puer dicit se voces audire
the boy says that he hears voices
pueri dixerunt ab se voces audiri
the boys said that the voices are heard by him
Psyche dicit se nunc periisse.
Psyche says that she has now died
puella promisit se cuncta facturam esse
the girl promised that she will do all
maritus dicit sorores eius in scopulo visas esse
The husband says that her sisters were seen on the cliff
Psyche non dicit se maritum suum vidisse
Psyche does not say that she saw her husband
sorores cognoverant puellam in scopulo relictam esse.
The sisters had thought that the girl was left on the cliff
omnes dixerunt se formositatem puellae admirari.
All said that they admire her beauty
iam proximas civitates fama pervaserat Venerem aliam in terris advenisse.
Now the rumor had spread to the nearest cities that the other venus arrived on the earth
parentes negaverunt se nefarium facinus perfecturos esse.
The parents denied that they will finish the nefarious crime
Psyche speravit se sorores mox visuram esse.
Psyche hoped that she will soon see her sisters
sorores illae maiores putabant eam perisse.
those older sisters were thinking that she died
vidit domum gazis plenam non muniri.
they see that the plentiful house with treasure is not protected
Psyche scivit maritum suum omnia sibi daturum esse.
Psyche knew that her husband will give all to her
negavimus puellam ductam esse ad scopulum.
We deny that the girl was lead to the cliff