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Product Market
where goods and services are sold
businesses in the product market
goods and serviced are produced by them so they can supply it to other people
Households/individuals in the product market
they demand goods and services rather than supplying them
resourcee (factor) market
where resources ( land labor capital enterpreneurial skill) are sold
businesses in the resource market
resources are sold to them because they demand resources
households/individuals in the resource market
they supply resources to be sold to other people
businesses.. what do they supply/demand
supply products and demand resources
individuals .. what do they supply/demand
demand products and supply resources
private sector
part of the economy run by individuals and businesses
public sector
part of the economy controlled by the government
factor payments
payment for factors of production : rent (land), wages (labor), interest (financial capital), profit (entrepreneur)
transfer payments
govt money payments but they do not recieve anything in return (welfare, social secruity, unemployment)
government transfer payments to businesses
money is leaving circulation or stops flowing around
money is being added to circulation
leakage, money is not spent so not circulating
leakage, money is sent to foreign country
addition, money is being put into a business
addition, foreigners buy our goods and send us money
government role in resource market
supply government expenditutres, demand resources
government role in product market
demand goods and services, supply government expenditures
demands taxes from businesses/firms and individuals/households
calculating price index/gdp deflator
nominal gdp/real gdp (100)
calulationg nominal gdp
current production) (current prices)
calculating real gdp
nominal gdp / price index (100)
gdp growth rate
new gdp - old gdp / old gdp (100)
inflation rate
new price index - old price index / old price index (100)
gdp per capita
real or nominal gdp total / population that year
consumer price index
current market basket / base year market basket (100)
base year basket
current market basket / cpi (100)
depending on information given, real wages income can be
nominal income/cpi (100)
temporary slowing of the pace of price inflation
galloping inflation
prices rising quickly ( 10%+ or higher a year )
helped by inflation
borrowers/debtors, firms/businesses, flexible income earners
real interest rates
nominal interest rate - expected inflation
nominal interest rates
real interest rate + expected inflation
quantity theory of money
demand pull inflation
demand increases, supply not changing.
caused by changes in spending beyond production capacity
cost push inflation
caused by increased costs for factors of production
price increase, decrease in supply
temporary maximum in real gdp
unemployment rate LOW or at natural rate of unemployment
inflation rate HIGH
contraction / recession
decline in real gdp accompanied by increase in unemployment and typically decreasinf inflation rate
economic decline must be atleast 6 months long
bottom of business cycle - gdp is at the temporary maximum low
unemployment rate is probably high and inflation is probably low
recovery/ expansion
where economy is returning to full employment , gdp is rising but inflation rate is increasing
expansion beyond the previous peak
labor force
employed + unemployed
labor force participation rate
labor force/population (100)
16 years or older
working average 1 hour / 2 weeks
working but not making enough to live off of or working a job in which theyre over qualified
people 16 years or older that do not have a job but have actively searched for a job within the last 2 weeks
unemployment rate
unemployed/labor force (100)
temporary,voluntary, in between jobs, changing jobs, newly entering the workforce.
good for individuals and society
declining industries, lack skills/education, replaced, mismatches in skills and jobs available
good for society - pushes advancement/education, increased skill levels
business cycle downturn/ recession, layoffs due to not needing labor (lack of demand slows business)
bad for society and indiviuals
GDP NOT counted
foreign produced goods, no double counting or multiple counting, intermediate goods, used/second hand goods, transfer payments, underground/black market/ non market activtiy.
HURT by inflation
fixed income recivers, savers, creditors (lenders)
expediture method
consumption, gross private investment, government spending, net exports (exports-imports=net exports)
Income Method COUNTED
wages for use of labor resources , rents for use of land resources, interest for use of financial capital resources, profits for use of entrepreneurial skill.
labor force participation rate
labor force/adult population (100)
unemployment rate
unemployed/labor force (100)
natural rate of unemployment