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Heterogenous mixtures
A combination of two or more pure substances in which each retains its individual properties
Ex. of a Heterogenous Mixture
Orange Juice: The juice and the pulp are not blended perfectly
What are two types of heterogenous mixtures?
Colloids and Suspensions
A mixture containing particles that settle out if left undisturbed.
Example of a Suspension
Muddy water/lakes: Mud and rocks settle at the bottom and water is clear
A heterogenous mixture of intermediate-sized particles (between 1nm and 100nm in diameter) that are made of dispersed mediums and dispersion mediums (Basically mixtures that can’t be filtered out into separate solutions)
Dispersion Medium
The most substance in a colloid mixture
Tyndall effect
A phenomenon in which dispersed colloid particles scattered lights
Colloids make what kind of movement?
Jerky random movements called Brownian motion. Results from collision’s of particles of the dispersion medium with the dispersed particles
Homogenous mixtures
Also known as solutions; contain two or more substances called the solute and the solvent
Substances that dissolve
The dissolving medium
The Universal Solvent
A uniform mixture that contains solids, liquids, and gasses; also known as a homogenous mixture
What does soluble mean?
Describes a substance that can be dissolved in a give solvent
Example of soluble
Sugar is soluble in water
What does insoluble mean?
A substance that does not dissolve in solvents
Example of insoluble
Sand cannot dissolve in water
Two liquids can be soluble in each other
Example of miscible liquids
Milk and water; Alcohol and Water
Two substances that can be mixed together but separates shortly after
Ex of Immiscible
Oil and Water
The measure of how much solute is dissolved in a specific amount of solvent and solution
When something is concentrated it is?
A solution with a large amount of solute in comparison to solvent
When something is diluted it is?
A solution with a large amount of solvent in comparison to solute