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Holocaust Test

People who lived in the annnexe :

  • Anne Frank (Anneke/Annele)

  • Margot Frank

  • Mr. Frank (Pim)

  • Mr. Dussel

  • Mrs. Van Daan (Liefje and Kerli)

  • Mr. Van Daan (Putti)

  • Peter

  • Mrs. Frank

  • Mouschi

Vocabulary/Terms to know

  • Genocide → the killing of a certain race or religion

  • Scapegoat → someone to take blame

  • Adolf Hitler → the dictator of Germany from 1933-1945

  • Mein Kampf → book written by Hitler while he was in prison; means “my battle”

  • Joseph Mengele → tortured people by experimenting on them, especially twins; nicknamed “Angel of Death”

  • Kristallnacht → night when Nazis destroyed Jewish houses and stole things

  • Ghetto → a concentration of Jews into one neighborhood

  • Conspicuous → obvious to the eye or mind

  • Unabashed → not embarrassed

  • Loathe → to hate or find repugnant

  • Indignantly → to do something in a manner showing anger at something unjust or wrong

  • Fortify → to make something strong or stronger

  • Zeal → great enthusiasm or devotion to a cause

  • Carillon → a set of bells

  • Tyranny → a cruel and unjust rule or use of power

  • Mercurial → changeable

  • Gingerly → to do something carefully or cautiously

  • Ostentatiously → to do something in a showy or exaggerated way

  • Appalled → horrified or shocked

  • Disgruntled → displeased or annoyed

  • Inarticulate → unable to speak understandably

  • Forlorn →abandoned and lonely

  • Animation → liveliness

  • Remorse → deep feeling of guilt

  • Meticulously → doing something very precisely and keeping attention to detail

  • Convulsive → violent and uncontrollable

  • Gaunt → thin and bony or hollow-eyed

  • Indomitable → unconquerable

  • Dispirited → sad and discouraged

Literary terms

  • Dramatic Irony → when the audience or reader knows more than the characters

  • Dramatic License → “rights” of a producer, writer, or director to change anything in a text to adapt to stage or movie

  • Static character → a character who doesn’t change throughout the story

  • Dynamic character → a character who undergo internal and external changes

  • Flashback → scenes in a book, play, or movie where it takes the reader back to something that happened earlier

Hanukkah gifts

  • Peter → a safety razor

  • Margot → crossword puzzle

  • Mrs. Van Daan → shampoo

  • Mr. Dussel → earplugs

  • Mr. Frank → a scarf

  • Mrs. Frank → an I.O.U. to promise to do whatever she wants for an amount of time

  • Mr. Van Daan → 2 cigarettes

  • Mouschi → ball of paper with a string attached

Dates/numbers to remember

  • Jan. 30th 1933 → Adolf Hitler came to power

  • Nov. 9th 1938 → Kristallnacht

  • 11,000,000 → number of people that Hitler exterminated

  • June 6th 1944 → D-day; troops invaded to fight Nazis on the beaches

  • 6,000,000 → number of Jews that Hitler exterminated

  • 2,000,000 → the approximate number of non-Jewish Polish people that died

  • 7,000,000 → the approximate number of soviet civilians that died

  • 250,000 → the approximate number of disabled folks who died

  • 1,900 → the approximate number of Jehovah’s Witnesses that died

  • Hundreds or thousands of homosexuals died

Major death camps

  • Auschwitz → the biggest concentration camp

  • Dachau → first concentration camp in 1938

  • Terezin → model camp and camp for children; a ghetto

  • Bergen-Belsen → camp for holding

  • Mauthausen → concentration camp in Austria; forced labor

  • Belzec → camp in Poland; made to murder all Polish Jews

Holocaust Test

People who lived in the annnexe :

  • Anne Frank (Anneke/Annele)

  • Margot Frank

  • Mr. Frank (Pim)

  • Mr. Dussel

  • Mrs. Van Daan (Liefje and Kerli)

  • Mr. Van Daan (Putti)

  • Peter

  • Mrs. Frank

  • Mouschi

Vocabulary/Terms to know

  • Genocide → the killing of a certain race or religion

  • Scapegoat → someone to take blame

  • Adolf Hitler → the dictator of Germany from 1933-1945

  • Mein Kampf → book written by Hitler while he was in prison; means “my battle”

  • Joseph Mengele → tortured people by experimenting on them, especially twins; nicknamed “Angel of Death”

  • Kristallnacht → night when Nazis destroyed Jewish houses and stole things

  • Ghetto → a concentration of Jews into one neighborhood

  • Conspicuous → obvious to the eye or mind

  • Unabashed → not embarrassed

  • Loathe → to hate or find repugnant

  • Indignantly → to do something in a manner showing anger at something unjust or wrong

  • Fortify → to make something strong or stronger

  • Zeal → great enthusiasm or devotion to a cause

  • Carillon → a set of bells

  • Tyranny → a cruel and unjust rule or use of power

  • Mercurial → changeable

  • Gingerly → to do something carefully or cautiously

  • Ostentatiously → to do something in a showy or exaggerated way

  • Appalled → horrified or shocked

  • Disgruntled → displeased or annoyed

  • Inarticulate → unable to speak understandably

  • Forlorn →abandoned and lonely

  • Animation → liveliness

  • Remorse → deep feeling of guilt

  • Meticulously → doing something very precisely and keeping attention to detail

  • Convulsive → violent and uncontrollable

  • Gaunt → thin and bony or hollow-eyed

  • Indomitable → unconquerable

  • Dispirited → sad and discouraged

Literary terms

  • Dramatic Irony → when the audience or reader knows more than the characters

  • Dramatic License → “rights” of a producer, writer, or director to change anything in a text to adapt to stage or movie

  • Static character → a character who doesn’t change throughout the story

  • Dynamic character → a character who undergo internal and external changes

  • Flashback → scenes in a book, play, or movie where it takes the reader back to something that happened earlier

Hanukkah gifts

  • Peter → a safety razor

  • Margot → crossword puzzle

  • Mrs. Van Daan → shampoo

  • Mr. Dussel → earplugs

  • Mr. Frank → a scarf

  • Mrs. Frank → an I.O.U. to promise to do whatever she wants for an amount of time

  • Mr. Van Daan → 2 cigarettes

  • Mouschi → ball of paper with a string attached

Dates/numbers to remember

  • Jan. 30th 1933 → Adolf Hitler came to power

  • Nov. 9th 1938 → Kristallnacht

  • 11,000,000 → number of people that Hitler exterminated

  • June 6th 1944 → D-day; troops invaded to fight Nazis on the beaches

  • 6,000,000 → number of Jews that Hitler exterminated

  • 2,000,000 → the approximate number of non-Jewish Polish people that died

  • 7,000,000 → the approximate number of soviet civilians that died

  • 250,000 → the approximate number of disabled folks who died

  • 1,900 → the approximate number of Jehovah’s Witnesses that died

  • Hundreds or thousands of homosexuals died

Major death camps

  • Auschwitz → the biggest concentration camp

  • Dachau → first concentration camp in 1938

  • Terezin → model camp and camp for children; a ghetto

  • Bergen-Belsen → camp for holding

  • Mauthausen → concentration camp in Austria; forced labor

  • Belzec → camp in Poland; made to murder all Polish Jews