aquatic, aquamarine, aquarium
caput (head)
capital, decapitate, captain, chief related to capio
grex, gregis, m. (flocks, herds)
gregarious, congregation, egregious, aggregate, segregate
posse (potens)
potent, potential, omnipotent, puissance, plenipotentiary, possible, posse
rex, regina, regnum (king, queen kingdom)
regent, reign, regal, royal, viceroy, interregnum, realm
client, clientele
corona (crown, wreath)
corona, coronary, coronation, coroner, coronet, crown, kronor
dirus (awful, terrible)
dire, direful
conduct, conduce, conducive, conduction, conduit, conductor
civis (citizen)
civilian, civics, citizen, city, civil, civility
docere (teach)
docent, docile, document
creare (to create)
create, creator, creation, creature, procreate, recreate, recreation
tenebrae (darkness, shadows)
tenebrescence, tenebrism, tenebrous
verbum (word)
verbal, verbose, adverb, proverb, verbatim, verbiage
queror, queri, questus (complain)
egredior, egredi, egressus (leave, go away)
egress, egression, aggression, centigrade, grade, congress, degrade, degree, digress, gradation, gradient, gradual, graduation, retrograde, transgress
extra (outside of)
extra, extraneous, estrange, extraordinary, extraterritorial, extravagance, extreme, extrinsic, strange
fundere (pour)
foundry (= melting place), fuse, fusion, confound, confuse, diffuse, effuse, funnel, futile, profuse, refund, refuse, suffuse, transfusion, fondue
indicium (pointer)
index, indicate
haerere (stick to)
adherent, adhesive, coherence, cohesive, inherent
modus (way, manner, mode)
mode, model, commodious, modal, moderate, modern, modicum, modification, modifier, remodel, modest, modulate, module, prob. modem
opprimere (crush)
iactare (throw, hurl)
jactation, jet, jetsam, jettison, jetty
domus, dominus, domina (house, master, mistress)
dominate, domino, domicile, domain, dominion
laedere (hurt, harm)
lesion, collide, elide
errare (to wander, to make a mistake)
error, err, errant, arrant, erratic, erroneous, aberrant
rumpere (break)
erupt, irrupt, rupture
loquor, loqui, locutus (talk, speak)
colloquy, soliloquy, eloquent, circumlocution, elocution, interlocutor, loquacious, loquacity, obloquy, ventriloquist
eicere (throw out)
trahere (drag, pull)
attract, extract, detract, tractor, tract, retract
ira (anger)
ire, irascible, irate
fugue, fugitive
incendere (set afire)
incendiary, incense
litis (lawsuit)
litigation, litigious
imminere (hang over threateningly)
index, indicate, indicative
iudex (judge)
judge, judicial
master, mister, maestro, magisterial, magistrate, mastery, miss, mistress, Mrs.
epistula (letter)
epistle, epistolary
animus (mind, spirit)
animate, inanimate, animal
lacrima (tear, weeping)
lachrymal, lachrymose
fides (loyalty)
fidelity, faith, affidavit, confidant, confide, diffidence, fealty, fiduciary, infidel, perfidy
ignoscere (not know, pardon)
ignorant, ignore, ignoramus
incense, censer, frankincense, incendiary
iubere (order, command)
instruere (line up)
latus (wide)
effigies (image)
extinct, extinguish, distinct
timere (to fear)
timid, timorous
heres (heir)
hereditary, inherit, heirloom, heir, heritage
insulate, isolate
legatus (officer of a legion)
legation, legacy, allegation, delegate, legal, relegate
tradere (trans + dare)
ventus (wind)
vent, ventilator
vitare (avoid)
inevitable, evitable
vocare, vox (to call, voice)
voice, vocal, invoke, revoke, convocation, vocation, vocabulary, provoke, advocate, avocation, vocable
tutus, tueor (safe, watch over)
tutor, tutelage, tutelary
vivo, vivere, vixi, victus (live)
vivid, vivacious, viviparous, viper, vivisection, vivarium, Vivian
tendo, tendere, tetendi, tentum (stretch)
tent, tentative, tend, tendon, tensile, extend, extensive
humi (on the ground)
exhume, humble, humic, humiliate, humus, inhume, posthumous
umerus (shoulder)
vulgus (crowd, mob)
vulgar, Vulgate (Latin Bible), divulge
onus (burden)
onerous, exonerate
vulnus, vulnerare (wound, to wound)
vulnerable, invulnerable
immanent, permanent, remain
otium (leisure)
otiose, negotiate
parere (obey)
parent, appear, apparition, transparent
apparere (appear)
apparent, apparition, appear, disappear, reappear, transparent
cantare (sing, chant)
incantation, canto, cantata, enchanted, chanteuse, chanson, canticles
clarus (clear, bright, famous)
claret, clarinet, clarion, clarity, clear, chanticleer, clerestory, declare, eclaire, clairvoyant
consulere (advise, counsel)
consult, consulation, counsel, counselor, consul
dignitas (dignity)
dainty, dignity, dignitary, condign, deign, dignify, disdain, indignity
altus (high, deep)
alto, altar, altimeter, altitude, enhance, exalt, haughty, oboe (hautbois), haut couture (high fashion)
ardere (burn)
ardent, ardor, arson
carcer (prison)
incarcerate, incarceration
cogere (cum + ago) (force, compel)
cogent, coagulate
tectum (roof, covering)
detect, integument, detective, protect, protectorate, tile
veho, vehere, vexi, vectus (carry)
vehicle, veterinarian, vector
lateo, latere, latui (to hide)
taedere (to be boring)
tedious, fastidious
utor, uti, usus, utilis (use, useful)
use, utility, utilitarianism
lavare (to wash)
lave, lava, laundry, lavatory, latrine
corpus (body)
corps, corpse, corpuscle, corsage, corselet, corset, corporal, corporate, corporation, corporeal, corpulence, corpulent, incorporeal, incorporate
dissentire (disagree)
dissent, dissension
ambulare (walk)
amble, perambulator, somnambulist, funambulist, preamble
authority, authoritative, authoritarian, author, authorize
catena (chain)
concatenation, chain, enchain
colligere (collect, gather, together)
collect, collection, cull, recollect
avis (bird)
aviation, aviator, auspices, auspicious, aviary, ostrich
centum (hundred)
cent, centennial, centigrade, centipede, century, centurion, percent, centenary
comitari (accompany)
damnare (convict)
damnation, condemn, damage, indemnity
afficere (affect)
affect, affection, affectation, affective, disaffected
monstrare (point out)
monster, demonstration, remonstration, demostrative
volo, velle (to want, desire)
volition, involuntary, volunteer
repo, repere, repsi (creep, crawl)
reptile, surreptitious
cedere (yield, move, depart)
cede, recede, secede, cease, cessation, abscess, access, ancestor, antecedent, concede, decrease, exceed, incessant, intercede, necessary, precede, procedure, succeed
colloquium (talk)
colloquy, colloquial,
cura (care, concern)
cure, curate, curative, sinecure