History midterm

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Which of the following is not viewed as factors in the witchcraft hysteria in New England in the late 17th cent.?

A) many of the women were a secure part of the community B) many of the women were independent C) many of these women challenged gender roles of the period D) none of these choices is correct

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Which of the following is not viewed as factors in the witchcraft hysteria in New England in the late 17th cent.?

A) many of the women were a secure part of the community B) many of the women were independent C) many of these women challenged gender roles of the period D) none of these choices is correct

A) many of the women were a secure part of the community

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Which of the following was a strain on the close-knit Puritan society?

A) population increase B) the town meeting C) membership in the church D) all of these are correct

A) population increase

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The Great Awakening of the 1700s

A) came in response to a decline in religious piety B) depended exclusively on powerful evangelists from England C) healed the divisions that had grown up between existing congregations D) had little impact in the colonies

A) came in response to a decline in religious piety

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The economy of the northern colonies exhibited all of the following characteristics except

A) they had a more diverse agriculture than that of the southern colonies B) they had a wide range of industrial activities of modest scale C) they had highly successful manufacturing concerns protected by English law D) they often engaged in a certain amount of industry at home

C) they had highly successful manufacturing concerns protected by English law

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Puritan towns centered around which of these features?

A) commons B) woodlands C) water (lake,pond) D) cathedral

A) commons

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Colonial cities displayed all of the following characteristics except

A) they developed trade and industry B) they had residents who were roughly equal in wealth C) they were the center for new ideas D) they had populations under 50,000 people

B) they had residents who were roughly equal in wealth

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Jonathon Edwards sought to re-invigorate the Puritan faith through the preaching of all of the following concepts except

A) the doctrine of easy salvation B) predestination C) the absolute sovereignty of God D) salvation through God's grace

A) the doctrine of easy salvation

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The southern agrarian economy was dominated by

A) wealthy landowners B) capitalist bankers C) slave traders D) independent farmers

A) wealthy landowners

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Which of the following is not understood as a reason why the northern colonies began to exceed the southern colonies in life expectancy?

A) cooler climate B) disease free environment C) the relative absence of large cities in the south D) all of these reasons were factors

D) all of these reasons were factors

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The most popular nonreligious literature in early America was

A) newspapers B) almanacs C) pamphlets D) anti-British handbills

B) almanacs

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By the beginning of the eighteenth century, some Americans were growing troubled by

A) the lack of fertile soil in the Middle Colonies B) a huge increase in Catholic immigration from Ireland C) an apparent decline in religious piety in their society D) a decline in the colonial population that reduced the labor pool

C) an apparent decline in religious piety in their society

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Roughly one-fourth of indentures in the Chesapeake were

A) English royalty B) males C) Puritan Separatists D) women E) of African descent

D) women

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Immigrants from Europe came to the American colonies because of

A) All of these choices are correct. B) loss of land C) religious persecutions D) rising costs of living

A) All of these choices are correct.

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Which of the following was not a characteristic of southern plantations during the colonial period?

A) Most plantations were enormous in size (thousands of acres) B) came to rely of slave labor C) were self-sufficient communities D) very susceptible to the fluxuating prices of cash crops

A) Most plantations were enormous in size (thousands of acres)

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The slave culture of the large plantations

A) placed special emphasis on extended kinship networks B) All of these choices are correct C) included a strong and elaborate family structure D) was subject to constant intrusion from and interaction with white society

B) All of these choices are correct

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The rise of commerce in the English colonies was aided by

A) abundant amounts of specie B) strictly enforced laws of trade C) standardized currency D) a group of adventurous entrepreneurs

D) a group of adventurous entrepreneurs

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The American who least subscribed to the ideas of the Enlightenment was

A) Benjamin Franklin B) Thomas Jefferson C) Thomas Paine D) Jonathan Edwards

D) Jonathan Edwards

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The French government revoked the autonomous status of which of the following groups, in 1658, forcing these Calvinists to flee France, many to the New World?

A) Huguenots B) Lutherans C) Puritans D) Anglicans

A) Huguenots

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The American political system developed differently than the British political system because

A) Britain did little to exert its authority before 1760 B) most colonial governors were native-born Americans C) the colonies were authorized to govern themselves D) Americans were reluctant to create local assemblies

A) Britain did little to exert its authority before 1760

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The American legal system was similar to the system in England through the use of...

A) trial by jury B) the abundant use of English lawyers C) it modeled the English system extensively D) The colonies would not use punishments banned in Britain

A) trial by jury

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In general, plantations in the American South can be described as

A) relatively large estates B) controlling the markets for their products C) self-contained communities D) located only in Virginia

C) self-contained communities

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All of the following contributed to the emergence of new ideas in cities except

A) the absence of poverty B) the large number of printers and bookmakers C) the taverns and coffeehouses D) the newspapers

A) the absence of poverty

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In 1640 the first significant decline occurred in the tobacco economy of the Chesapeake. This began which of the following patterns in this agricultural economy?

A) boom and bust B) supply and demand C) slavery D) mercantilist

A) boom and bust

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Which of the following groups experienced the least toleration and acceptance of their religion in the colonies?

A) Catholics B) Puritans C) Calvinists D) All of these are correct

A) Catholics

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During the entire time of the Atlantic slave trade, European and colonial slavers transported from Africa to the Americas about

A) 3 million Africans B) 7 million Africans C) 9 million Africans D) 15 million Africans E) 23 million Africans

C) 9 million Africans

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The Puritan theologian Cotton Mather (after advice from his slave) came to believe that smallpox could be defeated by...

A) inoculation B) electric energy C) intense prayer D) isolating the races

A) inoculation

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By the early eighteenth century, Africans in North America

A) began more commonly to be seen as inferior by whites B) were still viewed as indentured servants, rather than as slaves C) lived mostly in cities on the northeastern seaboard D) experienced more humane treatment in slave codes

A) began more commonly to be seen as inferior by whites

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Which of the following was not a limit colonial manufacturing in the early 18th century?

A) the use of slave labor B) a small domestic market C) inadequate transportation facilities D) legal restrictions imposed by the British government

A) the use of slave labor

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The Great Awakening led to...

A) an undermining of traditional authority B) greater reliance on the clergy C) an end to non-religious colleges D) the founding of Harvard

A) an undermining of traditional authority

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In South Carolina during the early 1740s, a new staple crop was

A) tobacco B) cotton C) wheat D) indigo

D) indigo

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The most common form of resistance by slaves to the masters' wishes was

A) armed rebellion B) running away C) attacking the overseer D) organized protests

B) running away

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African slaves adapted culturally to the harsh lifestyle of slavery, one example of adaptation would be

A) gullah B) the declining importance of kinship C) adaptation of primogeniture D) all of these choices are correct

A) gullah

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Which of the following was not a characteristic of the New England colonial economy?

A) the soil encouraged large-scale cash crop development B) rocky soil led to small scale farming C) families often engaged in some home-based industry D) the development of water mills to generate power

A) the soil encouraged large-scale cash crop development

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Almanacs revealed that Americans delighted in humor that

A) All of these choices are correct B) reinforced ethnic and racial stereotypes C) made fun of relationships between men and women D) made fun of political and military leaders

A) All of these choices are correct

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One of the first American colleges to have no theological faculty was

A) Harvard B) William and Mary C) King's College (Columbia) D) Yale

C) King's College (Columbia)

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All of the following were exports from the colonies either to Europe or Africa except

A) fish B) rum C) tobacco D) manufactured goods

D) manufactured goods

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Like the southern plantations, the economies of northern cities were vulnerable to...

A) fluctuating commodity prices B) demand for slave labor C) religious sentiment in government D) their dependence on a single industry rather than a diverse economy.

A) fluctuating commodity prices

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After the 1650's, which of the following became the most significant source of population increase?

A) Immigration B) the slave trade C) increased birthrate D) indentured servant importation

C) increased birthrate

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The increasing value of scientific knowledge in the American colonies was reflected in all of the following developments except

A) the inoculation for smallpox B) the rise of religious denominationalism C) amateur scientific experiments D) colleges establishing chairs in the natural sciences

B) the rise of religious denominationalism

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After the English, this group was the next most numerous group of immigrants in the early 18th century.

A) Scotch-Irish B) French C) Germans D) Polish

A) Scotch-Irish

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By agreeing to the Peace of Paris, the French did all of the following except

A) transferring Canada to Great Britain B) ceding New Orleans to the Spanish C) gaining territory in India D) accepting large territorial gains for Britain

C) gaining territory in India

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During the war American government was...

A) most effective at the state level B) completely absent at the national level. C) not suspended by British Parliament D) was centered on a strong national government with a strong executive.

A) most effective at the state level

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During the War of Independence Americans, in general, enjoyed which of the following advantages over British soldiers?

A) Greater incentive to be successful B) superior numbers C) stronger navy D) more financing options

A) Greater incentive to be successful

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The philosophical arguments for independence reached an apex with which of the following?

A) the Declaration of Independence B) The Virginia Resolves C) Common Sense D) The Olive Branch Petition

A) the Declaration of Independence

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The state governments in the 1770's at first tended to place much power in...

A) the executive branches (state governors) B) the judicial branches (state courts) C) the legislative branches (state legislatures) D) the people of the state (direct democracy)

C) the legislative branches (state legislatures)

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The events at Lexington and Concord...

A) were generally viewed at the time as another example of the British reacting harshly to colonial protests. B) gained French support form America and formal recognition of the nation. C) resulted in an end to the harsh taxation of the British. D) were caused by slave revolts in Virginia.

A) were generally viewed at the time as another example of the British reacting harshly to colonial protests.

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The Articles of Confederation allowed the Confederation government to...

A) Regulate interstate trade B) tax the states C) wage war D) enforce the law through a strong executive branch

C) wage war

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The Stamp Act Crisis subsided largely due to...

A) The British backed down due to economic pressure created by the boycotts. B) The British backed down in response to the colonists petitions. C) The colonists grew to accept the added taxes. D) The tax remained but was largely ignored.

A) The British backed down due to economic pressure created by the boycotts.

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Thomas Paine's Common Sense was significant for which of the following reasons?

A) It was the first original list of grievances towards King George. B) It place the blame for the situation on the British people. C) The language and concepts were easy for the majority of people to understand which helped to galvanize support for the revolution. D) It contained a list of rights that became the Bill of Rights.

C) The language and concepts were easy for the majority of people to understand which helped to galvanize support for the revolution.

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In the 1750s, the relationship between the British Empire and the American colonies was characterized by

A) most Americans believing that the benefits of the empire far outweigh the costs B) the British strictly enforcing colonial trade regulations C) most Americans objecting to their membership in the British Empire D) the British constantly intervening in American affairs

A) most Americans believing that the benefits of the empire far outweigh the costs

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Which of the following reasons helps explains the British failure to defeat the Americans?

A) Egregious errors and miscalculations on the part of the British. B) Failure of the British to win significant battles. C) The inability of Britain to move troops to America successfully. D) All of these choices are correct.

A) Egregious errors and miscalculations on the part of the British.

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After the French and Indian War, the British Empire faced all of the following problems except

A) huge new lands that it had to decide how to use B) huge war debts that it had to find a way to pay C) a new king whose personality made governing the empire very difficult D) wartime government leaders who remained in power despite knowing little about peacetime governing

D) wartime government leaders who remained in power despite knowing little about peacetime governing

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Women played an important role in the colonial protests. Which of the following is not true about the role women played?

A) participation in the development of the legal documents of independence and political debates. B) organizing boycotts C) writing dissident literature D) creation of groups for women to support the cause

A) participation in the development of the legal documents of independence and political debates.

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Resistance in colonial government often centered in which political body?

A) colonial legislatures B) governors C) mayors and town councils D) plantation owners

A) colonial legislatures

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The Declaration of Independence did all of the following except

A) present unique arguments for independence that colonists had not heard before. B) provided formal justifications for independence C) restated the social contract theory of John Locke D) provided a ringing endorsement of the idea that "all men are created equal.

A) present unique arguments for independence that colonists had not heard before.

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The Northwest Ordinance did all of the following except

A) divided the Northwest territory into 10 equal sized territories B) banned slavery in the new territories C) set the rules for creating new states out of territories D) reorganized the territory between the Great Lakes and the Ohio River.

A) divided the Northwest territory into 10 equal sized territories

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The Stamp Act Congress of 1765 petitioned the king and the Parliament to repeal the Stamp Act because

A) the tax gave London merchants an unfair advantage in the colonial trade B) the price of the stamps was more than the colonists could afford C) it believed that only the colonial assemblies could place taxes on the colonies D) they believed that external taxes were intrinsically unfair

C) it believed that only the colonial assemblies could place taxes on the colonies

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A key argument of the Virginia Resolves, written by Patrick Henry, was

A) No taxation without representation B) The right to trial by jury C) Freedom of religion D) The right to have counsel when accused of a crime.

A) No taxation without representation

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The inability of the Confederation government to maintain domestic tranquility is best evidenced by...

A) The Boston Massacre B) Shay's Rebellion C) The Annapolis Convention D) The Treaty of Paris (1783)

B) Shay's Rebellion

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Following the "Boston Massacre" of 1770, Samuel Adams stirred up public outrage and then helped to create a committee of

A) vigilance B) military training C) correspondence D) public safety

C) correspondence

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The proposals of the First Continental Congress demonstrate...

A) the division that existed between radicals and moderates in leadership. B) the unanimous sentiment for division from Britain C) the growing sentiment to reconcile with Britain D) the importance of southerners to maintaining union with Britain

A) the division that existed between radicals and moderates in leadership.

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In the years immediately following the Glorious Revolution Parliamentary leaders in Great Britain were...

A) less inclined to tighten imperial control over commerce. B) more inclined to tighten control over commerce. C) became more open to allowing the colonies independence. D) voluntarily gave power to the monarchy.

A) less inclined to tighten imperial control over commerce.

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The Proclamation of 1763 was supported by

A) New England merchants B) Scots-Irish farmers C) southern planters D) Indians

D) Indians

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The French and Indian War was primarily caused by

A) The British and French rivalry for control of N. America. B) Control of trade in the Atlantic C) William Pitt's policies D) The defeat of Quebec

A) The British and French rivalry for control of N. America.

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In response to Boston's opposition to the Tea Act of 1773, the British Parliament decided to

A) take no action against the city B) try the people who organized the Boston Tea Party C) punish all of Boston and all of Massachusetts D) hold all of the American colonies responsible for Boston

C) punish all of Boston and all of Massachusetts

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As the Revolutionary War began, most Americans believed they were fighting for

A) their independence B) the acquisition of more territory C) a redress of grievances against the British Empire D) an overthrow of the colonial upper class

C) a redress of grievances against the British Empire

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William Pitt transformed the war effort in America by doing all of the following except

A) leading the British troops in battle B) planning military strategy C) impressing colonists into the army D) relaxing some colonial policies

A) leading the British troops in battle

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The Stamp Act crisis brought the colonies to the brink of war with the British, but the crisis subsided largely because

A) colonial leaders were unable to organize significant protests B) England could not afford another costly war C) English merchants, hurt by the colonial boycott, asked Parliament to repeal the act D) the colonial petitions persuaded Britain to rethink its position

C) English merchants, hurt by the colonial boycott, asked Parliament to repeal the act

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Which of the following was not a reason the British favored the Proclamation of 1763?

A) Allowed the colonists to control expansion west. B) Protected relations with the native tribes to the west. C) Limited speculation of the land in the west by colonists. D) None of these answers are corrrect.

A) Allowed the colonists to control expansion west.

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Which of the following was basic to the ideal of American political ideology as the new nation was being formed?

A) the ideal of the independent landowner B) the need for a vigorous aristocracy C) a strong executive branch D) the reliance on common law

A) the ideal of the independent landowner

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A key difference between Prime Ministers Pitt and Grenville was...

A) Grenville's attitude that the colonists needed to bear the brunt of the war costs. B) Pitt's belief that the colonies were too indulgent and shared little of the burden of the war. C) Grenville's plan to relax regulation to stimulate commerce and increase tax receipts D) None of these choices is correct

A) Grenville's attitude that the colonists needed to bear the brunt of the war costs.

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The Boston Massacre resulted in...

A) radicals using the event to ferment outrage. B) public outrage in London towards the soldiers. C) murder convictions of the soldiers involved. D) complete acquittal of the soldiers and subsequent riots.

A) radicals using the event to ferment outrage.

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The men who wrote the Constitution resolved the question of sovereignty by deciding that in the United States political power rested ultimately with the

A) national government B) state governments C) local governments D) people

D) people

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In his decision in the Marbury v. Madison case Chief Justice John Marshall declared parts of which law unconstitutional?

A) Alien and Sedition Acts B) The Judiciary Act of 1789 C) The Judiciary Act of 1801 D) The 12th Amendment

B) The Judiciary Act of 1789

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Which of the following statements is consistent with the view of historian Charles Beard regarding the Constitutional Convention?

A) Minority groups in American society were adequately represented. B) All of the farmers concerns were addressed by the founders. C) most of the framers had an economic interest in the formation of a strong central government to protect their interests. D) Very few of the representatives held government bonds.

C) most of the framers had an economic interest in the formation of a strong central government to protect their interests.

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Alexander Hamilton's programs and influence led to the creation of an opposition group known as the

A) Federalist party B) Republican party C) Liberty party D) Antifederalist party

B) Republican party

Note: different than the Republican party that emerged after Kansas-Nebraska crisis

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In the 1803 case of Marbury v. Madison, the Supreme Court ruled that

A) state governments could not impose taxes B) an act of Congress had exceeded its constitutional authority C) the judicial branch could not interfere with the powers of Congress D) the executive branch must comply with an order of the Court

B) an act of Congress had exceeded its constitutional authority

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All of the following were a result of the War of 1812 except

A) The Treaty of Ghent B) Mutual recognition of territorial claims of both nations C) A British pledge to stop impressing sailors. D) An agreement to arbitrate other issues.

C) A British pledge to stop impressing sailors.

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To protect the nation from the "tyranny of the people," the original U.S. Constitution provided that the people would directly elect only one part of the national government, the

A) president B) The House of Representatives C) Senate D) The Supreme Court

B) The House of Representatives

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To protect the country from the problems of concentrated authority, the writers of the Constitution used the idea of a

A) all of the answers below B) system of checks and balances C) federal structure of government D) government that derived its authority from below

A) all of the answers below

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Which of the following positions was not a part of President Washington's cabinet?

A) Sec. of State B) Sec. of the Treasury C) Sec. of War D) Sec. of the Interior

D) Sec. of the Interior

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The Burr "conspiracy" highlighted which of the following problems for the new nation?

A) A federal government strongly in control of all areas of the United States B) The vast tracts of land that the US only nominally controlled. C) The stability and power of the United States had been fully developed D) The inability of the nation to expand west

B) The vast tracts of land that the US only nominally controlled.

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The "Great Compromise" at the Constitutional Convention of 1787 resulted in all of the following agreements except

A) representation in the lower house of Congress would be based on population B) each slave would be counted as three-fifths of a free person in the determination of representation and direct taxation C) the national government would be prohibited from exercising any powers not specifically granted to it D) an assumption that slave labor was not as productive as free labor

C) the national government would be prohibited from exercising any powers not specifically granted to it

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Most of the people who wrote the Constitution

A) all of the answers below B) distrusted any concentration of political power C) were old men with many years of political experience D) represented the common men, rather than the wealthy and propertied

B) distrusted any concentration of political power

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Which of the following factors helped foster an intensifying border conflict with the natives?

A) a decline in anti-British sentiment B) the passage of laws restricting immigration C) the rise of effective Native leadership D) the defeat of the Natives at Tippecanoe

C) the rise of effective Native leadership

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To win support for the federal assumption of state debts, Hamilton's supporters negotiated a bargain that

A) excluded Virginia from the taxes needed to pay for assumption B) assessed each state's taxes in proportion to each state's debts C) guaranteed the antifederalists key cabinet posts D) called for the construction of a new national capital on the banks of the Potomac River

D) called for the construction of a new national capital on the banks of the Potomac River

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America and Great Britain settled a peace that had which of the following impact on the native tribes?

A) no significant impact at all B) restored lost lands to native tribes. C) restricted settlement in native lands for 25 years. D) forced settlers to purchase the rights to the land from natives.

A) no significant impact at all

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War Hawks tended to be from which part of the nation?

A) The North B) The West C) The areas where Federalists dominated politically D) New England

B) The West

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The Embargo Act was replaced by which of the following...

A) The Non-Intercourse Act B) Macon's Bill No. 2 C) The Tariff of 1816 D) The Judiciary Act of 1789

A) The Non-Intercourse Act

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The 3/5 compromise settled which of the following questions?

A) The number of states needed to ratify the Constitution B) Small state representation in the legislature C) Large state representation in the legislature D) The number of slaves to be counted for representation.

D) The number of slaves to be counted for representation.

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The Federalists of the 1790s believed that the United States should have

A) a strong central government and a well-developed economy B) a modest central government and a predominantly rural economy C) federalized lines of authority in which the states had supreme authority over the federal government D) state governments with the power to protect revolutionary goal

A) a strong central government and a well-developed economy

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By 1786, even those who feared a strong centralized government agreed that the Confederation needed the power to

A) pass taxes B) make war C) negotiate treaties D) regulate federal lands

A) pass taxes

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Republicans (first Republican party) would have been most angered by...

A) The creation of the National Bank B) Ending excise taxes on whiskey C) Reducing the size of the federal government D) expansion west

A) The creation of the National Bank

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Small states such as Delaware supported which of the following plans at the Constitutional Convention?

A) Large states receiving more representation B) Representation by population in the legislature C) Equal representation in the legislature D) Small states receiving more representation

C) Equal representation in the legislature

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The Hartford Convention...

A) was called to foster national unity in the face of the British menace. B) was a plan to annex Quebec. C) was a meeting of Federalists unhappy with the growth and direction of the United States under Republican governance. D) was a meeting of slaveholders to argue for secession.

C) was a meeting of Federalists unhappy with the growth and direction of the United States under Republican governance.

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George Washington, in his farewell address, warned the leadership of the young nation of all of the following except:

A) foreign entanglements B) sectionalism C) political factions D) mercantilism

D) mercantilism

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The Prophet gained support among the natives due to which of the following?

A) his message of revival of native culture and religion B) his message of assimilation to American culture C) his message to move the tribes west to avoid interaction with the Americans. D) none of these choices is correct.

A) his message of revival of native culture and religion

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Early in the course of the War of 1812 the Americans sought to damage British resources in which of the following areas?

A) The Great Lakes region B) The Chesapeake Area C) The Deep South D) The delta of the Mississippi

A) The Great Lakes region

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The Tenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was significant to the distribution of power because it

A) gave the federal government permission to exercise some undelegated powers B) granted the president certain emergency powers C) reserved to the states and the people all powers not specifically delegated to the federal government D) provided the president with the authority to appoint a cabinet

C) reserved to the states and the people all powers not specifically delegated to the federal government

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The Republican vision of America as proposed by Thomas Jefferson included the ideal of

A) a diversified and complex economy B) a large and powerful federal government C) a society of sturdy, independent farmers D) an urbanized nation with cities to rival those of Europe

C) a society of sturdy, independent farmers

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