Science - Cell Division

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Why are new cells created?

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Why are new cells created?

  • Growth and repair of body cells

  • Production of specialised sex cells

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<p>Give facts about chromosomes</p>

Give facts about chromosomes

  • Controls the functions of a cell

  • Has instructions from the DNA to build up an adult from a fertilised egg cell

  • carry DNA in a cell

  • Must copy the DNA accurately

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what is Meiosis, Mitosis and gametes?

Mitosis - A single cell divides twice to make 4 daughter cells, which carry half of the genetic information.

Meiois - A single cell divides into 4 cells

Gametes - another name for Sex cells

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What is Chromatid?

A chromosome which has two distinctive halves

<p>A chromosome which has two distinctive halves</p>
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How many chromosomes does a sperm and egg cell have

23 chromosomes

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How many cells does a human cell contain

46 chromosomes

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What happens if there is an extra chromosome

Cell dies

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Why does some people have genetic disorders like down syndrome?

Because they have an extra chromosome

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Explain the stages of cell mitosis

Stage 1 - the single cell grows and develops, carries normal activities

Stage 2 - Chromosomes doubles into pairs

Stage 3 - Cell divides into two daughter cells which carry each parent DNA

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Define Gene and DNA

Gene - Contains information (section of DNA) that forms the characteristics, appearance etc

DNA - Unique Chemical which contains genetic material

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Suggest why it is important for chromosomes to stay the same when a cell divides to make other cells (3 Marks)

  • Organism might die

  • Lacks vital genes

  • Cell wouldn’t work properly

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