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Shinkansen (新幹線)
High-Speed Bullet Trains
Vehicles (自動車)
Fast Trains
Stop only at major stations.
Semi-Fast Trains
Fewer stops than local trains.
Local Trains
Stop at every station.
Japan Rail Pass
Unlimited access to most high-speed trains.
Monorail (モノレール)
Single rail or beam system.
Electric Cars (バッテリー - Batterī)
Battery-powered, eco-friendly.
Hybrid Electric Vehicles
Combines combustion engine with electric propulsion.
Humanoid Robots
Resemble human anatomy.
Animal Robots
Mimic animals like pets.
Entertainment Robots
Designed for fun and interaction.
Advanced Step in Innovative Mobility.
Robotic dog, meaning "partner" (相棒).
Janken Robot
Created in 2013 by the University of Tokyo.
is a global leader in scientific research, contributing to various scientific fields.
Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST)
Japanese government agency
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology (MEXT)
文部科学省 (Monbu Kagaku-shō)
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)
Independent Administrative Institution
The University of Tokyo
Renowned for excellence in various scientific fields.
Kyoto University
Known for advanced research and Nobel Prize laureates.
Waseda University
Focuses on technology and interdisciplinary studies.
Studied astronomical objects.
Returned asteroid samples to Earth.
Koichi Wakata (宇宙飛行士)
First Japanese commander of the ISS.