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Built cities in the Yucatan Peninsula (modern Belize, Guatemala, southern Mexico) and were part of the South American cultures from 300-800 AD.
Took over after the Mayans and built Tenochtitlan, dominating Mexico and Central America.
Located in Peru, they took over South America.
Native American language spoken in the Northeastern region of North America.
Native American language spoken in the Great Plains region of North America.
Native American language spoken in the Southwest region of North America.
Hokokam, Anasazi, Pueblos
Native American settlements located in the Southwest region before European arrival.
Encomienda System
A system where the Spanish king granted land and natives to individuals who forced the natives to work in mines or farms.
Columbian Exchange
The exchange of plants, animals, and diseases between Europe and the Americas after Columbus's voyages.
Valladolid Debate
A debate in Spain in 1550-1551 discussing the treatment of Native Americans in Spanish colonies, with Bartolome de Las Casas advocating for better treatment.