Duke: meaning suffering; pleasure, pain, and desire lead to attachment which leads to suffering and anguish
Samudaya: meaning origin of suffering; the origin is the obsessive attachment to what we want, and obsessive aversion to what we don't want
Nirodha: meaning cessation of suffering; the cure is to practice ridding oneself of such obsession
Marga: meaning the path - Eightfold Path; best accomplished through right views, intentions, right speech, action, etc.
understand the 4 Noble Truths
Follow the Eightfold Path
Understand everything is impermanent
Understand the 5 Skandhas (physical form, sensation-affection, perception, habits, consciousness)
Bodhisattvas are spiritual warriors who delay their own salvation until all sentient beings achieve enlightenment
emphasis on compassion and altruism
enlightenment (nirvana) is not personal or individual
Vinaya Pitaka, "Discipline Basket"
Sutta Pitaka, "Discourse Basket"
The Abhidhamma Pitaka, "Special Teaching Basket"