Linear Kinetics Biomechanics Exam 3 Study Guide

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Newton’s 1st Law?

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Newton’s 1st Law?

  • Law of inertia

    • A body remains at its current state of motion (constant velocity) unless acted upon by an external force

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What is inertia? Relationship between inertia and mass?

  • Tendency of an object to keep the current state of motion

  • Difficulty in changing the state of motion

  • Inertia is proportional to mass of an object

    • Mass=measure of inertia in linear motion

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Newton’s 2nd Law?

  • Law of Acceleration

    • An external force applied to a body causes acceleration

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F=ma? If F=0, what happens?

  • Force= Mass/ Acceleration

  • Acceleration= Force/Mass

  • If force is equal to zero, then acceleration is zero because they are proportional to one another

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Meaning of Net Force

  • Sum of all the forces acting

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Resistance vs. Propulsion

  • Minimize friction as resistance

    • Lubrication-synovial fluid (m=0.01)

    • Skating - gliding

    • Tire inflation & paving

  • Maximize friction as source propulsion

    • Source of horizontal GRF

    • Cleats: prevent slipping

    • Skating - push off

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Newton’s 3rd Law?

  • Law of Reaction

    • For every force (action), there is an equal and opposite reaction.

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What is reaction?

  • Same magnitude

  • Opposite direction

    • EX:

      • Bullet vs. Gun

      • Fist Fighting

      • Propulsion in swimming (pushing water behind you)

      • Hockey players

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Ground Reaction Force (GRF)?

  • Reaction supplied by the ground

  • Passive force

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Importance of the GRF?

  • Important for human motion

    • Major external force that accelerates the body

      • Speeds up

      • Slows down

    • The only external force one can voluntarily control

      • Weight is always constant & downward

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How Does a high jumper utilize the GRF during takeoff?

  • Slow-down of rightward (+) velocity

  • Slow-down of downward (-) velocity

  • Speed-up of upward (+) velocity

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Law of Gravitation?

  • All bodies are attracted to one another due to their masses

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Properties of gravitation

  • Proportional to masses

  • Inversely proportional to (separation distance)^2

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Weight? Relationship between weight and mass?

  • Gravity exerted to a body by the earth

  • Weight= (mass)(gravitational acceleration)=mg

  • Direction: downward

  • Passes through the COM of the body

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Gravitational acceleration?

9.81 m/s^2 in downward direction towards the earth

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  • Force acting at the are of contact between two surfaces

  • Source of horizontal GRF

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  • Proportional to

    • Normal reaction force (N)

    • Friction coefficient (WEIRD U)

  • Cannot exceed your force

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  • Opposite that of motion or motion tendency

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Friction Proporties

  • Friction coefficient

  • Force

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Sliding friction vs. Rolling friciton

  • Sliding friction

    • Friction due to relative motion of the surfaces

  • Rolling friction

    • Friction due to temporary deformations of the surfaces

  • Sliding vs Rolling

    • Sliding friction >> rolling friciton

    • Beneficial to convert sliding to rolling for smaller friction

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Static friction vs Kinetic friction?

  • Static friction

    • Ff experienced with no motion (F=Ff)

    • Max. static friction = force required to initiate motion

  • Kinetic (dynamic) friction

    • Ff experienced during motion (F>Ff)

    • Force required to maintain motion once initiated

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Max static friction

  • Max. static friction = force required to initiate motion

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Force required to initiate motion and force required to maintain the motion?

  • Max. Static Friction: force required to initiate motion

  • Kinetic (dynamic) Friction: Force required to maintain once initiated

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Your Force vs. Friction? Net Force?

  • Force is a push or pulls acting on a body that causes a motion

  • Net force is the sum of all the forces acting

  • Friction is the force acting at the area of contact between 2 surfaces

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Lubrication vs. Friction? Role of synovial fluid in a synovial joint?

  • Lubrication decreases friction. Synovial fluid reduces friction in the joints which in turn reduces injury between bones.

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Resistance vs. Source of propulsion

  • Minimize friction as resistance

    • Lubrication- synovial fluid (m = 0.01)

    • Skating - gliding

    • Tire inflation & paving

  • Maximize friction as source of propulsion

    • Source of horizontal GRF

    • Cleats: prevent slipping

    • Skating- push off

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Friction vs. Horizontal GRF

  • Friction

    • Force acting at the area of contact between 2 surfaces

    • Source of horizontal GRF

      • Used as a source of propulsion to MAXIMIZE friction

      • Ex. Soccer Cleats, Ice skates

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Momentum? Its Importance?

  • Amount of motion

  • M=mv

  • Vector

    • Direction=direction of velocity

  • Important in giving & receiving impact, collision etc.

  • Unit: kg*m/s

  • Important in giving & receiving impact, collision, etc

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Principle of momentum conservation?

  • If no external force, total momentum remains constant

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  • The accumulated effect of force exertion over a period of time

  • Vector quantity: direction= direction of force

  • Unit: Ns

  • Causes change in momentum

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Strategies in giving/ receiving impulse?

  • Giving impulse (batting, throwing, etc)

    • Maximize impulse by maximizing the momentum of the apparatus (batting)

    • Elongating elapsed time

  • Receiving impulse (landing, catching, etc)

    • Reduce impulse, if possible

    • Reduced impulse force/ pressure by increasing time/area

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Mechanical Work?

  • Force applied against a resistance

  • Accumulated effect of force exertion over a displacement

  • Work = (force)(displacement)

  • Scalar

  • Unit: J (Joule) =Nm

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Positive work vs. Negative work

  • Contribution vs taking away

  • Determined by the angle between f &d

    • If THETA > Pi/2 rad (opposite), negative work

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Muscle Contraction types vs Work?

  • Concentric contraction: positive work

  • Eccentric contraction: negative work

  • Isometric contraction: no mechanical work

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Work while overcoming the gravity (weight): mountain or stair climbing?

  • Mountain

  • Stair Climbing

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Mechanical Power?

  • Rate of work

  • Intensity of work

  • Rate of energy generation/consumption

  • Power= (work)/(elapsed time)

  • Power= (force)(velocity)

  • Unit: W (Watt)= J/s

  • Scalar

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Mechanical Energy? Potential vs Kinetic?

  • Capacity to do mechanical work

  • Mechanical energy (ME) = Potential E + Kinetic E

  • Potential (PE): energy due to vertical (height)

  • Kinetic (KE): energy due to motion (velocity)

  • Scalar

  • Unit: J

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Mechanical energy conservation? Diving ex?

  • If gravity is the only external force acting on a system, ME remains constant

  • EX: Diving (work causes a change in mechanical energy of the system

  • Positive work: Increases energy of the system

  • Negative work: Decrease energy of the system

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