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the study of stationary electric charges (static electricity)
What are electrical charges measured in
one coulomb is equal to the electrical charge of
6.25×10^8 electrons
water, copper, and gold have
large number of electrons free to move about making them good conductors of electricity
a medium that allows electrons to move
glass rubber and plastic have
few number of electrons making them good insulators
a material that resists the flow of electrons
5 general laws of electrostatics
like charges repel and unlike attract
coulomb’s law
electric charges reside only on the external surface of conductors
the concentration of charges on a curved surface of a conductor is greatest where the curvature is greatest
only negative charges are free to move in solid conductors
the electrostatic force between 2 charges is directly proportional to the product of their quantities and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them
coulombs law
rubbing a rubber rod with fur
occurs when a metallic object (without charge) is brought into the electric field of a charges object
The results is that some of the electrons in the uncharged object move, creating electricity
electrification by induction
only occurs when the objects are not in contact with each other but close enough for the uncharged object to be the charged object’s electrical field
induction of electricity
the study of electric charges in motion: what we think of as electricity
for electric current to move, an electric potential must,…
also known as voltage or potential difference
electric potential
to make electrons flow along a conductor there must be
an electrical potential
ability to do work because of a separation of charges; electrons will flow from abundance to deficiency
electric potential
voltage always flows from a
negative potential to positive potential
if one has an abundance of electrons at one end of a wire and an abundance of positive charges at the other end, electrons will what
flow from abundance to deficiency
ability to do work due to a separation of charges
measured in…
electric potential
an expression of the flow of electrons in a conductor
measured in…
the property of an element in a circuit that resists or impedes the flow of electricity
measured in…
potential difference that will maintain a current of 1 ampere in a circuit with a resistance of 1 ohm
a volt
the expression of the difference in electric potential between 2 points
kilovolt peak
equal to the amount of work, that can be done per unit of charge (W=fd, Work=force x Distance)
the ratio of joules to coulombs (volt=joules/coulombs)
a volt
1 coulomb flowing by a given point in 1 second
flows only in one direction
Ex; batteries
direct current
changes direction in cycles as the electrical potential of the source changes
ex; transformers
alternating current
the electricity that flows in homes in the United states alternates at 60 cycles per second expressed as a frequency of 60 hertz
alternating current
constantly changing direction in the conductor
alternating current
the electrical resistance equal to the resistance between 2 points along a conductor that produces a current of 1 ampere when a potential difference of 1 colt is applied
the relationship between current and resistance
ohm’s law
volts=amps (current) x ohms (resistance)
Amperes to millamperes
move decimal point 3 places to the right
volts to kilovolts
move decimal point 3 places to the left
__________ is directly proportional to the length of the conductor
a long conductor as more _____ than a short one
Twisting does not affect ______ as long as the length does not change
A conductor with a ___________ has a lower resistance than one with a ______________ because of greater external surface area on which electrons can travel
large cross sectional area
small cross sectional area
with metallic conductors the resistance becomes greater as the _______ f the conductor rises
Materials with an abundance of free electrons that allow a relatively free flow of electricity
a closed pathway composed of wires and circuit elements through which electricity may flow
electric circuit
pathway over which electrons flow
a complete pathway for electricity is required for electricity to flow- allowing the flow of electrons- light on
closed circuit
a broken pathway such as when a switch is turned off- light off
open circuit
produced electrons through a chemical reaction, stores an electric charge long term, and provides an electric potential
temporarily stores an electric charge
a one way valve device allows electrons to flow in only one direction
a device that can increase or decrease by a predetermined amount
a protective measure that neutralizes charged objects
ability of a material to attract iron, cobalt, or nickel
Magnetic field consists of lines of force in space
Lines of flux travel from ____ to ___ inside the magnet and _____ to ______ outside the magnet
south pole to north
north pole to south
like poles ______ and opposite poles _____
the strength of the magnetic field is measured in the SI unit….
Tesla T
Glass, wood, and plastic are
nonmagnetic not attracted to magnetic fields at all
water, mercury, gold are
diamagnetic weakly repelled by magnetic fields
iron, cobalt, nickel
ferromagnetic strongly attracted to magnetic materials
first identified the principle of electromagnetism
hans oersted
discovered that electricity flowing through a wire produced a magnetic field
hans oersted
later, it was discovered that the magnetic field surrounding a conductor could be intensified by….
fashioning it into a coil called a solenoid
the magnetic field surrounding a conductor could be intensified FURTHER by….
adding an iron core to the coil called an electromagnetic
less voltage is induced when there are…
fewer coils in the wire
more voltage is induced with a ……
stronger magnetic field strength
less voltage is induced when the speed at which the coil passes through the magnetic field is…
found that moving a conductor through a magnetic field induces an electric current in that conductor called electromagnetic induction
michael faraday
slowing down the speed at which the conductor passes through the magnetic field results in
reduced electromagnetic induction
the induction of electricity in a secondary coil by a moving magnetic field
mutual induction
mutual induction requires_________to be flowing in the primary coil of wire
alternating curren
induced in the secondary coil during mutual induction
alternating current
states that an induced current flows in a direction that opposes the action (the charging magnetic field) that induced it
Lenz’s law
with _____ induction the secondary current is in the original coil and opposes the original current
devices that convert some form of mechanical energy into electrical energy
electric generators
devices that convert electrical energy to mechanical energy through electromagnetic induction
electric motors
moving a conductor through a magnetic field induces an electric current in that conductor
electromagnetic induction
increases voltage and decreases current
step up transformer
decreases voltage and increases current
step down transformer
the change in voltage and current is an ______ relationship
what transformers have a ferromagnetic core to maximize efficiency
closed core and shell type
what transformer has less power loss because it is closed providing a continuous path for magnetic flux
closed core
what transformer has 2 closed cores so it is the most efficient and commonly used transformers
it has 2 coils of wire primary and secondary
shell type
found in the primary circuit and operates on the principle of self induction
main power switch, circuit breakers, autotransformer, timer circuit, and primary side of step up transformer
primary circuit
secondary side of step up transformer, mA meter, rectifer bank, xray tube
secondary circuit
rheostat, step down transformer, and filaments
filament circuit
an on-off switch for the unit connected to the facility’s power supply
Main power switch
a device usually wired to the autotransformer that automatically adjusts the power supplied to the x-ray machine to 220 volts
line compensator
an adjustable transformer controlled by the kilovolt peak (kVp) selector on the operating console and is where we find the major and minor kVp selectors
measures the incoming voltage to detect a surge or drop
line voltage meter
monitors and measures the voltage induced in the secondary side of the step-up transformer and operates on the motor principle
kVp meter
Closes the circuit between the autotransformer and the step-up transformer and allows electromagnetic induction to occur in the secondary side of he step-up transformer
Exposure switch
located between the secondary side of the autotransformer
and the primary side of the step-up transformer
• Considered a “dead man” switch because it is only closed
when pressure is applied
Exposure switch
used to increase the voltage from the autotransformer to the kilovoltage necessary for x-ray production
step up transformer
where is the Automatic exposure control (AEC) device:
primary circuit
placed between the patient and image receptor to measure the radiation exiting the
AEC ionization chamber
With all factors set appropriately, the length of exposure
will be based on the
density of the anatomy covering the
AEC controls only the _____ of radiation reaching the
image receptor and has no effect on other image
a device placed in the secondary circuit that monitors x-ray tube current
mA meter