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Attention definition
state of selectively processing simultaneous sources of information
no multi-tasking- only shifting and dividing attention
attending to something
enhances visual detection and has widespread areas throughout the brain
various sensory areas= Area V1, visual cortical areas in the parietal and temporal lobes
target detection
valid cues- detection and accuracy rises
invalid cues- detection drops, draws attention away
neutral cue- baseline, does not draw attention but can tell its there
reaction time
valid cues- react faster, lower reaction time
invalid cues- slow reaction, higher reaction time
neutral cues- ex: see an exit sign that isn’t yours
Neglect Syndrome
associated with right-sided lesions = left side of body/objects does not exist
left hemisphere attends to right side BUT right hemisphere attends to both
Functional MRI
something in visual area=located on visual sector
sector changes in different areas of retina= different areas of brain is stimulated/brain activity shifts depending on where in the central vision
Retinotopy= different areas of retina light up different parts of brain
Selective vs Divided attention
Selective- one feature, detection rate is good, ex: click button when see blue
Divided- all features, accuracy goes down and time goes up ex: click when see a blue square and moving L to R
color and shape
V4- big part of visual cortex that goes into parietal
Inferior tegmental area (IT)- association area
other areas in the temporal lobe
speed and motion
medial tegmental area (MT)
attention has different sources
green (fast), blue (color), orange (shape)
injuries can cause deficits but can be different aspects depending
Facial blindness
Oliver Sacks- see face but cannot identify, facial recognition area responds to faces
neural plasticity= use unusual features to identify a person
Parietal cortex
helps identify things
assumption: attention changes location prior to eye movement (something interesting causes us to look)
looking at fixation point/saccade
posterior parietal cortex- normally lights up randomly - but when target turns on (valid) activity bursts/ invalid= not a lot of activity. Helps us recognize what we want to see
V4- lights up/ becomes active with valid response
intraparietal cortex- important in directing eye movement
V4 and cues
sees valid cue, activates = connect memories to it
connects memory, sight, and eye direction
Pulvinar Nucleus
back of thalamus → divides and guides attention to multiple areas of brain
GABA shuts nucleus down and makes it hard to guide attention
lower activity/cortical function in cortex- inhibitory system is not properly working
medications increase cortical activity
Frontal Eye Field (FEF)
eyes move to attended objects in the environment
neurons direct our view and eye to things that are interesting : V4 lights up and can identify/connect to memories
have to inhibit the reaction (staring or reacting in public)
FEF stimulation: mimics physiological and behavioral effects of attention
neurology vs psychiatry
neurology- physiological process that drive behavior (drugs change function of brain)
psychiatry- thought process that go into behavior, talk therapy
2 theories of mental illness
Freud- mental illness- unconscious and conscious elements of the psyche come into conflict
Skinner- many behaviors and learned; repeat successful behaviors because had previous success in that approach
Syphilis and mental health
general paresis of the insane - people started getting manic and go through a cognitive deterioration (looks like rapid Alzheimers)
started the thought that mental illnesses have direct biological causes (mind + body connection)
Anxiety disorders
inappropriate expression of fear to something that should not be fear inducing
Common anxiety disorders
Panic disorder- sudden fear without stimulus
Agoraphobia- fear of being outside; needs isolation of social context
OCD- thoughts of the obscene or forbidden; intrusive thoughts
GAD- sympathetic all times; no sleep, digestion problems
Specific phobias- fear is out of proportion of specific stimulus
Social phobia- fear of interacting w people in large groups
PTSD- sympathetic quickly; brain shrinks, triggering memmories
stressors and stress response
stressors- fear evoked by a threatening stimulus / manifested by the stress response - can be strengthened or weakened based on experience
HPA axis (hypothalamic pituitary adrenal axis)- CRH and ACTH release cortisol
hypothalamus → CRH released → anterior pituitary gland → ACTH → adrenal gland releases cortisol
Amygdala and Hippocampus
both regulate CRH neurons
Amygdala- activates the HPA axis
Hippocampus- deactivates the HPA axis - Glucocorticoid receptors hit the inhibitory loop to CRH to turn it off
Treatments for anxiety disorders
psychotherapy/psychosocial- occupation based activities- assist in anxiety rising occupations
Anxiolytic (anti-anxiety) meds
Benzodiazepines- bind GABA channels, forces Chlorine channels to take in more GABA so it makes more inhibitory transmission
SSRI- block uptake of serotonin to allow more serotonin in the active zone
All drugs target CRH receptors
Affective disorders
physical sign of mood - referred to as mood disorders
disorders of the diffuse neurotransmitter systems (norepinephrine, serotonin)
Major depression
Depression- inability to feel happy things
Dysthymia- milder form
Bipolar disorder
manic-depressive disorder: depression + mania
mania: hyperactive, hypersexual, poor judgement
hypomania: slightly elevated by not as bad
Monoamine Hypothesis
problems with diffuse modulatory system (norepinephrine and serotonin)
depending on where the medicine is affected - depends on what will happen to the product
drugs and what they do with mood disorders
Tricyclics: block the reuptake of norepinephrine and serotonin
MAOI: stop breakdown of neurotransmitter (norepinephrine and serotonin)
Fluoxetine: SSRI stops breakdown of only serotonin
diathesis stress hypothesis
genetics is how big the cup is and water is how much stress / water spills= show stress response
treatments for affective disorders
Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT)- localized electrical stimulation that changes the way neurons connect, targets the temporal lobe, quick relief
Can have preemptive memory loss (black before ECT) and postnatal memory loss (cant create new memories after)
treatement for affective disorder (es bipolar) : heavy metal that slows down secondary messenger by going into sodium channels
slows down/eliminate mania and depression
takes time to be effective, has a sweet spot; too much wont help and will increase side effects; tardive dyskinesia (involuntary movement of lips and jaw, permanent)
loss of contact with reality, hallucinations, strong genetic tie, ventricles enlarge and loss of neurons
Paranoid- everyone is out to get you
Disorganized (more common)- cannot integrate in society well, unhoused population - talking to nobody, hear voices
Catatonic- complete separation of the psyche from the body
Hypothesis of schizophrenia
Dopamine- too much dopamine in the prefrontal area of brain; start hallucinating and showing psychotic side effects; want to decrease the amount of available glutamate for those in a psychotic episode
Glutamate- taking acid and inhibit glutamate in some receptors and excite glutamate in others / fast excitatory in the AMPA and NMDA receptors can excite connections
PCP- no pain compliance because psychosis disassociates them from pain
Treatments for schizophrenia
drug therapy combined with psychosocial support
haloperidol- commonly prescribed- works with D2 receptors decreases the positive symptoms of schizophrenia- has numerous side effects
Also reduces NMDA to attack the NMDA receptors if they are responding to glutamate
Cell proliferation
start at ventricular → marginal zone → pial surface
1st position- extend the cellular process to the field surface, retract the process to pull the neuron up towards pial surface
2nd position- migrates all to pial surface and DNA cell gets copied
3rd- 2 complete copies of the gene and goes down to ventricular surface
4th- cell retracts that arm from the pial surface = cell division
vertical vs horizontal cleavage
everytime a cell divides it goes through vertical or horizontal
vertical- 2 cells side by side : split notch and numb and will be identical and stay in ventricular zone
horizontal- notch and nub separated - numb is in ventricular zone and notch goes to pial surface to become part of the cortex
Pyramidal cells and astrocytes
notch that travels up (vertically) and horizontal
happen first
Inhibitory interneurons and oligodendroglia
sideways, along the ventricular zone - stay down
inside out way of developing
migrate neurons up into cortex
first to arrive become layer 6 (deepest)
2nd set is layer 5
3rd, 4th layer, and the last to populate will be the first of the 6 layers of the pyramidal cells
Layer 6 -> to layer 1 populate
cell differentiation
once cell gets to where it goes it takes on the characteristics of a neuron
neuroblast -> put out processes -> exposed to something- gets repulsed or attracted
draws the dendrites towards another object or neuron that is producing the substance -> axons are repulsed so lead away from it = nice mature differentiated neuron that is communicating with something else
Don’t want axon to be drawn towards previous neuron so it can go somewhere else
protomap helps guides the way they populate
Neurons that are alike agitate together and make a nucleus - radial glial guides the neurons at different times
Happens because of the thalamus - it coordinates the protomap
three phases of pathway formation
(1) pathway- neurons travel along and make a pathway - growing trajectory of the neuron
(2) target- leaves the neuronal bodies to aggregate at the LGN (can be diff things) - start to differentiate and send synapses
(3) address- make diff parts of the lateral geniculate nucleus their home - where they are going to set up and the layers
Growing axon
growth cone is tip of the neurite
axons are connected together with cell adhesion molecules – so all axons terminate in a similar place
Extracellular matrix- cells adhere and move along it – draw axons to the next set of addresses (pulls axon to destination)
Pioneer axons
Pathways get set before the brain has expanded too much – pioneer axons are set and stretch as nervous system expands
Pioneer axons provide guidance for where the neurons are going to end up - send out growth cones to connect
contact guidance- something is sticky; sticks and allows to travel down
contact Inhibition-something repulsive and pulls back
connecting mature axons with target
Growth cone coming down from axon – bumps into muscular junction – releases agrin molecules- musculienrigic receptor- receptor creates rapsyn (pulls ach from other parts of neuronal membrane) – migrate and create a neuromuscular junction
agrin molecules cause a reaction that reinforces the connection between neurons
Synaptic stabilization
too many synapses made that could ever be used (overproduction)
“Pruning”, a process of neuronal death- competitive process
experience dependent changes
Synapse formation
Philapodium reaches out, make contact and synaptic vesicles migrate and send neurotransmitters to the area, release proteins that attract surface proteins (receptors) = active zone
presynaptic postsynaptic relationship
competition for troping factors
troping factors= neurotransmitters, proteins on the surface, electrical gradients, nerve growth
input neurons (more of these) connect to target neurons if available - if no connection is available cell death
Apoptosis: Programmed Cell Death
synaptic elimination
at neuromuscular junction: each synapse has to choose its best function
Alpha motor neuron sends message to sarcomere, as the body moves and develops (motor selective) - will pull back the synapses to the muscle fibers that don’t respod as efficiently - the ones that do respond will make the connections
Synaptic convergence
basis of binocular vision and binocular receptive field
both eyes overlap and can see things well
monocular deprivation
damage an eye (or covered) = the neurons that are associated with the open eye live and specialize- will get more neurons that have repurposed themselves from the eye that no longer exists
Critical period for plasticity
early for sight and goes down over the youth of the child
injured during critical period= have easier time compensating for the loss / up to bout 9 years of age the ability to change and repurpose neurons is very high
end because= plasticity diminishes, axon growth ceases, stop trying to make synapses with other neurons
inhibitory circuitry is the last to develop (GABA)
Two rules for synaptic modification
1: neurons that fire together wire together - Hebbian modification
2: out of sync lose their link (prune back)
glutamate receptors
Differences in the type of transmission they do - both cause depolarization
AMPARs: glutamate-gated ion channels: accepts glutamate and allows sodium in (no Ca)
NMDARs: glutamate comes out and kicks out Mg which allows Ca2+ and Na to come in - Calcium reinforces the connection between the presynaptic and postsynaptic neuron
Long-Term Potentiation
long term NMDA receptor - system has learned something and has a permanent relationship - memory
NMDA is activated it causes AMPLIfication- increases the amount of signaling and causes synapses to split and double and reinforces the connection
Long-Term Synaptic Depression (LTD)
neurons fire out of sync - opposite of long term potentiation
binding sites starts getting drawn away - lose the receptor binding sites - decreases the amount of activity in the AMPAS
Learning vs memory
learning- acquisition of new information
memory- retention of learned information
Declarative vs nondeclarative memory
can transfer from one to another from experience =
declarative- facts and events; medial temporal lobe and diencephalon
nondeclarative- procedural memory, skills, habits (riding a bike or playing an instrument); in the striatum
Classical conditioning- emotional responses and motor memory
common side effect of neurological dysfunction serious loss of memory and/ability to learn
limited- bound in time to when the injury happened- forget before and after
dissociated- no other cognitive deficit
Retrograde vs anterograde amnesia
Retrograde- forget things you already knew before injury
Anterograde- inability to form new memories - interrupt short and long term after injury
Transient global amensia
ischemia (swelling in brain)- causes permanent memory gap- shorter and temporary- disoriented, ask same questions repeatedly
norepinephrine- increases the plasticity and decrease the chance of apoptosis
Lashley maze learning
we need areas to produce memories, our memories are distributed widely throughout the brain - so destroying the cortex can destroy parts of our memory
Hebb and Cell Assembly
Stimulus -> activates neurons in different areas –(temporary electrical relationship) -> neurons keep reverberating (sending same signal over and over) – basis of short term and working memory
If you continue to think about they strengthen connections -> conformational changes in the proteins of communicating neurons (fire together wire together) – create their own proteins at synaptic level that create permanent relationships→ long term memory
electrically connected (short term) → physically connected (long term)
Inferotemporal (IT)
declarative memory - lights up when first seeing people
IT- lesion = will cause problems with visual tasks- this area helps trigger our memory for faces
communicates with facial recognition area and located in the medial temporal lobe
Temporal lobe
remembers specific memories and draws memories from parts of the cortex (auditory cortex, physical memory) also essential to understanding learning and memory
Lobotomy = every day resets, inability to create new declarative memories but he remembers anything that happened before (nondeclarative was still present)
Removal of temporal lobes had no effect on perception, intelligence, personality
Declarative memory
Information flow : circuit will reinforce until it distributes and create permanent relationships
When you repeat many times you consolidate the memory- go from short term to long term declarative memory
Sleep needs to happen for consolidation
associated with memory and lesion= amnesia
important in memory processing
declarative memory
only active when triggering/retrieving memories
lesion= do not have an organized way of finding food, make lots of errors when going down radial arms (rats)
Korsakoff’s Syndrome
long term alcoholism –thiamine deficiency- causes different lesions to appear – confused, make up memories, abnormal eye movement, tremors / give thiamin to not reverse the problem but it doesn’t get worse
Place cells
how we help to locate different places in the environment -we end up orienting because of NMDA receptors changes in the hippocampus
Morris water maze- uses glutamate receptors for place cells / take an animal that has a temporal lobe lesion= cannot find stand
Procedural memory
Disrupt Caudate Putamen = no procedural memory
becomes a habit not a memory (tying shoes)
habit learning is different based on disease (amnesia vs parkinson’s)
Working memory
most recent memories try to shove in brain - have a large frontal lobe -self-awareness, capacity for planning and problem solving
stuff we need to do (close eyes are can grab cup because you know where it is)
goes from medial temporal to different directions –
keep a lot of memory in bottom route – gives a reverberating circuit (hebb’s circle) that allows to remember something
Top direction- cingulate cortex where you keep memories
Prefrontal area
working memories spans the whole prefrontal and frontal lobe
damaged= procedural memory is damaged but not declarative memory
damage striatum= double dissociation