unifocal PVC
Bizzare shaped QRS
absence of P wave
Irregular contraction
premature contraction
Multifocal PVC
Multiple shapes of QRS
absence of p wave
irregular contraction
premature contraction
Sinus tachycardia
Regular rhythm
p wave present
ectopic focus
Atrial Fibrillation
Heart rate: A =350-650 BPM
Heart rate: v= slow to rapid
irregular rhythm
Fibrillatory QRS (fine to course)
PR internval absent
QRS < 0.12 sec (120 ms)
Atrial flutter
Heart rate: A=220-430 BPM
Heart rate: V<300 BPM
Regular or variable rhythm
Sawtoothed P wave
PR interval absent
QRS < 0.12 sec (120 ms)
Ventricular Fibrillation
Heart rate: 300-600
Rhythm: extremely irregular
P wave absent
PR interval absent
QRS: fibrillatory baseline
extremely emergent
Sinus bradycardia
Heart rate <= 60 BPM
Regular rhthm
P wave before each qrs, identical
PR interval: 0.12 - 0.20 sec (120-200 ms)
QRS <= 0.12 sec (120 ms)
First degree AV block
P wave identical before each QRS
PR interval > 0.20 sec (>200 ms)
QRS >0.12 sec (>120 ms)
Regular rhythm
Second degree AV block
Mobitz 1
P wave: conduction intermittant
PR interval : increasingly prolonged
QRS < 0.12 sec
QRS dropped in repeating pattern “missing”
Third degree AV block (complete)
P wave: normal but not related to QRS
PR interval: absent
QRS: absent
No relationship between P & RS
LBBB - Left bundle block branch
QRS inverted and wide ( lead V1 ) ( W shaped )
M - shaped QRS ( lead V6) and inverted & wide T-wave
RBBB - Right bundle branch block
M- shaped QRS in V1 (inverted)
Inverted T-wave
Deep S-wave in V6
Interior MI (miocardial infarction)
No ST elevation in leads ( II, III, VaF)
Multiple ST elevations in leads V1 - V6 تلال كتييير
Inferior MI
ST Elevation (leads II, III, VaF) تلة تلة تلة هنا و هناك
regular rhythm
Absence of p-wave