AP United States Government and Politics FRQ Room

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AP United States Government and Politics Free Response Prompts

We have over 3 million resources across various exams, and subjects to refer to at any point.

  • View all (124)
  • Unit 1: Foundations of American Democracy (25)
  • Unit 2: Interactions Among Branches of Government (25)
  • Unit 3: Civil Liberties and Civil Rights (24)
  • Unit 4: American Political Ideologies and Beliefs (25)
  • Unit 5: Political Participation (25)
Unit 1: Foundations of American Democracy

Argumentative Essay - Bill of Rights

Answer the following AP Government and Politics Argumentative Essay Question


Argumentative Essay - Checks and Balances

Answer the following AP Government and Politics Argumentative Essay Question


Argumentative Essay - Federalism and State Sovereignty

Answer the following AP Government and Politics Argumentative Essay Question


Argumentative Essay - Separation of Powers

Answer the following AP Government and Politics Argumentative Essay Question


Argumentative Essay - The Electoral College

Answer the following AP Government and Politics Argumentative Essay Question


Concept Application: Barriers - Andrew Yang

Entrepreneur Andrew Yang ran for the Democratic nomination for President of the United States in the


Concept Application: Barriers - Bernie Sanders

Senator Bernie Sanders, a self-described democratic socialist, ran for the Democratic nomination for


Concept Application: Barriers - Elizabeth Warren

In the 2020 United States presidential election, Senator Elizabeth Warren faced significant challeng


Concept Application: Barriers - Kamala Harris

Senator Kamala Harris announced her candidacy for the Democratic nomination for President of the Uni


Concept Application: Barriers - Pete Buttigieg

Mayor Pete Buttigieg of South Bend, Indiana, entered the 2020 Democratic presidential primary as a r


Concept Application: Constitution - Digital Privacy

In recent years, technological advancements have led to an increase in government surveillance capab


Concept Application: Constitution - Free Speech Rally

In a small town in the United States, a controversial figure known for their divisive views on immig


Concept Application: Constitution - Gun Control Legislation

In response to a series of tragic mass shootings, a state legislature passes a new law imposing stri


Concept Application: Constitution - National Emergency Powers

Amidst a period of unprecedented national crisis, the President of the United States declares a stat


Concept Application: Constitution - Voting Rights Act

Following a landmark Supreme Court decision that struck down key provisions of the Voting Rights Act


Concept Application: Misc - Federalism and the COVID-19 Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic presented a unique challenge to the federal structure of the United States, wi


Concept Application: Misc - Federalist and Anti-Federalist Debates

The debate between Federalists and Anti-Federalists was pivotal in shaping the United States Constit


Concept Application: Misc - Separation of Powers

The United States Constitution establishes a system of government based on the separation of powers


Concept Application: Misc - The Articles of Confederation

Following the American Revolution, the newly independent states faced the challenge of forming a nat


Concept Application: Misc - The Electoral College

The Electoral College is a unique feature of the American presidential election system, where electo


SCOTUS Comparison - Heart of Atlanta Motel v. United States

In Heart of Atlanta Motel v. United States (1964), the owner of the Heart of Atlanta Motel challenge


SCOTUS Comparison - National Federation of Independent Business v. Sebelius

In National Federation of Independent Business v. Sebelius (2012), multiple parties challenged the c


SCOTUS Comparison - Printz v. United States

In Printz v. United States (1997), sheriffs Jay Printz and Richard Mack challenged the constitutiona


SCOTUS Comparison - Shelby County v. Holder

In Shelby County v. Holder (2013), Shelby County, Alabama, challenged the constitutionality of Secti


SCOTUS Comparison - South Dakota v. Dole

In South Dakota v. Dole (1987), the state of South Dakota challenged the constitutionality of a fede

Unit 2: Interactions Among Branches of Government

Argumentative Essay - The Effectiveness of Gerrymandering

Answer the following AP Government and Politics Argumentative Essay Question


Argumentative Essay - The Impact of Congressional Committees

Answer the following AP Government and Politics Argumentative Essay Question


Argumentative Essay - The Power of Judicial Review

Answer the following AP Government and Politics Argumentative Essay Question


Argumentative Essay - The Role of Congressional Oversight

Answer the following AP Government and Politics Argumentative Essay Question


Argumentative Essay - The Role of Filibusters

Answer the following AP Government and Politics Argumentative Essay Question


Concept Application: Barriers - Age Restrictions in Political Office

Samantha Lee, a 24-year-old activist with a strong passion for political reform and social justice,


Concept Application: Barriers - Campaign Finance Hurdles

John Smith, a community organizer with a strong background in public service and advocacy for campai


Concept Application: Barriers - Gerrymandering Challenges

In a recent election cycle, a rising political star, Maria Gonzalez, decides to run for a seat in th


Concept Application: Barriers - Navigating Red Tape for Ballot Access

Alex Kim, an independent candidate with a strong following among young voters, decides to run for a


Concept Application: Barriers - The Incumbency Advantage

Emily Johnson, a local business owner and community leader, decides to challenge the incumbent repre


Concept Application: Constitution - Congressional Oversight and Executive Agencies

In recent years, a significant controversy has emerged over the operations of a major executive agen


Concept Application: Constitution - Gerrymandering and Representation

Following the most recent census, the state legislature of a politically divided state has undertake


Concept Application: Constitution - Impeachment Process

A high-ranking federal official has been accused of serious misconduct, including abuse of power and


Concept Application: Constitution - The Filibuster and Legislative Process

In an effort to pass significant healthcare reform, a bill has been introduced in the Senate that pr


Concept Application: Constitution - The War Powers Act

The President of the United States has initiated military action in a foreign country without prior


Concept Application: Misc - Gerrymandering and Electoral Fairness

Following the most recent census, the state legislature of Jefferson, controlled by the Republican P


Concept Application: Misc - Impeachment and the Separation of Powers

The House of Representatives votes to impeach President Jordan Ellis on charges of abuse of power an


Concept Application: Misc - Presidential Powers and Congressional Oversight

During a period of heightened international tension, President Alex Martinez decides to deploy troop


Concept Application: Misc - The Legislative Process and Interest Group Influence

A new bill aimed at reforming healthcare is introduced in the House of Representatives. The bill has


Concept Application: Misc - The Role of the Supreme Court in Social Policy

The Supreme Court agrees to hear a landmark case challenging a federal law that restricts the rights


SCOTUS Comparison - Bush v. Gore

In Bush v. Gore (2000), the Supreme Court was faced with a dispute over the counting of votes in Flo


SCOTUS Comparison - Gill v. Whitford

In Gill v. Whitford (2018), the plaintiffs challenged Wisconsin's state assembly district map, argui


SCOTUS Comparison - Reynolds v. Sims

In Reynolds v. Sims (1964), the plaintiffs challenged the apportionment of the Alabama legislature,


SCOTUS Comparison - Rucho v. Common Cause

In Rucho v. Common Cause (2019), plaintiffs challenged North Carolina's congressional district map,


SCOTUS Comparison - Vieth v. Jubelirer

In Vieth v. Jubelirer (2004), the plaintiffs challenged Pennsylvania's congressional redistricting p

Unit 3: Civil Liberties and Civil Rights

Argumentative Essay - Balancing Free Speech and Public Safety

Answer the following AP Government and Politics Argumentative Essay Question


Argumentative Essay - The Establishment Clause and Religious Freedom

Answer the following AP Government and Politics Argumentative Essay Question


Argumentative Essay - The Right to Privacy

Answer the following AP Government and Politics Argumentative Essay Question


Argumentative Essay - The Role of the Second Amendment in Modern Society

Answer the following AP Government and Politics Argumentative Essay Question


Concept Application: Barriers - Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, often referred to by her initials AOC, has quickly become one of the most


Concept Application: Barriers - Bernie Sanders

Bernie Sanders, an Independent senator from Vermont, has been a prominent figure in American politic


Concept Application: Barriers - Elizabeth Warren

Elizabeth Warren, a senator from Massachusetts, has been a vocal advocate for economic reform, consu


Concept Application: Barriers - Kamala Harris

Kamala Harris, a prominent figure in American politics, has had a trailblazing career. As the first


Concept Application: Barriers - Pete Buttigieg

Pete Buttigieg, the former Mayor of South Bend, Indiana, made history by being one of the first open


Concept Application: Constitution - Equal Protection Under the Law

In the state of Equality, a new law was passed that prohibited individuals from a specific ethnic mi


Concept Application: Constitution - Freedom of Assembly

In the city of Unity, a new policy was implemented by the local government requiring all public demo


Concept Application: Constitution - Freedom of the Press

The national government recently enacted a law that requires all news outlets to submit their articl


Concept Application: Constitution - Second Amendment Rights

In the state of Freedonia, a new law was passed that banned all citizens from owning firearms, citin


Concept Application: Constitution - The Right to Privacy

In the small town of Libertyville, the local government passed an ordinance requiring all residents


Concept Application: Misc - Affirmative Action and Civil Rights

A prestigious university has been sued by a group of applicants who claim that the institution's aff


Concept Application: Misc - Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Workplace Discrimination

A large corporation has recently been sued by a former employee, who alleges that they were denied a


Concept Application: Misc - Digital Privacy and the Fourth Amendment

In the wake of a high-profile cyberattack, the federal government has enacted a new law that grants


Concept Application: Misc - School Prayer and First Amendment Rights

In a small town in the Midwest, a public high school has recently implemented a policy where each da


Concept Application: Misc - Second Amendment and Local Gun Control Laws

In a large metropolitan area, the city council has passed a new ordinance that significantly restric


SCOTUS Comparison - Grutter v. Bollinger

In Grutter v. Bollinger (2003), the Supreme Court addressed the issue of affirmative action in highe


SCOTUS Comparison - Loving v. Virginia

In Loving v. Virginia (1967), the Supreme Court addressed the constitutionality of Virginia's laws p


SCOTUS Comparison - Obergefell v. Hodges

In Obergefell v. Hodges (2015), the Supreme Court addressed whether the Fourteenth Amendment require


SCOTUS Comparison - Reed v. Reed

In Reed v. Reed (1971), the Supreme Court addressed the issue of gender discrimination in the admini


SCOTUS Comparison - Romer v. Evans

In Romer v. Evans (1996), the Supreme Court addressed an amendment to the Colorado state constitutio

Unit 4: American Political Ideologies and Beliefs

Argumentative Essay - Influence of Media on Public Opinion

Answer the following AP Government and Politics Argumentative Essay Question


Argumentative Essay - Role of Political Socialization

Answer the following AP Government and Politics Argumentative Essay Question


Argumentative Essay - The Effectiveness of Public Opinion Polls

Answer the following AP Government and Politics Argumentative Essay Question


Concept Application: Barriers - Incumbent Advantage

In the upcoming mayoral race in the city of Springfield, incumbent Mayor Lisa Green faces a tough re


Concept Application: Barriers - Rural Candidate

In the small, rural town of Clearwater, a local politician, Emily Johnson, has decided to run for a


Concept Application: Barriers - Social Media Influencer

Jordan Lee, a popular social media influencer known for their progressive views on environmental iss


Concept Application: Barriers - Third-Party Candidate

Alex Martinez, a charismatic leader with a strong following, decides to run for the presidency as a


Concept Application: Barriers - Veteran Politician

Sarah Thompson, a long-serving member of Congress, has built her career on championing healthcare re


Concept Application: Constitution - Free Speech and Public Protests

In recent years, the rise of social media platforms has significantly amplified the ability of indiv


Concept Application: Constitution - Freedom of Religion

In a small town in the United States, a new religious group sought to establish a place of worship.


Concept Application: Constitution - Freedom of the Press

A local newspaper published a series of articles criticizing the mayor's handling of city finances,


Concept Application: Constitution - Right to Privacy

The advent of advanced technology has raised significant concerns regarding privacy rights. In a lan


Concept Application: Constitution - Second Amendment Rights

Following a series of high-profile incidents involving gun violence, a state legislature passed a la


Concept Application: Misc - Ideological Polarization

In a closely divided town, local elections have become increasingly contentious, with candidates and


Concept Application: Misc - Media Influence on Public Opinion

During an election year, a major news organization decides to conduct an in-depth investigation into


Concept Application: Misc - Political Socialization

A high school civics teacher decides to conduct a class project that explores students' political be


Concept Application: Misc - Public Opinion and Policy Making

In the midst of a heated debate on healthcare reform, a group of senators have decided to conduct a


Concept Application: Misc - The Role of Referendums

A state government is considering the legalization of recreational marijuana and has decided to put


SCOTUS Comparison - District of Columbia v. Heller

In District of Columbia v. Heller (2008), the Supreme Court addressed whether a District of Columbia


SCOTUS Comparison - District of Columbia v. Heller

In District of Columbia v. Heller (2008), Dick Heller, a D.C. special police officer, filed a lawsui


SCOTUS Comparison - Griswold v. Connecticut

In Griswold v. Connecticut (1965), the Supreme Court addressed whether Connecticut's law criminalizi


SCOTUS Comparison - Lawrence v. Texas

In Lawrence v. Texas (2003), the Supreme Court addressed whether a Texas statute making it a crime f


SCOTUS Comparison - Obergefell v. Hodges

In Obergefell v. Hodges (2015), the Supreme Court was asked to decide whether the Fourteenth Amendme


SCOTUS Comparison - Obergefell v. Hodges

In Obergefell v. Hodges (2015), several same-sex couples sued state agencies in Ohio, Michigan, Kent


SCOTUS Comparison - Reed v. Town of Gilbert

In Reed v. Town of Gilbert (2015), the Supreme Court addressed the issue of sign regulations imposed

Unit 5: Political Participation

Argumentative Essay - The Effectiveness of Lobbying in Shaping Policy

Answer the following AP Government and Politics Argumentative Essay Question


Argumentative Essay - The Effectiveness of Primary Elections

Answer the following AP Government and Politics Argumentative Essay Question


Argumentative Essay - The Impact of Voter ID Laws on Democratic Participation

Answer the following AP Government and Politics Argumentative Essay Question


Argumentative Essay - The Influence of Political Action Committees on Elections

Answer the following AP Government and Politics Argumentative Essay Question


Argumentative Essay - The Role of Third Parties in the US Political System

Answer the following AP Government and Politics Argumentative Essay Question


Concept Application: Barriers - Campaign Finance

In the upcoming senatorial race, a newcomer to politics, Alex Martinez, decides to run as an Indepen


Concept Application: Barriers - Gerrymandering

In the upcoming congressional elections, a district has been redrawn in a manner that critics claim


Concept Application: Barriers - Incumbent Advantage

In a highly anticipated mayoral race in a large city, incumbent Mayor Johnson seeks reelection again


Concept Application: Barriers - Third Party Challenges

In the 2024 presidential election, the Green Party decides to run a candidate who has a strong envir


Concept Application: Barriers - Voter ID Laws

In a recent state election, a new law requiring voters to present specific forms of photo identifica


Concept Application: Constitution - Freedom of Speech

At Westside High School, a group of students decides to wear black armbands to school as a form of p


Concept Application: Constitution - Freedom of the Press

In recent years, the town of Fairview has seen a dramatic increase in public interest journalism, wi


Concept Application: Constitution - Right to a Fair Trial

In the city of Justiceburg, a high-profile case has captured the nation's attention. John Doe, a loc


Concept Application: Constitution - Right to Privacy

In the digital age, the city of Technoville has implemented an advanced surveillance system in publi


Concept Application: Constitution - The Right to Assemble

In the small town of Libertyville, a group of citizens has grown increasingly concerned about the st


Concept Application: Misc - Campaign Finance Reform

In the midst of a heated presidential campaign, a new political action committee (PAC), named 'Futur


Concept Application: Misc - Electoral College Debate

Following a presidential election, a significant controversy arises when the candidate who wins the


Concept Application: Misc - Gerrymandering and Electoral Fairness

Following a decennial census, the state legislature in a politically divided state undertakes the pr


Concept Application: Misc - Third Party Impact

In a closely contested presidential election, a third-party candidate, Dr. Maria Gonzales, gains sig


Concept Application: Misc - Voter ID Laws

In the lead-up to a critical midterm election, several states enact new voter ID laws requiring vote


SCOTUS Comparison - Arizona Free Enterprise Club's Freedom Club PAC v. Bennett

In Arizona Free Enterprise Club's Freedom Club PAC v. Bennett (2011), the Supreme Court addressed th


SCOTUS Comparison - Buckley v. Valeo

In Buckley v. Valeo (1976), the Supreme Court addressed the issue of campaign finance in the wake of


SCOTUS Comparison - Federal Election Commission v. Wisconsin Right to Life, Inc.

In Federal Election Commission v. Wisconsin Right to Life, Inc. (2007), the Supreme Court addressed


SCOTUS Comparison - McCutcheon v. FEC

In McCutcheon v. Federal Election Commission (2014), the Supreme Court addressed federal aggregate l


SCOTUS Comparison - Speechnow.org v. FEC

In Speechnow.org v. Federal Election Commission (2010), the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circu


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AP United States Government and Politics Exam Tips from Former AP Students

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AP Exam Schedule 2024

It's officially that time of the year again - the AP Exam Schedule 2024 is out, and while it seems far away, NOW is the time to start planning. AP exams are a great way to get ahead of the college curve, but they can also be tough and require a lot of studying! As someone who has taken her fair share of AP exams, a word of advice... it's important to start studying early and keep reviewing small chunks of AP study guides throughout the school year.  Here are the 2024 AP Exam dates : 2024 AP Test Schedule | Week 1 Week 1 8 AM Local Time 12 PM Local Time Monday, May 6, 2024 AP United States ...

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Everything You Need to get a 5 on AP United States Government and Politics

No worries, this guide has got your back with some seriously awesome strategies and killer tips for the AP United States Government test. I'm gonna lay out all the tricks and resources you need to know how to pass the AP US Gov exam and snag that sweet 5 score! So, get pumped and get ready to conquer the AP Government exam like a pro with the right approach and the absolute best AP Government exam tips out there. You've got this! Free AP United States Government and Politics Resources No need to stress if you're cramming for the AP United States Government and politics exam last-minute – we've...

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Everything You Need to get a 5 on AP Computer Science Principles

In this article, we will explore several effective tricks and tips to help you achieve a perfect score of 5 in the AP Computer Science Principles exam. By mastering these strategies, utilizing the right resources, and applying our AP Computer Science Principles test tips, you can confidently approach the exam and excel in it like a pro. So, let's delve into these techniques and insights to ensure you know how to pass the AP Computer Science Principles exam! Free AP Computer Science Principles Resources No need to stress if you're cramming last-minute for the AP Computer Science Principles exam...

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My favorite part about this app is the practice multiple choice tests. Not only are you able to customize the tests to include specific units and material, but you're also able to see why an answer is correct or incorrect.

FAQWe thought you might have some questions...
Where can I find practice free response questions for the AP United States Government and Politics exam?
The free response section of each AP exam varies slightly, so you’ll definitely want to practice that before stepping into that exam room. Here are some free places to find practice FRQs :
  • Of course, make sure to run through College Board's past FRQ questions!
  • Once you’re done with those go through all the questions in the AP United States Government and PoliticsFree Response Room. You can answer the question and have it grade you against the rubric so you know exactly where to improve.
  • Reddit it also a great place to find AP free response questions that other students may have access to.
How do I practice for AP AP United States Government and Politics Exam FRQs?
Once you’re done reviewing your study guides, find and bookmark all the free response questions you can find. The question above has some good places to look! while you’re going through them, simulate exam conditions by setting a timer that matches the time allowed on the actual exam. Time management is going to help you answer the FRQs on the real exam concisely when you’re in that time crunch.
What are some tips for AP United States Government and Politics free response questions?
Before you start writing out your response, take a few minutes to outline the key points you want to make sure to touch on. This may seem like a waste of time, but it’s very helpful in making sure your response effectively addresses all the parts of the question. Once you do your practice free response questions, compare them to scoring guidelines and sample responses to identify areas for improvement. When you do the free response practice on the AP United States Government and Politics Free Response Room, there’s an option to let it grade your response against the rubric and tell you exactly what you need to study more.
How do I answer AP United States Government and Politics free-response questions?
Answering AP United States Government and Politics free response questions the right way is all about practice! As you go through the AP AP United States Government and Politics Free Response Room, treat it like a real exam and approach it this way so you stay calm during the actual exam. When you first see the question, take some time to process exactly what it’s asking. Make sure to also read through all the sub-parts in the question and re-read the main prompt, making sure to circle and underline any key information. This will help you allocate your time properly and also make sure you are hitting all the parts of the question. Before you answer each question, note down the key points you want to hit and evidence you want to use (where applicable). Once you have the skeleton of your response, writing it out will be quick, plus you won’t make any silly mistake in a rush and forget something important.