AP Gov - The Constitution

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Congress was designed to have 2 houses or chambers- the House of Representatives and the Senate

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Congress was designed to have 2 houses or chambers- the House of Representatives and the Senate


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This branch of the national government makes laws/creates legislation

Legislative branch (Congress)

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This branch of the national government executes laws/signs laws (or has the right to veto laws when necessary)

Executive branch (the president)

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This branch of the national government interprets the Constitution and how laws or actions may or may not be constitutional

The Judicial branch

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Only the _________________ was directly elected by the people according to the original Constitution.

House of Representatives

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Since the 17th Amendment, _____ is directly elected by the people.

the Senate

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The _________________ elects the president.

Electoral College

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Representation is based on a state's population in the ______.

House of Representatives

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Two Senators serve each state, therefore providing ________ in the Senate.

equal representation

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Must live in the state they represent, 30 years of age, citizen for at least 9 years are qualifications needed for ______.


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How many members are in the Senate?


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Must live in the state they represent, 25 years of age, citizen for at least 7 years are qualifications needed for ______.

House of Representative members

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How many members are in the House of Representatives?


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House of Representatives term length

2 years

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Senate term length

6 years

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Which house of Congress represents a larger constituency?


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Which house of Congress begins the impeachment process?

House of Representatives

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Which house of Congress holds a trial for an individual being impeached and can remove the from office by a 2/3 vote?


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Official business, such as voting on laws, voting to declare war, voting to propose an amendment, and voting to override a veto can occur in Congress once a __________ is reached.


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Congress passes bills by

a majority in each house

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Speaker of the House

the leader of the House of Representatives, chosen by the majority party

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VP of the nation

President of the Senate

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Powers specific to the House

initiate revenue bills, vote on articles (reasons) for impeachment

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Powers specific to the Senate

vote to remove an impeached official, vote to confirm a president's nomination to the courts or a treaty made by the president

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enumerated powers/formal powers

The powers explicitly given to Congress in the Constitution

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Necessary and Proper Clause (Elastic Clause)

A clause in Article I, section 8, of the Constitution that gives Congress the power to do whatever it deems necessary and constitutional to meet its enumerated obligations; stretches enumerated powers (the basis for the implied powers.)

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35 years of age, natural born citizen, 14 years resident of US

qualifications for the US president

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Examples of congressional powers - Article 1 Section 8

Declaring war, taxing, raising and regulating armed forces, appropriating money, regulate commerce and interstate trade, establish laws on naturalization, coin money

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Examples of limits on congressional powers- Article 1 Section 9

suspend habeas corpus (can't be arrested without proof), create ex post facto laws (cannot be arrested for actions in the past if laws change), pass bills of attainder (declaring guilt without a trial)

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Checks and Balances

Features of the Constitution that require each branch of federal government to obtain the consent of the others for its actions; limit the power of each branch

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A form of government in which the people select representatives to govern and make laws

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Limited Government

The idea that certain restrictions should be placed on the government to protect the natural rights of citizens. There must be clear restrictions on what the government can do

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A way of organizing a nation so that two or more levels of government share formal authority over the same area and people

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Separation of Powers

A feature of the Constitution that requires the three branches of government- executive, legislative, and judicial- to be relatively independent of each other so that one cannot control the others. Power is shared among the three institutions

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Popular Sovereignty

The government can only exercise authority if it has been given permission to do so by the people.

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Power of the gov is derived from the people

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Examples of Presidential Powers, Article 2

Veto laws, State of the Union, Make treaties, Commander in Chief, nominate justices/ambassadors

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Appellate Jurisdiction of the Supreme Court

cases heard by the Supreme Court after lower courts - most common form of jurisdiction

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Original Jurisdiction of the Supreme Court

the authority of a court to hear a case before any other court does

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The amendment process for the Constitution

Requires a 2/3 vote in Congress, and a 3/4 vote by the states to be ratified

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Supremacy Clause

Article VI of the Constitution, which makes the Constitution, national laws, and treaties supreme over state laws

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Article VII: Ratification

needed 9 out of 13 states to ratify

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Bill of Rights

Protection of civil liberties

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Voting Rights Amendments

15, 17, 19, 23, 24, 26

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Protection of Defendant's Rights Amendments

5, 6, 7, 8

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First Amendment Freedoms

religion, speech, press, assembly, petition

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