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Middle class

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Middle class

They could vote, own property, skilled workers.

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Lowest class

Indentured servants unskilled workers

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Highest class

Could vote, owned mansions, had furniture and book collections.

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What were the main industry in the new England colonies?

Timber, whale oil, fishing, and ship building.

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What were the main industry in the middle colonies?

Farming or wheat

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What were the main industry in the southern colonies?

Cotton, tobacco, and rice

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What is salutary neglect?

When the mother neglects the colony’s for a period of time.

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How did the French and Indian war affect the relationship between the colonies and Britain?

It made Britain closely watch the colonists. Also they put a lot of taxes.

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Fundamental orders of Connecticut.

First written constitution.

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The great awakening

A religious act that argued about the value of personal religious experience.

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Sugar act

a law that attempted to curb the smuggling of sugar and molasses in the colonies by reducing the previous tax rate and enforcing the collection of duties.

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Tea act

The act granted the company the right to ship its tea directly to the colonies without first landing it in England, and to commission agents who would have the sole right to sell tea in the colonies.

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Stamp act

was a large tax on just about everything. The main reason this was passed was because it was another way for England to get out of debt, from the war.

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The intolerable Acts

A series of measures imposed by the British government on the colonies in response to their resistance to new taxes.

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Quartering acts

Was a punishment for the tea party. And made English soldiers were forced to stay in the colonist’s homes for two years.

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