Oedipus Rex

  • city of Thebes king and queen w/baby, and they get a terrible prophecy

  • prophecy: baby will kill king

  • decide to kill the infant son by piercing ankles with an iron spike and give the baby to a Shepard to leave on the mountainside for wild animals to eat.

  • Laius and Iocasta (king and queen)

  • Shepard doesn’t leave baby, takes baby to Corinth, home to king polybus and queen merope

  • polybus names it Oedipus, he remains unaware of his condition

  • his prophecy: Oracle tells him he will kill his dad and beget children by his mother

  • he decides to leave Corinth and goes to Thebes

  • Oedipus comes across an old man and neither will give the other the right of way

  • a plague has beset Thebes in the form of a sphinx, and won’t let anyone enter unless they answer the riddle

  • four legs, two legs, three legs :man

  • Oedipus is rewarded by the people making him their king


“Tell me, in God’s name: am I coward, a fool, That you should dream you could accomplish this?” pg. 28 Scene II“But come: let someone go for the shepherd at once. This matter must be settled.” pg. 45 Scene II“I will not listen; the truth must be made known.” pg. 57 Scene III“If this is so, how could I wish that I were someone else? How could I not be glad to know my birth?” pg. 58 Scene III“I, Oedipus, Oedipus damned in his birth, in his marriage damned, damned in the blood he shed with his own hand!”“Ah, no, friends: lead me away. Lead me away from Thebes.” pg. 72 Exodos“No. For the love of God, conceal me somewhere far from Thebes; or kill me; or hurl me into the sea, away from men’s eyes for ever.” pg. 75 Exodos“Children: I could say much, if you could understand me, but as it is, I have only this prayer for you: live where you can, be as happy as you can- Happier, please god, than God has made your father!” pg. 79 Exodos


“ If he were not involved with you, he could not say that it was I who murdered Laios.”“Why did you shelter me? When I was cast upon you, why did I not die? Then I should never have shown the world my execrable birth.” pg. 74 Exodos


“You are evil incarnate” pg. 33 Scene II“Then let him go. And let me die, if I must, or be driven by him in shame from the land of Thebes. It is your unhappiness, and not his talk, that touches me. As for him-wherever he goes, hatred will follow him.”“ I contained myself that night, though I felt anger and a sinking heart” pg. 42 Scene II“Where is a man more miserable than I? More hated by the gods? Citizen and alien alike must never shelter me or speak to me-I must be shunned by all.” pg. 43 Scene II“If only my mother were not still alive! But she is alive. I cannot help my dread…Wonderful. But I fear the living woman.” pg. 51 Scene III“God. God. Is there a sorrow greater? Where shall I find harbor in this world? My voice is hurled far on a dark wind. What has God done to me?….The pain of the spikes where I had sight, the flooding pain of memory, never to be gouged out.” pg. 71 Exodos


“ Come here, one of you; bind his arms behind him…You will die now unless you speak the truth” pg. 62 Scene IV

