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Asbestos Hazards
1. Asbestosis - scarring and reduced lung capacity
2. Lung cancer
3. Mesothelioma
a group of metamorphic silicate minerals that have a fibrous crystal form
Asbestos Attributes
1. heat resistant
2. high tensile strength
3. flexible
4. chemically stable
Asbestos Uses
1. insulation (pipes and furnaces)
2. floor & ceiling tiles
3. Brake and clutch linings
4. Cements, plaster, and caulking
Common Asbestos minerals
1. chrysolite (95%, white)
2. amosite (brown, hazard)
3. crocidolite (blue, hazard)
4. erionite (dirt)
asbestos removal
spontaneous nuclear decay of heavy elements (#>83) which release alpha, beta, or gamma radiation
Radon origin
Radon access
foundation fractures, groundwater, and fireplaces
Radon hazard assessment
1. regional sources
2. routine testing
3. remediation (sub slab extraction)
Hydrologic Cycle
The cycle through which water in the hydrosphere moves; includes such processes as evaporation, precipitation, and surface and groundwater runoff
Drainage Basin (watershed)
the land that contributes water to a channel from upstream
Drainage divide
topographic boundary of a watershed
River hydrology and flood potential
depends on how much water gets from the landscape to the river channel and how fast it gets there
Landscape (Hillslope) Hydrology Flow Paths
1. Groundwater (slow)
2. Throughflow (faster)
3. Overland Flow = runoff (fastest)
Flow Path & Rate determinants
1. Watershed Characteristics
2. Precipitation Characteristics
3. Land Use Changes
Watershed (Spatial) Characteristics
topography, infiltration capacity, and climate and vegetation
Precipitation (Temporal) Characteristics
intensity, duration, seasonality, and timing (antecedent soil moisture)
Land Use Changes
agriculture (herbicides and vegetation), loss of wetlands, and urbanization
River hydrology
Flooding occurs when river
discharge exceeds the channel's capacity to convey the flow
River discharge (Q)
volume of water flowing through a river channel
Q equation
volume of river flowing divided by unit of time = cfs
Rating curve
form of interpolation of river discharge