What is the family projection process?
Parental stress can be projected onto their children, which can result in negative outcomes for children
Occupational segregation
pronounced tendency for men and women to be employed in different types of jobs
Which gender tends to be relationship barometers?
Communication patterns (5): "I'll do whatever you say to make you happy"
Communication patterns (5): "Do what I say"
Communication patterns (5): "Let's change the subject"
Communication patterns (5): "I'm cool and collected"
Communication patterns (5): "Let's talk ing a healthy way"
What had decreased over the years?
intimate partner violence
Family violence makes for ____ of all violence and _____ of all police-recorded violence
11%; 1/3
_____ of unmarried adults reposted experiencing physical aggression in romantic relationships
Children witnessing IPV is _____ _____ _______ as them being hit themselves
just as detrimental
acts of commission
parent does harmful acts towards child
acts of omission
parent neglects the child's needs
What is the 6th leading cause of death for children under 14?
multipartnered fertility
having children with someone who already has children
Common parental issues (7): difficulties balancing ____ ___ ______
work and family
Common parental issues (7): growing up in a society with _______ _____
conflicting beliefs
Common parental issues (7): overwhelming ______ on child’s life
Common parental issues (7): simultaneously taking care of ______ ____ ______
elderly and children
Common parental issues (7): ______ _______ support
less federal
Common parental issues (7): outside _______ on parenting
Common parental issues (7): more _______ to raise children properly
stress model of parental effectiveness
parental stress leads to household conflict / parental depression, which negatively affects positive parenting practices; having social support can help prevent negative outcomes
What are some of the challenges that couples face in the transition to parenthood? (3)
sudden shifts, less connection/relaxation for couple, distant from family/help
Who is expected to be the psychological parent?
the mother
What are social fathers and do they improve the household?
Nonbiological unmarried male figures; no
What are nonresidential fathers and why do they cause?
Fathers that do not live with their biological children; family instability
low warmth, high expectations
high/low warmth, low expectations
high warmth, high expectations
“Hurried” child
Spends more time on adult readiness than play due to parents
Helicopter parents
Hover and excessively mediate child’s life
Native American families value personal autonomy in children; what kind of parenting style can this be associated with?
What is the Confucian training doctrine (3 values upheld by Asian American families)?
Parental love, “training” (shame and guilt), and familial loyalty
What type of punishment is mostly used by Black families?
What are multigenerational punishments?
Legal rules that disrupt families for generations (I.e. deportation)
Hispanic parents commonly use what type of authority?
Race socialization
Parents teaching their children to take pride in their race
Families where grandparents are the head
Formal Kindship Care
Grandparents who are licensed foster parents
Instrumental goals encourage ___ to be in the workplace
The female demographic for _____ -__ _______ outweighed men
desiring high-paying careers
Role conflict
demands of certain roles intersect one another
Both unpaid and paid work for both sexes has ______ over the years
Good Providers
Focus on financially providing more than involvement
Involved Fathers
Focus on involvement more than financially providing
What increased for women in WWI, WWII, and the Great Depression?
Women make what proportion of men’s earnings?
Motherhood penalty
Parenthood can negatively impact women’s salary
1950s social norms
What two concepts are used to explore interface between working and family?
Structure-functionalist perspective; social policy
Casual feedback loop
Gender inequality in the workplace impact familial decisions and vice versa
Solutions for work-family balance (4)
Family leave, adequate wages, flexible scheduling, quality child/elder care
What do family-friendly workplaces advocate for (2)
On-site childcare, family leave, etc.
Family cohesion
how united the family members are
Cohesive Family Characteristics (6): Openly express ______ of others
Cohesive Family Characteristics (6): _____ levels of _____ to the family unit
high; commitment
Cohesive Family Characteristics (6): Prioritize _____ time
Cohesive Family Characteristics (6): Positively resolve _____
Cohesive Family Characteristics (6): Have ______ _______
spiritual orientations
Cohesive Family Characteristics (6): _______ communication
What are relationship ideologies?
couples' expectations for closeness, distance, and fulfilling roles
What are warm relationships?
High love, low antagonism
What are tempestuous/stormy relationships?
High love, high antagonism
What are bland relationships?
Low love, low antagonism
What are hostile relationships?
Low love, high antagonism
Relationship-focused coping
coping that does not harm relationship
What are three indirect expressions of anger?
Passive aggression, sabotage, displacement (directing anger towards partner’s possessions)
Nourishing relationship characteristics (10): express ____ ____
love verbally
Nourishing relationship characteristics (10): _______ affectionate
Nourishing relationship characteristics (10): express ______
Nourishing relationship characteristics (10): view relationship as an _____ ____ system
emotional support
Nourishing relationship characteristics (10): express affection _____
Nourishing relationship characteristics (10): accept your partner’s ______
Nourishing relationship characteristics (10): treat others ____ ____ _____ __ ____ ______
how you want to be treated
Nourishing relationship characteristics (10): -_ more
Nourishing relationship characteristics (10): make time for ______ _____
alone time
Nourishing relationship characteristics (10): do not take ________ ____ ________
relationship for granted
The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse
Contempt – feeling partner is inferior, criticism, defensiveness, stonewalling
What does AAMFT stand for?
American Association of Marriage/Family Therapy
AAMFT counselor qualifications involves... (2)
A graduate degree, 3 years of clinical training under a senior supervisor
What is emotional intelligence (2)?
Ability to manage our emotions and sensitivity to others’ emotions
Who developed PREP?
Scott Stanley and Howard Markman
What is estrangement?
Complete cutoff from others, specifically family
The ability to exercise one’s will
Coercive Power
ability to punish a partner physically or mentally
Reward Power
ability to provide tangible and nontangible materials
Expert Power
one partner is superior to the other in knowledge or ability
Informational Power
one partner provides information to persuade the other
Referent Power
one partner does something to make the other happy
Legitimate Power
ability to have authority over the other
What is the resource hypothesis?
The partner with more resources tends to have more power in a relationship
How is couple power evaluated (4)?
Decision making, division of labor, money allocation, partner influence
What is conjugal power?
Marital power
Types of conjugal power (3)
Egalitarian unions, gender-modified egalitarian unions, neotraditional
What happens to immigrant families as they assimilate?
They adopt less traditional roles
What are power politics?
power politics describe partners attempting to win dominance
Where is IPV data collected from (4)?
Crime reposts, national surveys, qualitative research, reports from other professionals (social workers)
IPV is ______, but it still makes up ____ of all police-recorded violence
Declining, 1/3