Quizlet hack
The main character in a story, often the hero or central figure
The character or force in conflict with the protagonist
A coming-of-age novel that focuses on the protagonist's growth
Direct Characterization
The author explicitly describes a character's traits and qualities
Indirect Characterization
Character traits are revealed through actions, thoughts, or dialogue
A character whose qualities contrast with those of another character, is included to reveal the unique qualities of another (especially the main) character
Round Character
A character with depth and complexity, with multiple traits. Often act from varied, conflicting motives
Flat Character
A character with limited development and simplistic traits, speaks in predictable ways
Dynamic Character
A character who undergoes significant change throughout the story
Static Character
A character who remains unchanged throughout the story
A typical character, symbol, or theme that recurs in literature and myths
Stock Character
A character embodying stereotypes and is often used in a fixed role, seems familiar
The time and place in which a story takes place
The sequence of events in a story, including exposition and climax
The introduction of background information in a story
Inciting Incident
The event that sets the main plot in motion
Rising Action
Events leading to the story's climax, building tension
The story's highest point of conflict and emotional intensity
Falling Action
Events that follow the climax, leading towards resolution
The final outcome or solution to the story's conflict
The tying up of loose ends and the conclusion of the story
In Media Res
Starting a narrative in the middle of action, rather than the beginning
Scenes or events from the past are inserted into the current narrative
Hints or clues that suggest future events in the story
Deus Ex Machina
A person or a thing that appears or is introduced suddenly and unexpectedly and provides a contrived solution to an apparently insoluble difficulty
A sudden realization or profound understanding by a character
Point of View
The narrator's perspective in telling the story
Describes how narrators or characters see and experience their individual circumstances
Point of View Narrated by a character within the story using "I" or "we”
Second-Person Point of View
The narrator addresses the reader as "you”
Third-Person Limited Point of View
An external narrator who knows the thoughts of only one character
Third-Person Omniscient Point of View
An external narrator who knows the thoughts of all characters
Stream of Consciousness
A narrative style representing a character's inner thoughts. Thought process.
An imaginary listener or reader in a narrative that is brought in by the narrator
Interior Monologue
A character's extended inner thoughts and reflections, in an arrangement as if the character were speaking out loud to himself, for us to overhear
The central idea or message conveyed in a story
The author's choice of words, which can be abstract or concrete
Abstract Diction
Words that describe concepts or ideas rather than physical objects
Concrete Diction
Words that describe tangible objects and qualities
The emotional or cultural associations of a word, meaning outside of the dictionary meaning
The literal dictionary definition of a word
Informal language or words used in specific social groups, mostly verbal
Informal, conversational language used in everyday speech
The arrangement of words and phrases in a sentence
Cumulative Sentence
A sentence that starts with the main idea and adds details
Periodic Sentence
A sentence with details before the main idea is revealed
The author's attitude or emotional stance towards the subject
What the readers feel as they're reading the story as a result of the tone and other details of the text
An object or element representing a deeper meaning in a story
Series of symbols that encompasses a whole work that represents something else with a deeper meaning
A reference to a well-known person, event, or work of literature
A comparison between two unrelated things without "like" or "as”
A comparison using "like" or "as" between two unlike things
Giving human qualities to non-human entities or objects
Using one word or concept to represent another related word
Using a part of something to represent the whole or vice versa
Placing two ideas or objects side by side to reveal their similar or contrasting qualities
Another word for figurative language. A figurative use of a word or expression
Exaggeration used for emphasis or effect
A combination of contradictory or opposite words
A statement that appears contradictory but may have a deeper truth
Deliberately downplaying or minimizing the significance of something
Situation Irony
When there's a contrast between what's expected and what happens
Dramatic Irony
When the audience knows something the characters do not
Verbal Irony
When someone says something but means the opposite