Significant urban growth in the late nineteenth century meant that by 1900, more than one million people were living in
cities like New York, Chicago, and Philadelphia.
In the 1870s, U.S. industrialists hired cheap labor from around the world because
railroad expansion and low steamship fares enabled immigrants to flock to America.
In the late nineteenth century, racism directed at ethnic immigrant groups in America
was the product of people’s perceiving ethnic and religious differences as racial characteristics
The transportation innovation that first allowed late-nineteenth-century to expand
electric streetcar
Being a skilled craftsman in America in the late-nineteenth century
did not ensure financial security
Toward the end of the late nineteenth century, efforts to abolish or regulate child labor had
made little headway in the South
Advent of adding machine, typewriter had greatest impact on
literate white women
Main lesson from Strike
Effectiveness of gaining power in workplace
Haymarket Affair
rally of laborers by radicals
American connection through
free tuition
By 20th century big city ruled
peacefully and accomodations
At root of farmers’ dissatisfaction
banking, railroads, tariffs
People injured, killed after Frick
hired Pinkertons
After four and a half months, Homestead mill ended
strikers minus union leaders
Pullman strike of 1893 ended
President Cleveland called out army
Only state allowed women to vote in 1890
National Woman’s Suffrage Association
demanded vote for women
Eloquent plea for free silver
William Jennings Bryan
Sugar interest wanted Hawaii but
Pres. Cleveland learned Hawaiians opposed
Boxer Rebellion in China
missionaries, railroads, telegraph lines
Pres. Cleveland Monroe Doctrine
American mediate
America’s entrance into Spanish-American war
pressure by press and Maine
Treaty of Paris
Puerto Rico, Guam, Philippines
Twenty Years Hull House
Jane Addams
New Social gosperl
reform of individuals and societyM
Muller v. Oregon
ill effects on health and safety of women
Roosevelt “absolutely vital question”
whether or not government can control trusts
series of corporate political wrongdoing
Foreign policy, Roosevelt believed
“civilized nations” police the world and “backwards nations”needed guidance and control.
By 1890s, Standard Oil
employed both horizontal and vertical integration
New building material that improved railroading
Steel produced via Bessemer process
Beginning of 20th century electricity
utilized mainly in urban areas
Railroad companies controlled by J. P. Morgan water stock
kept investors happy
Social Darwinism
progress result of competition
Gilded Age
greed, corruption, vulgarity
By the end of Indian Wars, Native American population had
fallen to 250,000 from 15 million
Development of West
important part of nationwide transformation
Three decades after 1870, migrated West to
 own their own land
General William Tecumseh Sherman wrote
remove to safe place, reduce to helpless condition
Dawes Act
broke reservation, allotted land to Native Americans
Comstock Lode
richest vein of silver ore
Federal government policy toward territorial government in West
benign neglect
Invention of barbed wire revolutionized cattle industry by
ranchers fence in cattle
After 1870, western portion of Kansas, Nebraska, Colorado referred to as
Great America Desert
Two factors that most helped stimulate land rush in trans-Mississippi West
Homestead Act of 1862 and transcontinental railroad
Women on frontier
forced to work hard at simple tasks
“Chips” . . . form of fuel used for cooking and heating in the plains, made of
chunks of dried cattle and buffalo dung
In view of majority of ex-slaveholders, emancipation meant
economy of South would collapse, southern society chaos
Pardons granted to rebels under Lincoln’s Proclamation of Amnesty
restored property & political proclamation
“Sherman land” and establishment of Bureau of Refugees
lent validity to ex-slaves expectation of land ownership and sense of right to land
Some ex-slaves joined A.M.E. church because
wanted religious autonomy & escape white oversight
Among there who opposed Pres. Andrew Johnson wer
 Republican legislators
Lincoln & Johnson reconstruction plans shared emphasis on
pardon most forever rebel soldiers & ratification of 13th Amend
Black codes attempt to
subordinate blacks to whites & regulate labor supply
Civil Rights Act of 1866
made discrimination in state laws illegal
Impeachment trial of Pres. Johnson
ended Johnson’s interference in reconstruction
Ku Klux Klan began as
social club of Confederate veterans who wanted to restore white supremacy
System under which farmers rented small pieces of land . . . known as
Pres. Ulysses S. Grant administration saw
corruption at all levels of government, etc.