defensa moda
El estrés inherente al ________ puede contribuir, directa o indirectamente, a la aparición de trastornos generales o específicos del cuerpo y la mente, así como a dificultar seriamente el proceso de curación.
Los componentes ________ y parasimpáticos cooperan (trabajan en equipo) para mantener la estabilidad del cuerpo.
El modo creativo se activa por aquellas emociones que experimentamos como placenteras: alegría, amor, felicidad, ________, alegría, seguridad, entusiasmo, etc.
único ruta
Las emociones son la brújula existencial que indica el ________ de cada uno, ya que constituyen signos auténticos de quiénes somos y quiénes queremos ser.
sexual actividad
Mi sistema parasimpático está inactivo o eclipsado por el sistema simpático, por lo que ninguno de los sistemas que regula el parasimpático (inmunológico, sueño, digestión, ________, creatividad, memoria, inteligencia, etc.)
El ________ es un tipo de estrés positivo y placentero, un estado de activación justa, ni demasiado alta (estresante) ni demasiado baja (aburrida), de las funciones corporales y cerebrales superiores.
________ proviene de la palabra movimiento, y se refiere a una fuerza intrínseca que nos mueve naturalmente hacia algo, por eso decimos que somos ________ cuando nos sentimos atraídos por algo, persona o actividad; por otro lado, en la voluntad, en lugar de sentirnos atraídos, tenemos que empujar.
comportamiento manipulación
Casi todo el comercio se basa en ________ y en la movilización de emociones en los consumidores, por lo que las emociones del momento suelen ser una guía errónea.
biológico nivel
En el ________, el modo creativo es un equilibrio entre el sistema parasimpático y el simpático.
El ________ puede comenzar con un simple miedo o miedo, e incluso puede nacer de la preocupación.
________ le indica cuándo una actividad es muy agradable para usted y representa un desafío para sus habilidades.
Temor de fracaso
________ nos está alertando sobre posibles peligros, y puede deberse a expectativas demasiado altas, falta de preparación, baja autoestima, etc.
existencial información
Todas las emociones son un instrumento inestimable, ya que nos proporcionan ________.
El ________ también secreta emociones que activan el modo creativo.
El ________ es un llamado interno a hacer algo que seguramente será tan único e irrepetible como uno mismo.
personal comportamiento
Las emociones determinan biológicamente las líneas de acción, el funcionamiento corporal y ________.
saludable gente
En el ________ psicológico, las emociones de angustia, miedo, ira, vergüenza, entre otras desagradables, no son compatibles con la actividad sexual.
palabra vocación
El ________ viene del latín «vocare «, que significa llamar, convocar.
defensa moda
Un biólogo especializado en creatividad sostiene que la felicidad aumenta las posibilidades de tener ideas o experiencias de creatividad, mientras que la ansiedad -________- las reduce.
biológico nivel
El cuerpo, en el ________, se comporta de acuerdo con un mecanismo de «economía «que hace que los recursos que son propios de una función determinada se eliminen y se pongan al servicio de satisfacer una necesidad que finalmente se percibe como una jerarquía mayor.
Defensa moda
El ________ se activa por emociones desagradables: enfado, vergüenza, culpa, miedo, tristeza, disgusto, envidia, ansiedad, angustia, entre otros.
But today emotions exalt us by gracing us with what no supercomputer will ever have
the privilege of feeling
Think about your work, your hobby or your favorite activity and answer me
which of the 5 senses tells you that your work is what you like
We all remember that passage where the fox said to the Little Prince
"It doesn't look good if it's not with the heart, because the essential thing is invisible to the eye"
I think emotions are there to tell us where to look, even though we lack rational explanations, because as Pascal said
"The heart has reasons that reason will never understand."
I insist
emotions are real existential information about what you like to do, but you will only discover that by doing and not lying on the couch watching TV or having a beer
The equation is simple
to generate people without tolerance for frustration, without tolerance for uncertainty, so that they despair easily and stop looking within them for what they need and what makes them happy
On the other hand, it is necessary to dive in
to know and experience in depth what you choose
So I had two paths
to follow what my brain or rational part indicated to me
As they say
"If you choose a job you love, you won't have to work a single day."
This is one of the main goals of Emotional Education
The explanation we usually give to these cases is
"It was the droplet that exceeded the glass", isn't that true
Also from shame can arise its secondary emotion
social phobia
Francisco Pascasio Moreno said
"You don't love what you don't know, you don't protect what you don't love."
Psychologists know that this is something else
it's called a heat
It may happen that two people feel something very strong from the moment they met, but of course it was not authentic love at first, but rather a chemical question (or an attraction to the idealization of the other's intelligence, experience, kindness or charisma) that served as an initial "push" towards the construction of a bond in which, over time, true love will arise
or not -
A psychologist who is an expert in emotional life argues that we do the same with unpleasant emotions
we cover them up believing that they are the problem, when in reality they are just a sign that indicates the problem
Imagine this situation
Were you able to concentrate on studying or understanding a text in the midst of a fit of anger
Another experiment easy to verify
you were starving, but right when you sat at the table, with friends or family, one topic led to another and suddenly a strong, angry discussion begins
I know that there are exceptions at this point
some people whet their appetite even more and they make a "bulimic attack" on everything they find
The Emotional Switch
Defense Mode or Creative Mode
In contrast, these adaptive behaviors (sleeping, studying, eating, understanding, remembering, be creative, attentive, sexually willing) will be biologically possible when there is a balanced activation of the other half of the central nervous system
the parasympathetic system
So that every emotion, by activating and deactivating biological systems, puts you under a domain of action
creative mode or mode defense
This is why people get sick more often when they are very stressed
their immune systems aren't working because they're in defense mode
If you were eating an apple under a tree and a leopard stalked you for breakfast, you couldn't say
"Wait a minute, now I'm digesting, then you'll run me to eat me."
Defense mode is activated by unpleasant emotions
anger, shame, guilt, fear, sadness, disgust, envy, anxiety, anguish, among others
As we saw, anger activates the defense mode, which at the biological level activates the sympathetic system over the parasympathetic system, deactivating all the systems it regulates
immune, digestive, sexual, sleep and creativity systems, etc
The creative mode is activated by those emotions that we experience as pleasant
joy, love, happiness, tranquility, joy, security, enthusiasm, etc
Then your body celebrates
"If this is not a time for defense, enjoy, recharge your energy and do what I please! "
This phenomenon was described by psychology as flowing
an experience in which you connect so much with what you do that you lose track of the passage of time and self-awareness