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diverse eukaryotic photosynthetic microscopic/macroscopic organisms belonging to the Protista kingdom
algae differ from higher plants because they lack ___ and ___
well-organized tissues, certain reproductive mechanisms
algae are often found in what main locations?
aquatic areas with varying salinity, in soil, on surfaces, and in extreme conditions
Green Algae (Chlorophyta) are algae that are most closely related to what organism?
Unicellular Algae include ___ and ___
Haematococcus and desmids (closterium and cosmarium)
Haematococcus algae are found in ___ and get their ___ pigment from ___
Bird baths, red, carotenoids
Desmids are organized in two ___ connected at the ___
Symmetrical semi-cells, isthmus
Closterium are desmids with ___ granules in vacuoles at the ___
Gypsum (calcium sulfate + H20), cell ends
Cosmarium are desmids made of ___
Two semi-circles
Flamentous Algae include ___
Magenta, stigeoclonium, and bulbochaete
Maugeotia are flamentous algae with plate like ___
Chloroplasts oriented at light sources
Stigeoclonium are flamentous algae that generally display ___
Bulbochaete are flamentous algae that has a ___ shaped terminal, and grows on ___
Bulbed, other algae
Colonial algae include
Volvox are colonial algae with a ___ genus, forming ___ colonies of up to 50,000 cells
Polyphyletic, spherical
Tissue-like algae include
Ulvophyceae class (marine macroalgae [seaweed]) and charophyceae class (stoneworts)
Marine macroalgae (seaweed) can be membranous, such as ___, or coenocytic, such as ___
Ulva (sea lettuce), acetabularia (mermaid’s parasol)
Charophyceae include Stoneworts, such as ___ and ___
Chara, Nitella
Chara and Nitella are stoneworts that have complex ___ structures, and resemble ___
reproductive, green algae
Diatoms can be ___, which have ___ symmetry or ___, which have ___ symmetry
Pennate, bilateral, centric, radial
Red algae include
Chondrus crispus, polysiphonia, griffithsia, and porphyra
Brown algae includes ___, which are found in the ___ Ocean, and ___, which has air vesicles and ___ at the tips
Laminaria (kelp), Pacific, fucus, receptacles
flagellate mixotrophic protozoa include
euglena and astasia
what structures does euglena have?
flagella, gullet, chloroplasts, eye spots, and paramylum (food reserve)
Euglena can be photoautotrophic, or ____ if their chloroplast doesn’t develop
dinoflagellates have 2 ___ for locomotion,
perpendicular flagella
dinoflagellates include ___, which are luminescent
noctiluca scintillans
cyanobacteria (blue-green algae)
prokaryotic photoautotrophic bacteria
cyanobacteria include ___, which are long filamentous and move via a gliding motion, ___, which form gelatinous balls and adhere to plants, and ___, which are small round cells with various pigments
oscillatoria, nostoc, and microcrystis