Vertical Integration
One part of the ways industries gained money and grew
Robber Barons
Used to describe successful industrialists who were seen as “unethical.”
The Gilded Age
The nation was rapidly expanding its economy (railroads, coal mining, factories)
Social Darwinism
Used to justify the accumulation of wealth, racism, and imperialism
Great Railroad Strike
After striking, the members of _____ were forced to go back to work by the president.
Social Gospel
Took the church into the community to help with housing in poor areas
Haymarket Affair
Showed America’s line between free speech and protest they no longer support
Dawes Act
Attempted cultural removal through assimilation of Native Americans by the U.S. government
Ghost Dance
This terrified US officials, and eventually was used as justification for the wounded knee massacre.
Sherman Antitrust Act
Banned businesses from colluding or merging to form a monopoly but it was also used to break up unions and punish strikers
People who believed an idea and appealed to emotion rather than reason and they almost always implied a conspiracy
Atlanta Compromise
To encourage African Americans to temporarily accept the status quo in order to advance economically to the point that white communities would accept Black people as equal in business and eventually would have equality
Loss of voting rights
Plessy v Ferguson
Made "separate but equal", also known as segregation, as constitutional
New Immigrants
Came from Southern and Eastern Europe, and did not receive a warm welcome because of nativism and racism
Chinese Exclusion Act
First large law that restricted immigration into the United States of an ethnic working group.
A faith in government power and the belief that we can use that power to regulate society so that more people can realize their full potential
Socialist Party
Political party fighting for public control of the means of production
Industrial Workers of the World (Wobblies)
It worked to organize unskilled and foreign-born laborers, advocated social revolution, and led several major strikes. Stressed solidarity.
Collective bargaining
Attempts by labor unions to negotiate favorable working conditions for their members.
Society of American Indians
Exposed challenges to the public to get justice, and brought Native Americans together
Designed to increase public influence of policy
Greater democracy for the public through removal of politicians who had lost the trust of the public
Settlement House
Provided educational, and recreational social services to immigrants
Pure Food and Drug Act
A key piece of Progressive Era legislation to regulate what we put into our bodies
The German attack on the ___________ helped bring the United States into World War One//Â The sinking greatly turned American opinion against the Germans, helping the move towards entering the war.
Fourteen Points
Wilson’s plan to achieve “peace without victory”
War Industries Board
U.S. government regulation of production to support the war effort
Eighteenth Amendment
Progressive effort to speed assimilation through temperance
Espionage and Sedition Acts
In an effort to mobilize the country for war, Congress passed the Sedition Act of 1918.
Civil rights organization founded to fight prejudice, lynching, Jim Crow segregation, and inequality
(Two) Great Migrations
The ____ aggravated racial tensions throughout the United States
Tulsa Riot
Massacre of highly successful Black people by white people
Marcus Garvey
Promoter of Black nationalism who was deported by the U.S. government who saw in him a threat to white power
Versailles Treaty
Ended the war between Germany and the Allied Powers. Punished Germany, which set the stage for World War II
League of Nations
Part of Wilson’s plan to achieve peace without victory
They were considered the first generation of independent American women, flappers pushed barriers in economic, political and sexual freedom for women.
Scopes Trial
Tennessee trial pitting Christian Fundamentalism against Darwins theory of evolution
Harlem Renaissance
African American literary and cultural movement celebrating Black culture
Great Depression
Major economic downturn that was overcome with massive government spending to put people to work and to fight in World War Two
Stock Market Crash
Revealed severe problems in the economy while simultaneously ending the unbounded optimism of the Roaring 20s
New Deal
FDR’s plan for relief, recovery and reform to end the Great Depression.
Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)
This relief program employed single, young men by putting them to work on various building and beautifying projects around the nation.
Public Works Administration (PWA)
Government-financed construction projects for use by the public. Hospitals, Airports, Electricity, Powered dams, Aircraft carriers, etc.
Tennessee Valley Authority
Massive infrastructure project that brought reliable electricity to Appalachia.
Agricultural Adjustment Act
This plan relied on farmers to work with the government to bring up the price of food products.
Federal Housing Administration
Created by the government to promote home ownership by offering discount mortgages with government backing.
Share Our Wealth Movement
Huey Long’s program was a response to some of the shortcomings of the New Deal.
Works Progress Administration
Government program employing artists, scholars, and manual laborers to help relieve unemployment during the Great Depression
Social Security Act
Its pension plan was one of the most heavily criticized New Deal programs
Scottsburo Case
Revealed the heightened racial tensions of the Great Depression
Belief that the United States should avoid foreign entanglements and involvement in foreign wars.
Lend-Lease Act
Modification of the Neutrality Acts that allowed FDR to supply the Allies with materials and weapons
GI Bill of Rights
Government support of veterans that was typically reserved for white males
Zoot Suit Riots
White mob violence direct toward Latinos
Korematsu v. United States
Supreme Court decision upholding the internment of Japanese Americans
Double V
Victory over racism abroad and at home
Manhattan Project
Secret undertaking that revealed the potential promise and destructive power of atomic energy
United Nations
Rooted in liberal internationalism as pioneered by the League of Nations
A movement to celebrate Black pride, showcasing Black talent, and raising awareness about Black struggles through the arts and humanities.