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Prefixes, combining forms, suffixes 

Ana- up, toward, apart Bi- two Epi- upon, over, above Hypo- under, below Uni- one Abdomin/o abdomen Anter/o ; anteri/o front Brachi/o arm card/o, cardi/o heart Caud/o tail Cephal/o head Cervic/o cervix, neck Chrondr/o cartilage Chron/o time cran/o, crani/o skull, cranium Dist/o far, distant Dors back Eti/o cause of disease Femor/o femur (thigh bone) Gastr/o stomach Gen/o to produce, cause, formation Glut/o buttock Hom/o same iatr/o, iatri/o to heal Idi/o person, self ili/o flank, hip, groin Infect/o to enter/invade Inguin/o groin Later/o side Lumbo/o lower back, loin Medi/o middle Path/o disease Pelvic/o pelvis, washbasin Physi/o nature Poster/o back Proxim/o near Spin/o spine (thorn) Super/o superi/o above Thorac/o thorax, chest Tom/o to cut Umbilic/o navel Ventr/o belly (front) -ac/-al/-ar/-/ic/-ior pertaining to -ad toward -graphy process of recording -ion act, process -logist one who studies -stasis standing still -y process of

Prefixes, combining forms, suffixes 

Ana- up, toward, apart Bi- two Epi- upon, over, above Hypo- under, below Uni- one Abdomin/o abdomen Anter/o ; anteri/o front Brachi/o arm card/o, cardi/o heart Caud/o tail Cephal/o head Cervic/o cervix, neck Chrondr/o cartilage Chron/o time cran/o, crani/o skull, cranium Dist/o far, distant Dors back Eti/o cause of disease Femor/o femur (thigh bone) Gastr/o stomach Gen/o to produce, cause, formation Glut/o buttock Hom/o same iatr/o, iatri/o to heal Idi/o person, self ili/o flank, hip, groin Infect/o to enter/invade Inguin/o groin Later/o side Lumbo/o lower back, loin Medi/o middle Path/o disease Pelvic/o pelvis, washbasin Physi/o nature Poster/o back Proxim/o near Spin/o spine (thorn) Super/o superi/o above Thorac/o thorax, chest Tom/o to cut Umbilic/o navel Ventr/o belly (front) -ac/-al/-ar/-/ic/-ior pertaining to -ad toward -graphy process of recording -ion act, process -logist one who studies -stasis standing still -y process of
