental study to evaluate how different types of plate boundaries (convergent, diverg


Soil Compaction and Water Infiltration Experiment

An investigator set up an experiment to study water infiltration in compacted soils. Identical soil


Soil Erosion: Estimating Soil Loss using the USLE Model

The Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) estimates annual soil loss using the formula $$A = R * K * L


Soil Erosion: Impact of Agricultural Practices

A soil scientist is evaluating how different agricultural practices influence soil erosion rates.


Soil Food Web and Nutrient Cycling

The soil food web is essential for nutrient recycling in ecosystems. Explore how disruptions in the


Soil Food Web Dynamics Under Compaction Stress

This question investigates how soil biological communities and nutrient cycling are affected by soil


Soil Formation under Varying Climatic Conditions

A comparative study was conducted on soil profiles in regions with different climatic conditions. Th


Urban Expansion and Biodiversity Loss

A claim suggests that urban expansion is the primary driver of local biodiversity loss. Evaluate thi


Watershed Management and Pollutant Control

This question focuses on watershed definition, management practices, and the reduction of agricultur


Watershed Management and Water Quality

An environmental scientist is evaluating the role of watersheds in regulating water quality and redu


Watershed Nutrient Runoff Experiment

A watershed manager designed an experiment to measure nutrient runoff, specifically nitrate and phos

Unit 5: Land and Water Use

Agricultural Revolutions: From Domestication to Modern Mechanization

Agricultural revolutions have dramatically increased food production but have also contributed to en


Analyzing Soil Fertility and Agricultural Input Use

A researcher conducts an experiment to compare the effects of inorganic and organic fertilizers on s


Analyzing the Effects of Agricultural Mechanization

A researcher investigates how the introduction of mechanized tractors during the Second Agricultural


Assessment of Pesticide Treadmill Dynamics through Laboratory Simulation

A researcher simulates the development of pesticide resistance in a pest population by applying a sp


Biodiversity and Land Use Conversion Diagram Analysis

Examine the provided diagram that illustrates the relationship between deforestation/land conversion


Deforestation and Biodiversity Loss

Analyze the environmental consequences of deforestation, focusing on habitat fragmentation and biodi


Deforestation and Carbon Emissions

Evaluate the contribution of deforestation to carbon emissions through quantitative analysis and dis


Desertification and Soil Erosion: Quantifying Soil Loss

Overgrazing in a 200-hectare field leads to soil erosion at a rate of 5 tons per hectare per year ov


Ecological Footprints and Sustainable Limits

Discuss the concept of ecological footprints and evaluate whether current resource consumption level


Evaluating Agricultural Revolutions: Productivity vs Sustainability

A researcher examines how technological innovations during the Second and Third Agricultural Revolut


Evaluating Sustainable Agriculture through Crop Rotation Experiments

A researcher investigates the impact of crop rotation versus monoculture on soil fertility and pest


Evaluating the Environmental Effects of Clear-Cutting on Forest Ecosystems

Design an experiment to assess how clear-cutting affects forest ecosystems by focusing on changes in


Experiment Analysis: CAFOs and Water Pollution

Researchers designed an experiment to investigate the impact of manure waste from Concentrated Anima


Experiment Analysis: Deforestation and Soil Erosion

To simulate deforestation effects, researchers clear-cut a 1-hectare plot and measured soil erosion,


Experiment Analysis: Irrigation Methods and Crop Yield Efficiency

Researchers compared the effectiveness of three irrigation methods—drip, flood, and spray—in terms o


Impacts of Urbanization on Environmental Systems

Discuss how rapid urbanization affects natural systems and the challenges it poses to sustainable de


Integrated Pest Management (IPM) vs. Chemical Pesticides: Impact on Pest Populations

Design an experiment to compare the effects of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) and chemical pestici


Investigating Overfishing and the Tragedy of the Commons

A researcher simulates a fishery using multiple tanks to study the effects of fishing pressure on fi


IPAT Equation and Sustainability Trade-offs

The table below lists three communities along with their population (P), affluence (A, in dollars/pe


Measuring Ecological Footprints: Urban vs. Suburban Lifestyles

Design a study to measure and compare the ecological footprints of urban versus suburban lifestyles.


Mechanized Mining and Energy Consumption

Analyze the energy consumption in mechanized mining operations and discuss its environmental consequ


Mining: Land Disturbance and Environmental Consequences

Assess the environmental impacts of mining by quantifying land disturbance and discussing related ec


Simulating Acid Mine Drainage Effects on Soil pH and Vegetation

Design an experiment to simulate acid mine drainage and investigate its effects on soil pH and subse


Stratospheric Ozone Depletion and Human Activity

A mid-latitude country has observed an increase in harmful ultraviolet (UV) radiation due to thinnin


Sustainable Agriculture: No-Till and Crop Rotation Benefits

A farming community has recently transitioned from conventional tillage methods to sustainable pract


Synthetic vs. Organic Fertilizers Trade-offs

Evaluate the trade-offs between using synthetic and organic fertilizers in terms of crop yield impro

Unit 6: Energy Resources and Consumption

Application of the Laws of Thermodynamics in Energy Production

Thermodynamic principles govern the efficiency of energy production systems. Analyze how both the fi


Combustion Efficiency and Emission Analysis

A power plant burns fossil fuels following the reaction $$C + O_2 \rightarrow CO_2$$. The table belo


Designing a Solar Photovoltaic System

Explore the principles behind photovoltaic energy conversion and estimate the power output of a sola


Economic Analysis of Domestic Energy Production

Analyze the economic principles underlying domestic energy production, focusing on supply and demand


Energy Conservation in Residential Buildings

A recent study compared energy consumption and operating costs between conventional residential buil


Energy Conversion Efficiency in Fossil Fuel Power Plants

A comparative study of several fossil fuel power plants recorded their thermal energy inputs and ele


Energy Transformation in Power Plants

A fossil fuel power plant converts chemical energy stored in fuel to electrical energy through sever


Fossil Fuels Combustion Analysis

This question focuses on the chemical processes involved in the combustion of fossil fuels and their


Fossil Fuels: Combustion Reactions and Emissions

This question focuses on the combustion of fossil fuels, associated chemical equations, energy relea


Geothermal Energy Extraction Analysis

A geothermal well's performance was monitored, and a graph was produced showing the relationship bet


Harnessing Geothermal Energy

Investigate the use of geothermal energy for electricity generation and analyze its environmental im


Hydroelectricity and Ecosystem Impact

Hydroelectric power offers renewable energy but can also disrupt natural ecosystems. Evaluate its be


Life Cycle Analysis of Energy Sources

Perform a life cycle analysis comparing fossil fuels with a renewable energy source of your choice t


Nuclear Fission Chain Reactions and Energy Output

This question examines the nuclear fission process, the concept of half-life, and the associated ris


Nuclear Safety and Reactor Design

Study the schematic diagram of a typical nuclear reactor provided below. Answer the following questi


Renewable vs Nonrenewable Energy Resources

As global energy demands rise, understanding the differences between renewable and nonrenewable reso


Residential Energy Conservation Strategies

This question investigates various energy conservation strategies in residential settings and requir


Residential Photovoltaic System Energy Output

A residential photovoltaic system has a peak capacity of 5 kW. Due to weather and orientation, it op


Wind Energy Production and Efficiency Calculation

Analyze how wind turbines convert the kinetic energy of wind into electrical energy and perform a ca


Wind Turbine Blade Experiment

You want to investigate how varying wind turbine blade designs affect energy output. Your goal is to


Wind Turbine Performance Experiment

A researcher studies the performance of a small-scale wind turbine in a controlled wind tunnel. The

Unit 7: Atmospheric Pollution

Acid Rain and Ecosystem Impacts

This question focuses on the formation of acid rain through atmospheric chemical processes and its c


Acid Rain and Soil pH Effects

Design an experiment to evaluate the effects of acid rain deposition on soil pH levels and nutrient


Acid Rain Formation and Ecological Effects

Discuss the chemical processes leading to acid rain and its impacts on aquatic ecosystems.


Analysis of Ambient Ozone Using UV Triggered Reactions Experiment

A researcher measures ambient ozone formation by subjecting a mixture of nitrogen dioxide and oxygen


Analyzing Industrial Smog Formation

In this question, you will explore the formation of industrial smog arising from fossil fuel combust


Carbon Monoxide Production and Mitigation

In an urban environment with heavy traffic, high levels of carbon monoxide (CO) have been recorded.


Catalytic Converter Function and Stoichiometry

Catalytic converters are critical in controlling emissions from vehicles by converting harmful gases


Catalytic Converters: Mechanism and Effectiveness

Catalytic converters are pivotal in reducing harmful vehicular emissions. Examine the provided diagr


Comparative Analysis of Naturally Occurring vs. Anthropogenic PMx

This question examines the differences between naturally occurring and anthropogenic suspended parti


Comparative Analysis: Outdoor vs. Indoor Air Pollutants

Air quality varies significantly between outdoor and indoor environments. Recent monitoring data hav


Comparative Study of Indoor vs. Outdoor Air Pollutants

Indoor environments often exhibit different pollutant concentrations compared to outdoors. Use the t


Comparative Study of Natural vs. Anthropogenic PMx Sources

Design an experiment to compare the concentrations of naturally occurring particulate matter (PMx) v


Comprehensive Air Pollution Mitigation Strategies

This comprehensive question requires you to integrate various air pollution remediation techniques,


Derivation of Reaction Pathways in Industrial Smog Formation

Industrial smog is formed by a series of chemical reactions, starting from the combustion of fossil


Effects and Mitigation of Noise Pollution

Noise pollution is an environmental concern affecting both humans and wildlife. Answer the following


Evaluating Acid Rain Effects on Aquatic Ecosystems

A researcher monitors a freshwater lake over four seasons to assess the ecological impact of acid ra


Evaluating Air Pollution Remediation Techniques

Different technological solutions are employed to reduce air pollution. Evaluate various remediation


Evaluating Measures to Reduce Air Pollutants

A municipality is considering various strategies to reduce air pollutants from both indoor and outdo


Evaluating Primary and Secondary Pollutant Transformations

Air pollutants can be classified as primary (emitted directly) or secondary (formed in the atmospher


Evaluating the Impact of Wind Speed on Air Pollutant Dispersion

Dispersion of air pollutants is strongly influenced by wind speed. Using the advection-diffusion mod


Experimental Design for Air Pollution Mitigation

Design an experiment to test the effectiveness of a new air purification technology intended to redu


FRQ 16: Acid Deposition Effects on Aquatic Systems

Analyze the impact of acid deposition on freshwater ecosystems, focusing on changes in pH and associ


Impact of Peroxyacyl Nitrates (PANs) on Agriculture

A study investigates the influence of peroxyacyl nitrates (PANs) on agricultural crop yields. The ta


Impact of Temperature on Formation of Industrial Smog

A researcher conducted a set of experiments to monitor the concentration of sulfur dioxide (SO₂) emi


Impacts of Indoor Air Pollutants

Indoor air pollutants can have significant health effects. Discuss the health impacts of three indoo


Indoor Air Quality: Focus on VOCs and Radon

Indoor air quality can be significantly compromised by pollutants like volatile organic compounds (V


Industrial Emissions and Sulfur Dioxide

This question examines the emission process of sulfur dioxide from industrial sources and evaluates


Industrial Noise Pollution Impact Assessment

A study examines noise pollution from various sources in industrial settings. The provided table lis


Industrial Smog and Sulfur Dioxide Transformation

This question focuses on the chemical processes leading to industrial smog and the formation of sulf


Industrial vs. Non-Point Source Pollution Analysis

A researcher examines various air pollution sources. The provided table categorizes examples of poin


Investigating Ozone Formation in Urban Settings

A researcher studies ozone formation by exposing a mixture of nitrogen oxides and volatile organic c


Investigating the Effects of Combustion Processes on Air Pollutants

Incomplete combustion in industrial settings can lead to the formation of carbon monoxide and partic


Lead Contamination and Health Impacts

This question explores the sources of lead pollution, its health impacts, and possible remediation s


Lead Pollution and Public Health Impacts

Exposure to ambient lead in air has significant implications on human health. The table below presen


Mechanisms Behind Carbon Monoxide Formation and Mitigation

Carbon monoxide (CO) is a harmful pollutant produced by incomplete combustion. Discuss its formation


Outdoor Particulate Matter Study

An environmental scientist studies how meteorological conditions affect outdoor particulate matter l


Peroxyacyl Nitrates (PANs) and Their Environmental Implications

In a heavily industrialized urban area, elevated levels of peroxyacyl nitrates (PANs) have been dete


Peroxyacyl Nitrates (PANs) and their Impact on Ecosystems

Peroxyacyl nitrates (PANs) are secondary pollutants known for their role in damaging vegetation and


Peroxyacyl Nitrates (PANs) and Urban Air Quality

PANs are secondary pollutants that can travel far from their urban origins. Use the provided data to


Photochemical Smog Formation Analysis

Photochemical smog formation involves a series of reactions influenced by sunlight and pollutant con


Smog Chamber Study of Nitrogen Oxide Cycling

A research team set up a smog chamber experiment to study the cycling between nitrogen oxide species


Thermal Inversions and Air Quality

This question investigates the phenomenon of thermal inversions and their role in trapping air pollu


Thermal Inversions and Pollutant Trapping

Thermal inversions can trap pollutants near the ground, exacerbating air quality issues. A table bel


Urban Heat Islands and Air Pollutant Concentrations

A researcher conducted a study to assess how urban heat islands affect the concentrations of air pol


Urban Heat Islands and Air Pollutant Concentrations

Urban heat islands (UHIs) can influence air quality. Consider the following data, which shows urban


Urban Lead Sources and Health Risks

Lead is a dangerous pollutant particularly in urban environments. Answer the following: (a) Identif


Urban versus Rural Particulate Matter Sources

A study compared PM2.5 and PM10 concentrations in urban and rural settings over a one-month period.

Unit 8: Aquatic and Terrestrial Pollution

Anaerobic Digestion as a Waste Management Strategy

A researcher examines anaerobic digestion as an alternative method for municipal waste management. A


Anaerobic Digestion Efficiency in Organic Waste Treatment

A researcher investigated the efficiency of anaerobic digestion for decomposing organic waste from m


Analyzing the Persistence of Organic Pollutants (POPs)

A study measured the concentration of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) and the bioaccumulation f


Assessing Thermal Pollution Effects on Aquatic Ecosystems

A thermal pollution study monitored changes in water temperature and dissolved oxygen (DO) over a 24


Assessing Urban Runoff and Its Environmental Effects

This FRQ analyzes urban runoff data with respect to physical parameters and discusses strategies to


Assessment of Endocrine Disruptors in Municipal Water

This FRQ examines the monitoring and treatment efficiency for endocrine disruptors, specifically bis


Bioaccumulation and Biomagnification in a Food Chain

A study graphically represents the increase in pollutant concentration across trophic levels in a fo


Calculating Biomagnification Factors from Experimental Data

This question involves calculating the biomagnification factor within a simplified food web and inte


Case Study: Oil Spill Effects on Marine Ecosystems

Oil spills have immediate and long-term detrimental effects on marine ecosystems. This question requ


Comparative Analysis of Solid Waste Disposal Methods

A researcher is comparing various methods used for solid waste disposal. Answer the following parts


Designing a Municipal Solid Waste Disposal Strategy

This FRQ challenges you to evaluate various solid waste disposal methods and design an integrated st


Endocrine Disruptors and Their Effects on Aquatic Life

This FRQ explores the impact of the endocrine disruptor BPA on fish growth using experimental data.


Evaluating Incineration and its Impact on Air Quality

A city implemented incineration for municipal solid waste management, and air quality data have been


Evaluating the Efficiency of Ion Exchange Columns in Wastewater Treatment

A researcher designed an experiment to test the efficiency of an ion exchange column in removing hea


FRQ10: Solid Waste Disposal and Landfill Design

Evaluate the design of a sanitary landfill based on the provided schematic diagram. Analyze its stru


Impact of Endocrine Disruptors on Aquatic Organism Reproduction

Examine how endocrine disruptors affect the reproductive rates of aquatic organisms by interpreting


Impact of pH Changes on Aquatic Ecosystem Health

Changes in water pH can have significant consequences for aquatic systems. This question involves qu


Impacts of Endocrine Disruptors on Animal Populations

A study on endocrine disruptors recorded the concentration of BPA and the incidence of developmental


Investigating Biomagnification in a Food Chain

A researcher designed a laboratory experiment to study the biomagnification of a contaminant through


Long-Term Environmental Impacts of Ocean Dumping

This FRQ evaluates the ecological and human health risks associated with ocean dumping of hazardous


Measurement of Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) in Polluted Water

A laboratory experiment is conducted to measure the Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) of water samples


Mining and Water Contamination

A researcher is examining how mining operations contribute to water contamination. Answer the follow


Studying the Impact of Waste Disposal Methods on Groundwater Quality

Waste disposal practices, particularly for hazardous wastes, can impact groundwater quality. Design

Unit 9: Global Change

Assessing Energy Supply and its Impact on Greenhouse Gas Emissions

This question explores the significant impact of fossil fuel combustion for energy supply on greenho


Assessing the Role of Human Activity in Defining Global Climate Patterns

A climate researcher examines how human activities, such as deforestation and fossil fuel combustion


Case Study: Zebra Mussel Invasion

This question uses a case study of zebra mussel invasion to analyze population growth trends and imp


Environmental Impact Analysis of Alternative Coolants

The use of HCFCs and CFCs in cooling systems contributes to ozone depletion. Alternative coolants su


Genetic Diversity Analysis in a Captive Breeding Program

A researcher evaluates a captive breeding program for an endangered mammal by analyzing the genetic


Global Climate Change and Human Health

Rising global temperatures and changes in climate patterns have both direct and indirect effects on


Global Climate Change: Sea-Level Rise Analysis

This question addresses global climate change by analyzing sea-level rise data and proposing an obse


Global Sea Level Rise and Its Consequences

Sea level rise is one of the measurable impacts of global climate change. This question uses simple


Graphical Analysis of Thermal Expansion

A graph illustrates the relationship between time (in years) and sea temperature as a proxy for ther


Greenhouse Effect and Earth's Energy Balance

This question focuses on the role of greenhouse gases in absorbing infrared radiation and contributi


Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Source Analysis

A dataset on greenhouse gas emissions is compiled from various sectors including energy, transportat


Habitat Fragmentation and Endangered Species

This question explores the effects of habitat fragmentation on endangered species, including a geome


Health Impacts of Ozone Depletion

This question looks at the health implications of ozone depletion due to increased UV exposure.


Health Impacts of Ozone Depletion

Ozone depletion leads to an increase in ultraviolet (UV) radiation reaching the Earth's surface, whi


Impact of CFCs on the Ozone Layer

Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) are known to accelerate ozone depletion through catalytic cycles. In this


Impact of Stratospheric Cooling

This question investigates the relationship between ozone depletion and stratospheric cooling, incor


International Environmental Policy and Its Impact

Discuss the role of international agreements in mitigating environmental issues such as ozone deplet


Invasive Species: Impacts, Management, and Recovery

This question addresses the pathways of invasive species introduction, their impacts, and management


Investigating Stratospheric Ozone Formation

In a research study, an atmospheric scientist investigates the formation and destruction of ozone in


Mechanisms of Stratospheric Ozone Formation and Depletion

This problem explores the chemical and physical mechanisms behind stratospheric ozone formation and


Multiple Stressors and Ecosystem Resilience

An ecologist is investigating how multiple environmental stressors—such as invasive species, climate


Stratospheric Ozone Depletion and CFCs

This question examines the chemical mechanism of ozone depletion in the stratosphere due to CFCs and


Trends in Biodiversity and the Role of Habitat Loss

Environmental changes and habitat destruction have varying impacts on plants and animals. A research


Understanding Global Climate Change: Sea Level Rise and Thermal Expansion

Global warming leads to sea level rise through both the melting of ice and the thermal expansion of


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Where can I find practice free response questions for the AP Environmental Science exam?
The free response section of each AP exam varies slightly, so you’ll definitely want to practice that before stepping into that exam room. Here are some free places to find practice FRQs :
  • Of course, make sure to run through College Board's past FRQ questions!
  • Once you’re done with those go through all the questions in the AP Environmental ScienceFree Response Room. You can answer the question and have it grade you against the rubric so you know exactly where to improve.
  • Reddit it also a great place to find AP free response questions that other students may have access to.
How do I practice for AP AP Environmental Science Exam FRQs?
Once you’re done reviewing your study guides, find and bookmark all the free response questions you can find. The question above has some good places to look! while you’re going through them, simulate exam conditions by setting a timer that matches the time allowed on the actual exam. Time management is going to help you answer the FRQs on the real exam concisely when you’re in that time crunch.
What are some tips for AP Environmental Science free response questions?
Before you start writing out your response, take a few minutes to outline the key points you want to make sure to touch on. This may seem like a waste of time, but it’s very helpful in making sure your response effectively addresses all the parts of the question. Once you do your practice free response questions, compare them to scoring guidelines and sample responses to identify areas for improvement. When you do the free response practice on the AP Environmental Science Free Response Room, there’s an option to let it grade your response against the rubric and tell you exactly what you need to study more.
How do I answer AP Environmental Science free-response questions?
Answering AP Environmental Science free response questions the right way is all about practice! As you go through the AP AP Environmental Science Free Response Room, treat it like a real exam and approach it this way so you stay calm during the actual exam. When you first see the question, take some time to process exactly what it’s asking. Make sure to also read through all the sub-parts in the question and re-read the main prompt, making sure to circle and underline any key information. This will help you allocate your time properly and also make sure you are hitting all the parts of the question. Before you answer each question, note down the key points you want to hit and evidence you want to use (where applicable). Once you have the skeleton of your response, writing it out will be quick, plus you won’t make any silly mistake in a rush and forget something important.