wretched, dirty, or distasteful
Because the older man lived alone and couldn’t do much tidying, his house was ___________.
lacking strength; frail
Long after he’d recovered from the illness, his body remained ______.
to do with resentment or dislike because it is perceived as beneath them
Priscilla __________ refuses the sandwich because she dislikes peanut butter.
secretive; so as to avoid being noticed
Jane gave a _________ glance around the kitchen before peeking at her birthday cake.
sudden, often violent removal of people or things from a place or job
In the beginning, a political ________ meant being expelled from the ruling party; later purges often ended in imprisonment and execution.
to teach one to accept certain ideas and beliefs without considering other ideas and beliefs
A teacher’s job is not to _____________ her students, but to open their minds to many different ways of seeing and thinking about the world.
to die, especially because of disease or injury
During the deadly influenza epidemic of 1918, millions of people worldwide _____________ to the flu.
to be attracted to something
While a pasta buffet may have numerous variations and options, I __________ toward spaghetti with marinara sauce.
to publicly support or approve
For the first time in history, our town newspaper ________ a woman for president.
disagreement with an official belief or decision
While most people liked the new law, several protesters announced their ___________.
related to or concerned with ideas
Jillian decided to leave the group for _________ reasons.
the quality of being likely or subject to change
The _____________ of weather patterns during hurricane season is astounding and makes it difficult to predict storms.
causing one to feel disturbed, unsettled, or bothered
The ___________ sounds coming from the mountains worried the hikers and caused them to turn back for the day
more than is needed or wanted; extra and unnecessary
We needed only three days to finish the job, so the two other days that we had scheduled were ______________.
assuming an importance or ability that is exaggerated or undeserved
The restaurant’s __________ atmosphere is probably an attempt to conceal the fact that it serves below-average food.
the act of falsifying a document to deceive others
The banker committed an act of _________ when she signed someone else’s name on the check and used it for personal funds.
based on impulse, or randomly chosen
I ignored my brother’s _________ request to wash the dishes before I did my calculus homework.
basic, foundational; serving as an essential component
To learn new math skills, you have to have a ___________ understanding of older skills.
very great or intense
Mr. Burke’s __________ words of encouragement inspired Nya to apply to college.
a feeling of deepest respect or honor for something or someone
The original copy of the Declaration of Independence is treated with ________ by visitors to the National Archives in Washington, D.C.