ap lit vocab 3 - parts of speech, def, syn, ant
ancillary (adj.)
def: Subordinate or supplementary
syn: Auxiliary, accessory
ant: Central, key, primary, principal, mail
Bowdlerize (v.)
def: to remove material considered offensive (from a book, play, film, etc...)
syn: purge, expurgate
ant: none
condescend (v.)
def: To come down or stoop voluntarily to a lower level; to deal with people in a patronizing manner
syn: Talk down to
ant: none
cozen (v.)
def: To trick or swindle
syn: Dupe, deceive, beguile, inveigle
ant: none
enclave (n.)
def: An enclosed district, region, or area inhabited by a particular group of people or having a special character
syn: island, subgroup
ant: none
Forte (n.)
def: a person’s strong point; what a person does best
syn: gift, aptitude, speciality
ant: weakness, foible
Gratis (adj., adv.)
Def 1: adj: Free
Def 2: adv: Without charge
Syn: on the house
Icon (n.)
def: representation or image of a sacred personage, often considered sacred itself; an image or picture; a symbol; a graphic symbol on a computer monitor display; an object of blind devotion
Syn: Emblem
Ant: none
Interstice (n.)
Def: a small, narrow space between things or parts of things
Syn: Gap, slot, crevice, interval, lacuna
ant: none
Macrocosm (n.)
def: The universe considered as a whole; the entire complex structure of something
syn: Cosmos, entirety
ant: model, miniature, microcosm
Mountebank (n.)
def: a trickster or a swindler; a charlatan
syn: imposter, quack
ant: dupe, mark, pigeon
paean (n.)
def: a song of praise, joy, or triumph
syn: ode, anthem
ant: dirge, elegy, threnody
persiflage (n.)
def: lighthearted joking, talk, or writing
syn: banter, jesting, badinage
ant: none
Plethora (n.)
def: overfullness, superabundance, superfluity
syn: surplus, glut, excess
ant: shortage, paucity, dearth, scarcity
pragmatic (adj.)
def: Concerned with practical considerations or values; dealing with actions and results rather than with abstract theory; stiff in one’s opinions
syn: down-to-earth
ant: impractical, visionary
quizzical (adj.)
def: puzzled, mocking; odd; equivocal
syn: peculiar, perplexed, mystified, derisive
ant: unequivocal, unambiguous
rapacity (n.)
def: inordinate greed; the disposition to obtain one’s desires by force, extortion, or plunder
syn: avarice, cupidity, voraciousness
ant: liberality, altruism
Schism (n.)
def: a formal split within a religious organization; any division or separation of a group or organization into hostile faction
syn: rift
ant: reconciliation
therapeutic (adj.)
def: having the power to heal or cure; beneficial
syn: salutary, salubrious
ant: harmful, injurious, deleterious
Virtuoso (n., adj.)
def 1: (n.) A brilliant performer; a person with a masterly skill or technique
def 2: (adj.) masterly or brilliant
syn: expert, prodigy, maestro
ant: amateur, beginner, novice, mediocre