Ap WH Unit 4 Review:

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Afonso de Albuquerque

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Afonso de Albuquerque

________ won a battle against Arab traders to win the Port of Malacca (remember- this is like "buying the door "in the Indian ocean !)

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________ is all about trade and travel.

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Portuguese ports

________ in India was the first step towards the creation of their trading post empire.

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Pueblo Revolt

________ against the Spanish in modern New Mexico.Natives vs settlers.Spanish conquered the area in 1692.

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Astronomical Chart

________- A map of the stars and galaxies used for navigation.

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Vasco da Gama

________- Sailed further East than Diaz, all the way to India.

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Great Britain

Economic system: mercantilism in the easiest form is sell more than you buy* everything is done for the glory of the mother country (________)* mercantilism is not capitalism, your taking the resources for free and selling back to them for profit* No nation supported exploration as heavily as Portugal.

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The ________- A small three masted ship developed by the Portuguese made sailing rough seas easier.

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Jacques Cartier

________- Sailed from the Atlantic ocean to the northern US.He didnt find a water- route to Asia but to Canada* France became heavily involved in the fur trade.French exploration is fur trade, big element of mercantilism (beaver furs)

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________- Map Making.

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Joint stock companies

________ are the ones that are working on behalf of the British government and British people.

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________ controlled Pondicherry, a city in South East India until the British victory in the Seven Years War pushed ________ out of Indian in 1763.

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________ becomes a dominant force in the global economy making places like Spain and Europe insanely rich.

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________ controlled a small trading post near Goa before being pushed out by the British in the 20h century.

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Columbian exchange

________:* In the eastern and western hemisphere not only were goods shared but diseases, foods and animals in the ________.

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Chattel slavery

________ is just slavery* indentured slavery is a contract* Peninsulares, creoles, mestizos, native American Indians, enslaved persons.

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________ annexed Manila near the Phillipines and it became a Spanish commercial center, with many Filipinos becoming Christian.

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Magnetic Compass

________- taken from China helped point a ship in the right direction.

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Bartholomew Diaz

________- First to sail around the tip of Africa.

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________- port cities, become rare and more important than ever, Portugal dominates trade because they set up trading posts.

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Maroon Wars

Slaves in the Caribbean fought to gain freedom in the ________ (external) from England.Maroons were descendants of runaway slaves and they formed independent settlements under Queen Nanny.

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Commercial Revolution

Economic Strategies and the ________:* The shift towards a global economy using gold and silver is known as the ________ which was marked by four things: development of European overseas colonies, opening of new trade routes, population growth, inflation (Price revolution)* mercantilism falls under the ________* Currency of Portuguese (silver) and Spain (gold)* Joint- Stock Companies like the British East India Company and Dutch East India company financed trade and exploration.

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Animals & Food

________:* Native Americans ate very little meat.Introduction of new meats like pigs and cows changed American diets.

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Lateen Sail

________- Triangle sail that could catch the wind from any direction allowing ships to sail on the ocean.

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Newtons Ideas of Gravity

________- Increased knowledge of tides.

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________ was transported on giant Spanish ships called galleons.

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