Cyprunidae pt2

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Lythrurus umbratilis

Redfin Shiner

Dark blotch at dorsal fin origin

Smaller scales one nape

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Macrhybopsis hyostoma

Shoal Chub

Long terminal barbel

Small speckles on side

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Macrhybopsis storeriana

Silver Chub

Small terminal barbel

Indistinct color pattern

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Margariscus nachtriebi

Northern Pearl Dace

Diffuse speckling above lateral band

Blunt snout

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Miniellus anogenus

Pugnose Shinner

Black peritoneum

Almost vertical mouth

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Miniellus heterodon

Blackchin Shiner

Black pigment on chin

Large oblique mouth

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Miniellus stramineus

Sand shiner

Pupil is pointed ellips, subterminal mouth, lateral line decurved

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Miniellus Topeka

Topeka shiner

Caudal fin with small wedge-shaped black spot, line along back absent behind dorsal fin

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Nocomis biguttatus

Hornyhead Chub

Barbel terminal to prosterior end of lips, tubercles on head

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Notemigonus crysoleucas

Golden shiner

Scaleless keel between anal and pelvic fins, crescent shaped anal fin

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Notropis atherinoides

Emerald Shiner

Goatee, crescent shaped anal fin

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Notropis heterolepis

Blacknose shiner

No black pigment on chin or vent, pointed snoot

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Notropis percobromus

Carmine Shiner

Sharply pointed snout, straight anal fin

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Opsopoeodus emiliae

Pugnose Minnow

Extremely small mouth and nearly vertical, dorsal rays lined with black pigment

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Paranotropis volucellus

Mimic Shiner

Dark triangle by vent,scales on side deeper than wide

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Paranotropis volucellus

Suckermouth minnow

Sucker mouth, precaudal spot

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Pimephales notatus

Bluntnose Minnow

Small subterminal mouth, rounded snoot

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Pimephales promelas

Fathead Minnow

Terminal mouth, bumpy snoot

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Pimephales vigilax

Bullhead Minnow

Large eye positioned at top of head, large black spot at front of dorsal fin

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Rhinichthys atratulus

Eastern Blacknose Dace
No bulbus nose, upper lip a lot longer than bottom

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Rhinichthys catatactae

Longnose Dace
Bulbous Snoot

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Semotilus atromaculatus
Creek Chub
Wedge spot on dorsal fin, pre-terminal barble

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Lythrurus characteristics

most species have a dark wedge spot at dorsal fin origin, distinctly smaller scales on nape, scales crowded near head, terminal mouth

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Macrhybopsis characteristics

long terminal barbel,large eye, 8 anal rays

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Margariscus characteristics

disffuse speckling above lateral band, bluntsnout, no dorsal spot, preterminal barbel

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Nocomis characteristics

barbel terminal to posterior end of lips, large subterminal mouth, cigar shaped body, large scales

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notemigonus characteristics

scaleless keel from pelvic fins to anus. strongly decurved lateral line,mouth small and strongly oblique

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notropis characteristics

no barbel, no crowded scales on nape, no diamond shaped scales

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Pimephales characteristics

crowded pre-dorsal scales, rounded dorsal fin,concentrated pigment spot in anterior dorsal fin membranes, 7 anal fin rays

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snout with distinct frenum, barbel terminal to posterior end of lips, subterminal mouth

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