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types of columns
corinthian = most ellaborate, RUNNING FREEZE (sculptures all the way across the pediment), outer islands/provinces (panhellenic)
ionic = curved, RUNNING FREEZE, outer islands/provinces (panhellenic)
doric = DON’T HAVE A BASE, simple capital (top portion of column), triglyphs, metope
3 little scratches
sculptural decoration
running freeze
sculptures all the way across
axonometric view
cuts the building in half vertically (dollhouse view), shows how many levels there are, details of construction, etc.
inner chamber of an ancient greek or roman temple
true worship area, STATUES of GODS/GODDESSES located here with an altar for sacrifices
type of structure w/2+ columns or caryatids in the ____, placed between the columns
room to get to cella or naos
made up of decorations, never plain
side portion of roof, sits on columns
final stair/where temple is built on
____ formed first, then _____
greece, rome
drinking glass, sides = handles, bottoms of kylix’s were painted with an image → stimulated conversation at drinking parties (SYMPOSIA)
vessel itself takes on the characteristics of the human body ⇒ bottom = foot, middle = belly, shoulder = nearing the neck, neck = near the top, mouth = actual top/opening → used for STORAGE of olive oil, ashes, markers, etc. [used as MONUMENT in CEMETERIES]
Painted in center, large surface area for painting and story telling
Wide opening
acanthas line
ivy appearance
star/snowflake/flower appearance
order of greek art development
1) geometric
2) archaic
3) classical (more naturalistic, realistic, human looking)
4) Hellenistic
geometric figures engraves/painted
black figure vs red figure
black figure —> scratching away surrounding pigment to remove mistakes and create a clean, black figure
red figure = instead of scratching away pigment from BACKGROUND, you scratch away pigment for the FIGURES
Advantages → less time, more detailed, more aligned with the greek’s skin tone, more room for error (you can always make them bigger if you make a mistake)
what became the preferred style for vessel making?
red figure
Achilles and Ajax plaing dice
play a game together, take a break from atrocities, stress, and trauma of war ⇒ in this moment of ‘reprieve’ (helmets nearby still, sitting at edge of seat ready to pounce, etc.)
Achilles wins the dice game, ajax loses → moments later, achilles is killed and ajax takes his lifeless body ⇒ testament to life and the way fortune works
Politics, money, sex, etc. ⇒ greeks wanted to talk about these seemingly “inappropriate” topics
zeus or poseidon
NATURALISM = life like and anatomically correct
contrapposto position
why can it be either or? NOT SURE WHAT HE WAS THROWING
if lightning bolt, then zeus, but if trident, then poseidon
Beard is lightly drippy and long = poseidon
Hand seems like its holding a lightning bolt more than a trident = zeus
The acropolis
Source of many different temple structures situated on hills in Athens
Athenians required to pay tribute there annually
Greeks required to pay tribute every 4 years → panhellenic procession
Buildings made as symbolic representations → outlying greek provinces paid athens to defend their territories with their military (weaponry, etc.) if invasions occurred by surrounding areas
Goddesses decorated or made of very beautiful materials (ivory, gold, etc.) → how much money is being invested into defense over decorations? —> SO a treasury was built - small building that demonstrated to the islands that their investments were safe
place where greeks could rest from large trek uphill, enjoy some art before worshipping the rest of → front of image
most famous of all the structures (not the PANTHEON which is in ROME)
Enormous statue of athena with ivory and gold, reflection pool in front of her, around 33 feet high
caryatids, attached to the Aretheon
figures of women that looked our iver ruins of a temple that was sacked —> never to be another temple built in that area, job was to look out for and remember that temple) → remembering a site by its emptiness
Aphrodite of Knidos
nude (taboo for women to be nude in art during this time) → goddess of love and beauty → born nude in a seashell, covered at shore
This work of art → SCANDALOUS
Taking off clothes → disrobing
Considered disrespectful
She’s looking away → should the male be allowed to look at her without her knowing? Considered scandalous
Nike of Samothrace
winged victory
At the front of a boat
As sailors sailed out to war/conflict, she was the last thing they saw → wishing them success on their endeavors
First thing to see as they returned home → welcoming them back home with the victory they hopefully achieved
nike =
archaic/classical vs hellenistic
One on the left = smiling, hair texture, more muscle definition/fleshiness
One on right → sharp/angular, downcast eyes, grimacing, more naturalism in terms of dying position, anatomically correct, leg and arm over edge of pediment (seems as though he can topple over into the viewer ⇒ more dramatic) → Hellenistic (heightened era of greek sculpture)
classical period
naturalistic, realistic, more human looking
hellenistic period
more dramatic, real
geometric to archaic
Kouros figure has an ARCHAIC smile → alien eyes, empty and vacant → all of these sculptures are painted → polychromy (many colors, brightly colored)
Ribbon is his hair
metopee’s or running freeze’s painted similarly
Kouros → anatomical stance
contrapposto position
All of the weight of the figure is readjusted → in spine/back, subtle S-CURVE (when you drop the hips, rest of the body compensates for that adjustment), shoulders will then compensate for the curve too
doric style
ionic style
corinthian style