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Nephrotosis (Ptosis) impacts which structure
Where is the site of filtration
Renal Corpuscle
What is the Capsular Space
This is the capsular space
What is not here?
NO submucosa
What is the Major Calyx?
Major Calyx
What does ADH impact?
DCT (distal convoluted tubule)
CD (collecting duct
What creates the lubules?
Tunica Albuginea
Cools blood as entering testis?
Cremaster muscle
Dartos muscle
Where does spermatogenesis occurs where?
Seminiferous tubules
Sperm is moved by where?
Ductus vas deferens
Where do sperm cells mature occur?
Ductus epididymis
Locate the Ejaculatory duct?
Ejaculatory duct
Where is the ampulla vas deferens?
Ampulla of the ductus vas deferens
Proteolytic enzymes that are anticoagulant, come from where?
Prostate gland
Where is 60% of semen that will irritate female reproductive tract produced?
Seminal vesicle
Where is the Corpora cavernosa?
and 11.
Where is the Corpus spongiosum?
and 12.
Sperm moves from the efferent to where?
Where is testosterone produced?
Interstitial or Leydig cells
What is the secondary spermatocyte?
Secondary spermatocyte
What is the Primary spermatocyte?
Primary spermatocyte
What part of the sperm cell uses fructose to make ATP energy
What part of the sperm has digestive enzymes which when released will break down outer surface of ovum?
Where are the Labia majora?
Labia Majora
Which part anchors the uterus to labia majora?
Round ligament
Where is the isthmus where ectopic pregnancy can occur
Switches between 4. on blank slide
What is the extension of the labia minora?
Identify the Lactiferous duct
Lactiferous duct
Identify the Lactiferous sinus
Lactiferous sinus
Where is the female site of fertilization?
The Ampulla (switches between blank slide)
where is fertilization completed?
Meiosis II
What secretes progesterone?
Corpus Luteum
im not sure about this questioun
Where is the perimetrium?
None of the above
What forms the trilaminar disc?
Bilaminar disc
What portion of the mother’s uterus into the placenta?
Decidua Basalis
What color is the umbilical artery?
not sure about this slide at all.
which cell is a diploid stem cell?
What contributes about 5% of semen and is alkaline and provides lubricant for head of penis?
Bulbourethral gland
Where is the Internal Urethral Oriface?
Internal Urethral Oriface?
Where is the spongy urethra?
Spongy Urethra
what has three layers that contract via parasympathetic nerves?
Detrusor muscle
Which part of the nephron only absorbs water
DLOH (Descending loop of henle)
What attaches the kidney to the abdominal wall?
Renal Fascia
Locate the renal capsule
Renal Capsule
Where is urine formed?
Renal Pyramid