everything is caused by antecedents
actions are caused but we still have free will
we do not have free will as everything is caused
free actions are caused by internal or external causes
AJ Ayer
forced actions vs caused actions
philosophical determinism
every event is caused by another and past events are fixed
locked room analogy
we have free will until we realised that we are not free and free will is an illusion
biological determinism
behavioural traits are passed down genetically so we do not have free will
case study -bio determinism
a study in finland in 2014 found a gene which was associated with violent crime and those with the gene were 13x more likely to offend
psychological conditioning
ivan Pavlov and classical conditioning showed how we learn to make connections which controls how we behave
our innate nature to desire sin due to the fall
messa peccati
lump of sin
the elect
those that God chooses to save
John Calvin
“Humans are utterly depraved”
total depravity, unconditional election, limited atonement, irresistible grace and perseverance of the elect