Bones to know
attached to sternum at sternoclavicular joint
attaches to scapula at acromioclavicular joint
disk shaped at sternal end and flared at acromial end
acromion is the big notch on the lateral end
coracoid process is the notch under the acromion in anterior aspect
glenoid cavity is lateral, where humerus attaches
subscapular fossa is the cavity in the middle of the scapula anterior view
supraspinous fossa is above the spine of the scapula
spine of scapular is on posterior aspect and runs laterally to the acromion
infraspinous fossa is the middle of the scapula posterior view
head is the medial leaning ball at the top
greater tubercle is the notch on the lateral of the head
lesser tubercle is the notch on the lower and medial
deltoid cavity is the awkward bump on the lateral part of the shaft
lateral epicondyle is the bump lateral to the trochlea
capitulum is the lateral notch next to the trochlea
medial epicondyle is the bump on the medal superior to trochlea
olecranon fossa is the cavity superior to the trochlea on the posterior aspect
forearm bone that is lateral and shorter
head is disk shaped at the proximal end
styloid process is the notch at distal end
forearm bone that is medial and longer
trochlear notch is at the proximal end and flares
olecranon is at the very top of the ulna
radial notch of the ulna is superior and lateral
head of the ulna is the bottom part knob looking part
styloid process is the little bump on the end that frames the wrist
14 total per hand
thumb has 2 and each other digit has 3 each
named distal, middle, proximal with digit number and which hand (R/L)
digits are numbered lateral to medial (thumb is 1 pinky is 5)
numbered with their digit
carpal bones
proximal row: (lateral to medial) scaphoid, lunate, triquetrum, pisiform
distal row: (lateral to medial) trapezium, trapezoid, capitate, hamate
the pisiform can’t be seen in the posterior view
sesamoid bone
a bone that has grown within a tendon
ex. patella