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Draw DME
Draw Bz
Z is a rare letter
It’s a thing you never see! BENZOYL= ketone bit branched out of benzene
Draw Bn
Benzene w/ methyl
Why does EtOH have a larger b.p. than Et2O
Ethanol can self associate with h-bonds
Why can’t you get 100% pure ethanol via distillation?
Vapour reaches 96% purity- same as liquid- no more purification
Draw propylene glycol
List three solvents for oral medicines-
propylene glycol ( 2 hydroxyls, 3 carbon chain)
Name a cationic surfactant
benzylalkonium chloride
draw beznyl alkonium chloride
draw sodium lauryl sulfate
Na+ is the floaty bit
Sulphate is attached to the carboxylic bit, replacing H
give other names for surfactants
emulsifying agents
explain amphillic
Compounds which simultaneously have both lipophilic and hydrophilic properties in the one molecule
sodium stearate
Give the systematic name for S
stearic acid C=18
remember the n-
n-octadecanoic acid (an= no alkyne/alkene bonds)
Whats SDS
sodium dodelyl sulphate
describe the lenght of Benzalkonium chloride
8-18 carbon chain
draw cetyl pyridinium chloride
pyridine = 6 membered aromatic ring
16 carbon chain atatched to the N
hence quartenary amine= + charge
how many c in myristic acid
how many c in palmic acid
how many c in stearic acid
how many c in lauric acid
how many c in capryl acid?
How many c in caprylyl acid
draw sorbitan monostearate
the fatty acid added at the primary alcohol of sorbitan
what’s the structure of oleic acid
Oleic acid
9Z-hexadecenoic acid
16 carbion chaiin
cis alkene bond at C9
which have PEG units
tweens/ spans
spans have ONLY the monopalmitate bit (fatty acid bit!)
draw a polysorbate monoester (tween)
describe how to increase / decrease aq solubity of a polysorbate monoester
for an x amount of ethoxy groups within the molecule→ more esters= more lipophillic
more ethoxy groups (n /o\/ ) more hydrophillic
draw azo
Draw quinine
draw an indigoid
draw triarylmethane
whtas the range of the visible sprectrum?
where is red absorbed
500nm lamba max
what’s used to measure the lamba max?
visible spectrometer
what’s electron delocation
e- movement throught the overlapping pi orbitals
what’s a conjugated system
system of overlapping pi orbitals tahts allows for delocalisation of pi electrons (in double bonds/triple/lone pairs)
what controls the colour
The greater the degree of conjugation, the longer the wavelength required (lower energy) for π-electrons to undergo transition
→ pi electrons bounce more easily if more conjugation so less energy needed= longer wavelenght (red absorbed)
why does pH alter colour
partially protenated= no lone pairs on amine for example
less conjugation → higher energy, shorter wavelenghts absorbed wh
what happens when electrons absorb energy from wavelnghts
promoted to a higher energy level
no longer have opposite spin
→ quantum of specific energy is absorbed by one of the electrons, it may undergo a transition to a higher, excited state (↑↑) – σ to σ* or π to π*.
what are the rules for a ring flip?
up stays up
down stays down
equitorial becomes axial (and vice versa)
where C2 was, C1 replaces it
the first two / / parrallel lines are drawn in the opposite direction→ \ \
wedge = up
explain the difference between monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes
monoterpene→ one set of C-10
sesqui (1.5) terpene→ one and a half sets of C10→ C15 in total
what measures the composition of oils?
gas chromotography
draw vanillin
benzyladehyde base
hydroxy group at C4
methoxy group at C3
when naming the hydroxy group goes firts despite being @ C4 due to alphabetical order
what’s the difference between vanillina nd vanillic acid?
vanillic acid has the benzylALDEHYDE oxidised to the acid form
what’s the difference between thymol and methanol
thymol is an aromatic ring
how do amine taste
draw methanol
one methyl
one isopropyl group
one hydroxyl
draw the major componnemt of aniseed oil
methoxy para to the propene substituent
called trans anethole
what can bond to H by h bonding?
lone pairs of e- of O / N
whats a furanose
5 memberred ring with o
what molecules are chiral
ones with 4 dif substituents
SOS TAG isnt chiral, O bit has 2 S subsituents
where can you start the mesomeric move of e- when doing resonance structures
not only at the lone pair
go ahead and start at the middle of the ring!
what’s the hawroth projection
the ring onede
describe the stereohemistry of fisher prohection
vertical bonds→ dashed
horizontal bonds→ wedged
whats [a]d
specific optical rotation
independent of conc and sample tube lenght
whats the anomeric carbon
carbon derived from the carbonyl
new chiral centre
how does a mutorotation work
all three (alpha, beta, aliphatic) in equilibrium in aq sol
beta→ aliphatic→ alpha and so on by doing a twistyy
what wavelenght is sodium d light?
whats th flash point?
min temp needed to vapourise
why does the sulfone group increase solubility
allows partial ionisation at a pH of 7
what’s e delocalisation
the movement of e- through overlapping pi orbotals due to conjugation
if pka>ph protenated / deprotenated?
amines @peptide pka= 9 , at phys pH they are protenated
draw vinylchrolide
vinyl→ c=c bond
chloride replaces a H
Draw PVC and assign polymer type
homopolymer linear
draw acrylnitrile
one H replaced with cyano group
whats methin
the carbon attached to three Rs
how are graft polymers made?
x/ gamma radiationde
describe graft polymer structure
made with homopolymers
a-a-a-a branched off of b-b-b-b
describe the properties of graft polymers
retain some of the homopolymers
how are random polymers made
radical mechanism
how are block copolymers made
ionic polymerisation
describe propertie of block copolymers
retain some from homopolymers
draw ethylene oxide
2c one Od
draw propylene oxide
3carbon - epoxide and a methyl CHIRAL!!!
describe the sterreochem of polyoxalane
if the propylene oxide racemic then polyoxalene is also racemic
draw vinylbenzene
what kimd of polymer does vinylbenzene and acrylnitrile make?
regualr polymer
what are crosslined polymers
their branches are also linked to each other
describe the phys properties of crosslinked polymers
swell when a=water added
decreased solubility
whats the name of acrrylic acid with a methyl replacing H on the hydroxy group
methyl acrylate w
whats the name of acrrylic acid with a methyl replacing H on the ethene
methyl acrylic acid d
draw acrylic acid
ethene with COOH on it