Memorable (adj.)
likely to be remembered or worth remembering.
Formal (adj.)
Formal language, clothes, and behaviour are suitable for serious or official occasions.
Affair (noun)
an event.
Sit-down (adj.)
a sit-down meal is served to people who are sitting at a table.
Custom-fit (adj.)
personalized with regard to shape and size.
Woollen (adj.)
made of wool.
Fabric (noun)
cloth or material for making clothes, covering furniture, etc.
Peréonalized (adj.)
used to describe an object that has someone's name on it, or that has been made for a particular person.
Outfit (noun)
a set of clothes worn for a particular occasion or activity.
To talk at someone (phrasal verb)
to speak to someone without listening to that person or allowing them to speak.
Small talk (noun)
conversation about things that are not important, often between people who do not know each other well.
To take a telling (phrase)
to do as one is asked without having to be told again.
Chatterbox (noun)
a person, especially a child, who talks a lot.
To regress (verb)
to return to a previous and less advanced or worse state, condition, or way of behaving.
Immature (adj.)
not behaving in a way that is as calm and wise as people expect from someone of your age.
To chit-chat (verb)
to talk informally about matters that are not important.
Face-to-face (adverb)
directly, meeting someone in the same place.
Factual (adj.)
using or consisting of facts.