History Final Exam

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Henry Clay

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Henry Clay

speaker of the HoR; proposed the American System suggested by Madison

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Eli Whitney

creator of the cotton gin; made interchangeable parts

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Monroe Doctrine

formal warning to all European power that they would not interfere with each others affairs

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belief that national interest should be placed over sectional interest

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Missouri Compromise

Henry Clay’s idea to preserve the sectional balance in the Senate; Maine was admitted as a free state and Missouri became a slave state; was signed in 1820 on the 36*30 line

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Election of 1824 & 1828

(1824) Jacksonian Democrats were created, modern day Democrats | (1828) voting requirements eased; 350,000 men voted (3x last vote); expansion of voting rights meant candidates had to be able to speak to the concerns of the common people

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Andrew Jackson

War hero who (battle of NOLA |Old Hickory|); when president he opposed and disbanded BUS; his followers were called Jacksonions and were part of the Jacksonian Democracy.

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Spoil System

andrew jackson giving government jobs to his friends and supporters

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Indian Removal Act

1830; act of Congress that eventually led to the Trail of Tears

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Trail of Tears

the forced removal of the Cherokke from their land

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Worcester v. Georgia

ruled in Worcester’s favor; the states did not have the right to impose regulation on native American land; Andrew Jackson didn’t care…”John Marshall has made his decision; now let him enforce it.”

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Tariff of abomination

when John C. Calhoun referred the 1828 tariff as, calling it “disgusting and loathsome”

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Nullification Theory

questioned the legality of applying some federal laws in sovereign states

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Force Bill

Bill that allowed the federal government to use the army and navy against South Caroline if state authorities resisted paying proper duties

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John Tyler

Harrison’s vice president and successor; opposed many parts of the Whig program for economic recovery; (has 2 grandchildren still living today); nicknamed “His Accidency” because it was a mistake putting him as president

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American System

plan proposed by James Madison; a system to unite regions of the US; was supposed to project industries

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Adam-Onis Treaty

Spain gave Florida to the US for $5 million (Florida Purchase Treaty); they did this because they were too weak to control their territories.

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Amelia Bloomer

Publisher of a temperance paper; wore loose-fitting pants tied at the ankles

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Catherine Beecher

worked health survey, ⅓ of women were sick, Why? because of clothing style, bathing, & exercise

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Commonwealth v. Hunt

ruled that labor unions were not illegal conspiracies in restraint of trade; made strikes legal, but it did not bring significant changes in the rights of laborers; many Massachusetts judges still considered unions illegal

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Cottage Industry

people were making cloth before machines did it; replaced by Power Looms

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David Walker

published - Appeal to the Colored Citizens of the World (1829); Claimed that if you don’t fight for freedom; you deserve to be held in slavery…even though he wasn’t a slave

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Elizabeth Cady Stanton

couldn’t speak at World’s Anti Slavery Movement in London because they were a women; vowed to fight for women’s rights (especially to vote)

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Frederick Douglas

slave that was taught to read by the masters wife; “Knowledge is the pathway to freedom.”; became a lecturer for the anti-slavery movement in 1841; friends with WLG; had a weekly paper called “The North Star”...later changed to “The Fredrick Douglass Paper”

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Grimke sisters

Sarah & Angelina; slaveholding family but against slavery; Angelina wrote “An Appeal to Christian Women of the South”; “Overthrow the horrible system of oppression and cruelty.”

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Harriet Tubman

one of the most famous conductors of the Underground RxR; was called Black Moses the way she led slaves out of slavery.

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Henry David Thoreau

lived alone for 2 years in a cabin he built on Walden Pond (near Concord, Mass.); pushed for Civil Disobedience

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Irish Immigrants

Irish people who fled Ireland because of the potato famine.

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2nd highest role for an artisan; assist the master; while also teaching an apprentice

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LeCretia Mott

vowed to fight for women’s rights with Elizabteh Stanton after not being able to speak at the World’s Anti Slavery movement; Convention for Women’s Rights

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Lloyd Garrison

abolitionist who wrote Liberator; some whites hated him; wanted emancipation now; attacked churches & government for failing to condemn slavery

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Lowell Mill Workers

mostly unmarried girls under the age of 30; had strict rules; Mill windows were nailed shut; smoke from oil lamps & cotton dust made it hard to breathe

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National Trade Union

largest union; lasted from until 1837; formed from journeyman's organization from six industries

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Nat Turner

slave preacher who believed he received a sign from god (eclipse); he gathered up some other slaves and killed 60 whites; he was captured, hanged, and skinned; in retaliation the whites killed 200 blacks (most were innocent); tighter laws

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Ralph Waldo Emerson

leading transcendental philosopher

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Sojourner Truth

Isabella Baumfree; Sojourned & preached the Truth about slavery; most famous speech – Ain’t I a Woman

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People don’t work and rebel against the unfair pay cuts from Mills; were either dismissed or blacklisted (can’t work anywhere else)

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Tax supported education

(1830) US needed a tax supported education for public schools; some did not support tax dollars paying for ed, especially the well to do of society and foreigners living in this country.

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Abraham Lincoln

questioned the truthfulness of Polk message and want for a war; asked “wether our citizens whose blood was shed…”

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Abandoned fort/mission in Texas

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gave individuals and companies the right to own factories, machines, & land

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Charles Goodyear

vulcanized rubber; how to keep rubber elastic and waterproof under extreme temperatures

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Davy Crockett

famous frontiersman who had a raccoon cap with a long tail hanging down his back; died at the Alamo

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a person who had been granted the right to settle on land in exchange for recruiting and taking responsibility for settling Texas; land grant agent

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risked their own money but made huge profits; (Undertake…)

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some powers belong to the national government, and some powers belong to the state government

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Gadsden Purchase

established the current border of the lower 48 states

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James K Polk

president of the US, was committed to fulfilling the goals of Manifest Destiny

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Jim Bowie

famous frontiersman who designed the razor-sharp Bowie knife; died at the Alamo

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John Fremont

led an expedition through Mexico Alta (upper) California, a violation of Mexican law

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John Slidell

was sent to Mexico by polk to work out the border dispute

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Market Revolution

buying and sellings goods instead of making them for your self

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Mormon settlement in Utah…

Salt Lake City

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Northern Province of Mexico…

New Mexico, California, Texas, Arizona, Nevada, & Utah

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Republic of California

Bear Flag Republic (had a grizzly bear on their flag)

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Result of Gold Rush in population

California had a population boom and became a state

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Sam Houston

first president of Texas; defeated Santa Anna at San Jacinto

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Santa Anna

Mexican President (11 different times) that fought against the Texans; lost his leg during the Pastry War against the French; had his leg stolen twice by the 4th infantry of Illinois

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way to foster equality among a countries citizens; most countries don’t have a completely socialist or capitalist society.

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farmers shift to specialization from self-sufficiency

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Spot Resolution

when Lincoln asked Polk to certify the spot where the skirmish had occurred

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Steamboat (Robert Fulton)

boat powered/propelled by steam

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Stephen Austin

developed a city between the Brazos & Colorado river; wanted Texas to be a part of the USA; (1825) issued 297 land grants, AKA - “Texas Old 300” (177 acres/10 year tax exempt)

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Stephen Kearny

long marcher – crossed 900 miles to Santa Fe, then to california

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carried messages taped in code across wire

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Treaty of Fort Laramie

gave natives some control over the Central Plains

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Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

gave the US California

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Treaty of San Jacinto

gave independence to Texas

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Treaty of Velasco

gave Texas its independence; became the Lone Star Republic; set Santa Anna free

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Why did the south want to annex Texas?

They believed it would enter the Union as a slave state, increasing the power of the slave states in the Senate

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Winfield Scott

General during Spanish-American War; AKA - Old Fuss & Feathers

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Zachary Taylor

was ordered by polk to lead troops to Rio Grande

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American Party

Know-Nothing Party; very secretive, secret handshakes; replied “I know nothing” when asked questions

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Black Moses

Harriet Tubman; called Black Moses because, like Moses, she led people out of slavery

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Bleeding Kansas

when people rushed to Kansas to make it a free or a slave state; started killing each other and fighting was happening everywhere (in Kansas); John Brown went to a proslavery camp at Pottawatomie Creek & beheaded people, 200 people died on both sides of the fight

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Border Ruffians

from Missouri; crossed the border and voted illegally

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Compromise of 1850

Compromise created by Henry Clay; the North would get California as a free state, and the South would get tighter fugitive slave laws; Southwest territory organizing; settled TX–NM boundary dispute; territorial gov. Established in Utah; sale of slaves banned in DC

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Dred Scott

Sam Blow; lived in free territory for 4 years before returning to Missouri, owner dies, Dred sues; SCOTUS ruled not in his favor and he was sold back to his original owner and set free

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Franklin Pierce

Democrat; elected in 1852 after he beat Winfield Scott; managed to bring the Kansas-Nebraska (KN) Act into play in 1854; 14th president

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Freeport Doctrine

Samel Douglas’ response to PS; “Slavery cannot exist a day or an hour anywhere, unless i is supported by local police regulations.”

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Free-Soil Party

Northerners who are opposed to the extension but were not abolitionists

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Fugitive Slave Law

part of the Compromise of 1850; required people in free states to help capture/return slaves

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Harriet Beecher Stowe

born in CT to a reform family; told of slavery as the great moral tragedy

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Jefferson Davis

1st and only president of the CSA; born in Kentucky and raised in Mississippi

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John Brown

“Gods Little Angry White Man”; went to a proslavery camp at Pottawatomie Creek & beheaded a people, 200 people died on both sides of the fight; felt that he was called by God to end slavery; Bleeding Kansas; attempted a revolt at Harpers Ferry

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John C. Calhoun

demanded that slavery be allowed in new territories, if not the South would withdraw from the union; “Perfect Equilibrium”

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Kansas-Nebraska Act

SD introduced a bill to Congress to divide the area into 2 territories (NE North & KS South); repealed the Missouri Compromise & established Popular Sovereignty

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when pro-slavery settlers attacked and destroyed Lawrence, Kansas; the town was founded by anti-slavery settlers from MA hoping to make Kansas a free state

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Lecompton Constitution

applied for statehood/constitution allowed slavery; free-soilers outnumbered pro slavery 10-1 and rejected the constitution; Pres. Buchanan still approved; set Steven Douglas because of popular sovereignty; constitution was voted pm again and defeated

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Missouri Compromise

was declared unconstitutional; destroyed by the Kansas-Nebraska Act; cleared the way for slavery..

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Popular sovereignty

the territory decides if it wants slavery or not

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Pottawatomie Creek Massacre

John Brown went to a proslavery camp at Pottawatomie Creek; 5 people were beheaded, 200 people died on both sides of the fight

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Republican Party

anti-slavery; Lincoln was their first president

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Roger Taney

SC chief justice who decided on the Dred Scott Decision; said that, “Slaves do not have the rights of citizens.”; also declared the Missouri Compromise unconstitutional

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Southern Secession

leaving (in this context it was a state leaving the union); would cause a massive split and could lead to war

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Stephen Douglas

didn’t care about slavery, only about popular sovereignty; pushed to organize Kansas & Nebraska; wanted a RxR between Chicago & San Francisco, made a deal with southerners to make it happen; decided to repeal the Missouri Compromise (KN Act)

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Whig Party

political party that collapsed because of slavery

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Who won the presidential election in 1856 and what party?

Buchanan (Democrats)

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Why were threats of secession feared?

People thought it would cause the Union to split

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Wilmot Proviso

slavery in California & territories of Utah & NM (would be banned forever); failed twice

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