Roger Cardinal
Art Brut- The term "Outsider art "was coined by art critic in 1972 as an English synonym for art brut '(French- 'raw art 'or 'rough art)
Nek Chand Saini
(15 December, 1924- 12 June, 2015): a self- taught Indian artist, known for building the Rock Garden of Chandigarh, an eighteen acre sculpture garden in the city of Chandigarh, India.
369- 286 BC)- a Chinese philosopher, who greatly influenced Chinese religion through the book of Taoist philosophy that bears his name.
a medieval country in northern Europe that included regions now parts of northern France and Belgium and south- western Netherlands.
Figurative painting
refers to the metaphoric representation of a piece of art, through the eyes of the creator's imagination.
complementary poles
It represents the ('vin 'and young) reflecting the Daoist view of the universe.
active participation
It requires the of the viewer both physically and mentally.
Illusionistic likeness
It refers to an adjective of the technique of using pictorial methods in order to deceive the eye.
Wu Daozi
a Chinese painter who lived in the eighth century.
Jean Du Buffet
(1901- 1985)- a French painter and sculptor.
________- a city of northern Belgium.
'mountain- water- refers to a style of traditional Chinese painting that involves or depicts scenery or natural landscapes, using a brush and ink rather than more conventional paints.
, meaning 'mountain- water ', refers to a(n) art of Chinese painting that involves natural landscapes, the landscape which is an inner one, a spiritual and conceptual space.
Dizzy heights
very high level of success.
Outsiders art
refers to those art who have no right to be artists as they have recieved no formal training yet show talent and artistic insight.
Tang Emperor Xuanzong
He commissioned the painter Wu Daozi to decorate a palace wall.
Variant of Taoism- religion adhering to the teaching of Lao- tzu.
Written by
Nathalie Trouveroy
From the text, the meaning of anecdote can be inferred as a short account of a particular incident or event, especially of an interesting or exciting nature
illusionistic likeness
It refers to an adjective of the technique of using pictorial methods in order to deceive the eye
delicate realism
It refers to the alluring quality of the art which makes it seem real
conceptual space
It refers to relation with the abstract than the factual representation
figurative painting
A figurative painting refers to the metaphoric representation of a piece of art, through the eyes of the creator's imagination
Sneak into
enter secretly
Be hailed
be honoured/acclaimed
Dizzy heights
very high level of success
Confucious (551-478 BC)
a Chinese philosopher and teacher of ethics
Zhuangzi (369-286 BC)
a Chinese philosopher, who greatly influenced Chinese religion through the book of Taoist philosophy that bears his name
a medieval country in northern Europe that included regions now parts of northern France and Belgium and south-western Netherlands
a city of northern Belgium
Jean Du Buffet (1901-1985)
a French painter and sculptor
Art Brut
The term "Outsider art" was coined by art critic Roger Cardinal in 1972 as an English synonym for art brut' (French-'raw art' or 'rough art')
United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organisation
Nek Chand Saini (15 December, 1924-12 June, 2015)
a self-taught Indian artist, known for building the Rock Garden of Chandigarh, an eighteen acre sculpture garden in the city of Chandigarh, India
The "untutored genius" who created a ‘paradise was Nek Chand, an 80 year old creator director who made the world famous rock garden at Chandigarh