into to imperalism

introduction to imperialism

imperialism = empire building

6.1 - what ideologies contributed to the development of imperialism between 1750 and 1900?

how did each of the following development lead to the next? (contextualization)

  1. market economy

  • the growing importance of money led to the desire to acclimate bullion

  1. mercantilism

  • protectionist policies combined with advances of the agricultural revolution & watt’s improved steam engine led to industrialization

  1. industrial revolution

  • economic changes of the industrialization revolution led to individuals such as adam smith challenging mercantilist policies & developing the foundations of capitalism

  1. capitalism

  • industrial demand for raw materials and new markets encouraged europeans to colonize new regions of the world, technological advancements of the industrial revolution made colonization possible

  1. imperialism

motivations for imperialism - e.m.p.i.r.e

  • economic - $$$

  • military - protect economic interests, project power

  • political - nationalism, gain power & prestige

  • ideological - cultural/racial superiority, social darwinism

  • religious - spread christianity

  • exploratory - curiosity about the unknown

what stopped europeans?

  • local resistance

  • disease

  • geography (distance & size of potential territories)

what changes after the industrial revolution?

  • military superiority (self-contained bullets, maxim gun)

  • steam-powered transport

  • medical advances ( e.g. aspirin, quinine, anesthesia, etc.)

  • internal disunity among locals

    • the decline of qing, mughals, & ottomans
